
  • 网络Strobing;strobe;Flash;strobe light;Flicker
  1. 在欧洲版的车型中,明亮的LED尾灯会频闪以提醒逼近车辆的驾驶员(美国目前的规定只限急救车和公务车使用频闪灯)。

    In Euro-spec cars , the brilliant LED taillights strobe to alert the driver of the closing car ( U.S. regs currently limit strobing lights to emergency and official vehicles ) .

  2. 主要包括摄像机和滤光片的选取、摄像机的安装位置以及频闪光源的选取和编码设计。2研究了基于尺度不变特征(SIFT)的稳像技术。

    It includes the selection of camera and filter , Installation location of the camera and Strobe light design of the selection and coding , and so on . 2 we research image stabilization technology based on SIFT .

  3. 该乐队演出时闪光灯曾20分钟频闪不息。

    The band left their strobes on for 20 minutes .

  4. LED射灯无频闪,纯直流工作,消除了传统光源频闪引起的视觉疲劳。

    LED spotlights work in pure DC and flicker-free , eliminating the visual fatigue by traditional strobe light .

  5. 基于频闪法的MEMS动静态测试系统

    Measurement system for static and dynamic characterization of MEMS based on stroboscopic imaging

  6. 基于频闪映射的BOOSTPFC变换器中的间歇性分岔和混沌现象分析

    Analysis of intermittent bifurcations and chaos phenomena in Boost PFC Converters by stroboscopic map

  7. 频闪He-Ne激光高速干涉摄影装置

    He-Ne Laser Stroboscopic High Speed Interferography

  8. 保健护眼:LED均采用低压直流供电,无频闪、无眩光、亮度均匀,照明效果在视觉上更接近自然光;

    Health Eye : LED are used low-voltage DC power supply , no flicker , no glare , brightness uniformity , lighting effects visually closer to natural light ;

  9. 介绍了基于频闪显微干涉技术的MEMS动态测试系统的测量原理,设计了数据分析处理算法。

    A MEMS dynamic testing system based on stroboscopic microscopic interferometry is introduced . The algorithm of data analyzing is developed .

  10. 实验结果表明,双计数管方案能够有效消除x射线源频闪所造成的随机误差,为开发新型密度计奠定了基础。

    The results show that double counter tubes programs can effectively eliminate random errors caused by X-ray stroboscopic , laying the foundation for a new density meter .

  11. 本文基于机器微视觉的MEMS动态测试系统,设计了一套频闪驱动电路,用于采集高速运动的MEMS器件的清晰图像。

    Based on MEMS dynamic testing system this paper designs a set of strobo-scopic driving circuits to acquire clear image of high speed MEMS device .

  12. 区别于以往利用视觉功效学理论进行频闪研究的方法,本文转为从电路设计角度,测量几种典型驱动波形对LED发光波动影响。

    Different from existing research method using visual ergonomics theory to study light source stroboscopic , this paper designs the experiment to measure the impact of several typical drive waveform of LED fluctuations .

  13. 系统分别采用光流技术和显微干涉技术,结合频闪照明的方法,对MEMS器件的面内和离面运动特性进行了测量。

    This system employed optical flow technology and microscopic interferometry combining with stroboscopic illumination to realize the measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane motions of MEMS devices .

  14. 设计并调试了频闪驱动电路和高压放大电路,实现了MEMS器件的频闪照明和高压静电驱动;

    A stroboscopic drive circuit and a high-voltage amplifier circuit are designed and debugged , in order to realize stroboscopic illumination and high-voltage electrostatic stimulation of MEMS devices .

  15. SBR贴片式系列LED日光灯采用高亮度贴片式LED灯珠为光源,绿色环保、无频闪、寿命长、显色指数高、色温可选择范围宽。

    XH-SBR SMD LED fluorescent light with high brightness SMD LED AS light source lamp beads , green , no flicker , long life , high color rendering index , color temperature optional wide range .

  16. 其次,我们考虑的是具有脉冲生育和脉冲剔除的SI传染病模型,通过对频闪映射所确定的离散系统的研究,得到了周期解的(局部和全局)稳定性;

    Secondly , an SI epidemic model with density-dependent birth pulses is proposed and studied . By studying the discrete dynamical system determined by the stroboscopic map , we obtain the local and global stability of periodic solution .

  17. 采用5W以上的大功率LED构成频闪光源,不仅可以完全替代汞灯频闪光源的功能,而且驱动电路还可以大大简化。

    The stroboscopic light source made of high-power LEDs ( higher than5W ) not only can replace the mercury stroboscopic light source , but also can greatly simplify the drive circuit .

  18. 考虑一个具常数脉冲出生的Lotka-Volterra捕食-食饵系统,并利用频闪映射及Jury判定证明该系统的稳定性,拓展了传统的Lotka-Volterra捕食-食饵模型。

    The traditional Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system by introducing constant impulsive birth to prey is developed . Conditions for stability are established through the stroboscopic map and Jury inequalities .

  19. MMA利用频闪照明方法冻结器件的快速运动,可以测量1Hz~10MHz频率的三维运动特性,达到了nm级分辨力。

    This system can freeze the fast motions of MEMS devices by using strobed illumination , and it can measure the motions in 3-dimensions at frequencies from 1 Hz to 10 MHz with nanometer resolution .

  20. PIV激光片光源频闪技术拍摄的猝发系列照片生动展示了明渠紊流流场的猝发特性,可用于直接分析;

    Based on the PIV laser sheet technology , and data processing technique and hydrogen bubble visualization serial pictures , the turbulent bursting process was vividly depicted by frequency flash photo .

  21. 设计了LED频闪照明和MEMS器件驱动之间的同步控制方案,通过软件进行延迟补偿,实现了高精度、宽频MEMS运动特性的测量;

    A method of synchronization control between LED stroboscopic illumination and stimulation of MEMS devices is put forward , where software delay compensation is processed , with the result that the system can achieve high precision and broadband MEMS dynamic testing .

  22. 为了满足MEMS发展对测试系统的需求,基于频闪成像技术,设计了一套频闪同步控制系统,用于采集高速运动的MEMS器件的清晰图像。

    To satisfy the requirement of MEMS development to testing system , based on techniques of stroboscopic imaging and virtual instruments , a stroboscopic synchronous control system is designed so that the clear images about high-speed microdevice can be captured .

  23. 用光振子调制连续输出的He-Ne激光,配合转鼓相机,形成了频闪He-Ne激光高速干涉摄影装置。摄影频率达每秒20000幅。

    A. cw He-Ne laser is modulated by an optical vibrator to form the He-Ne laser stroboscopic light source for stroboscopic high speed interferography in cooperation with a rotating drum camera , its framing rate cart reach to 20000 pps .

  24. 为了实现MEMS器件的计量,一个基于频闪成像原理的MEMS动态测试平台被构建,用于在全频率、相位和电压输入范围内表征器件的全三维运动。

    To realize the measurement of microelectromechanical systems ( MEMS ) devices , a dynamic testing platform based on strobed imaging is presented , which can be used in the MEMS characterization of full 3-D motion over their full range of frequency , phase , and voltage inputs .

  25. 该系统采用改进的相移干涉算法,使用一个大功率激光二极管(LD)作为频闪照明的光源,可以实现1MHz范围内大幅值(十几微米)的微运动测量。

    The system uses a modified phase-shifting interferometric algorithm and a pulsed laser diode ( LD ) serves as the stroboscopic light source , permitting measurement of large-amplitude out - of-plane motions ( above ten micrometers ) below 1 MHz .

  26. 运用由频闪映射决定的离散动力系统,得到了具Ricker功能函数系统的精确1-周期解,并讨论了它在临界条件下的稳定性。

    Using the discrete dynamical system determined by the stroboscopic map , we obtain an exact 1-periodic solution of the system which is with Ricker function and obtain the threshold conditions for its stability .

  27. 通过对比实验表明,Harris-SIFT算法保持了较好的稳定性,同时很好地提高了匹配的效率。4提出了一种频闪光源检测与识别方法。

    The experimental results show that Harris-SIFT algorithm maintains good stability , while improves the efficiency of matching well . 4 Proposed a strobe light detection and identification approach .

  28. 采用频闪法对木材表面回弹性能进行了研究,结果表明:木材表面的回弹性能与碰撞球体的选择有关;

    Elastic resilience of wood surface is studied by stroboscope method .

  29. 利用频闪照明来冻结微结构的高速运动。

    Stroboscopic illumination to freeze the fast motions of the microstructure .

  30. 一种矿用便携式锚杆静态应变仪的设计频闪干涉仪在微机电系统动态表征中的应用

    Design of a Portable Static Strain Gauge for Anchor Used in Mine