
chánɡ yònɡ zì
  • frequently-used character
  1. 《古汉语常用字字典》指瑕

    Some Errors in The Common Use Dictionary of Archaic Chinese

  2. 常用字中成词语素分类标准研究

    On the Standards of the Classification of Idiomatic Morphemes

  3. 常用字处理软件编辑简谱音乐文件的实现方法

    The way to edit the numbered musical notation files with common WPS software

  4. 按照拼合后的音节选择日常生活中常用字,编制完成单、双音节小词表。

    Common words in daily lives are chosen in line with the merged syllables .

  5. 选字多为常用字,注重实用。

    Chooses the character many is the frequently used character , the attention is practical .

  6. 作为表意文字的汉字,形声字占常用字的90%以上。

    As a kind of ideographic writing , phonetic characters account for more than 90 % of sight words .

  7. 翻译文课文高频常用字的覆盖率,并不像整个教材一样随着语料库规模的扩大而降低,而是保持了相对的稳定性。

    The coverage rate of the high-frequency words used in translated literature is relatively stable compared with that of the whole text book . 4 .

  8. 汉字显然有些异类,常用字3500个,通用字7000个,能用字上万个。

    Character appears to be some " alien ", used the word 3500 , word 7000 General , tens of thousands of words can be used .

  9. 商务印书馆出版的《古汉语常用字字典》(修订版)是一部曾获中国辞书奖一等奖而流布极广的字典,但其中却有不少失误。

    A Dictionary of Common-used Ancient Chinese Words ( Revised Edition ) is a widespread dictionary , but there are a lot of faults in it .

  10. 从事这项长时间辛苦誊写刻画的僧侣们就开始寻找减少每一个常用字笔画数的方法。

    The monks that performed these long , tedious copying duties looked for ways to reduce the number of individual strokes per word for common words .

  11. 要加强高中语文的识字教学,必须从数量上和质量上抓好,对常用字要结合课文从字的音、形、义上确切掌握。

    To strengthen the teaching of learning to read in senior Chinese teaching , we must do a good job in both quantity and quality , teaching the everyday words in sound , shape and meaning connected with the text .

  12. 本文以3500常用字中的表意字为研究对象,运用分析、归纳、统计、列表的方法,对表意字的表意方式进行研究。

    In this article , the study object is 3500 common Chinese characters . It is mainly about the definition of meaning & expressing Chinese characters and the means how to identify them . Then , the study materials and study methods are indicated .

  13. 提出了一种针对这种分词歧义的消解算法,回避了训练代价比较高昂的词性信息而仅仅利用了词的概率信息及某些具有特定性质的常用字集合。

    An algorithm aiming at this type of ambiguities is proposed in the paper : instead of making use of part of speech statistical information which needs comparatively high training cost , the algorithm simply employs word frequency information and some common Chinese character subsets with defined properties .

  14. 文章概述了《古汉语常用字字典》的编写经过、学术基础、主要内容、修订及版本情况、所获荣誉、有关评价和在辞书史上的地位。

    In this article , the author makes a brief introduction to the process of the compilation , the academic base of it , the main contents , revision and the edition , along with the honours and the evaluation it received , its position in the history of lexicography .

  15. 本文给出一种用Windows造字程序创建一个经过精选的简谱音乐字符子集,从而可用常用办公字处理软件编辑简谱音乐文件的方法。

    The author described how to create an optimizing numbered musical notation character set with Windows word-formation program and gave the way to edit the numbered musical notation files by means of WPS .

  16. 俗语是在非正式讲话时常用的字或措辞;

    A colloquialism is a word or expression often used in informal speech .

  17. 本课将解释一些特殊的投资行业的常用缩略字。

    This lesson will explain some of the specific acronyms used in the investment industry .

  18. 耶和华对我说,你取一个大牌,拿人所用的笔,(或作人常用的字)写上玛黑珥沙拉勒哈斯吧斯。(就是掳掠速临抢夺快到的意思)

    Moreover the LORD said unto me , Take thee a great roll , and write in it with a man 's pen concerning Mahershalalhashbaz .

  19. 这种方法的本质在于将连续语音识别的方法用于连接词的识别,因而它比通常用孤立字识别方法来识别连接词的方法优越。

    The nature of this method is applying the method of continuous speech recognition on connected word recognition . It is better than the method which applying the method of isolated word recognition on connected word recognition .

  20. 这是以前常用的繁体字。

    Those are traditional characters .