
  • 网络Acheng;Ah Cheng
  1. 还有一些一度很有潜力的作家,如阿城、王朔,要不干脆不写了,要不在思想上自杀了,乃至于写不出来值得一看的东西。

    Other once-promising writers ( Ah Cheng , Wang Shuo ) have either quit writing altogether or committed intellectual suicide to the point that they can no longer write anything worth reading .

  2. 基于GIS的哈尔滨市阿城城区基准地价更新研究

    Research on Basic Land Price Update of Acheng District in Harbin City Based on GIS

  3. 大比例尺卫片在土地利用动态变化监测中的应用&以黑龙江省阿城监测区为例

    Application of large scale image on the dynamic changes of landuse

  4. 自由的审美空间&阿城小说论

    A Free Space for Appreciating Beauty & On A Cheng 's Novels

  5. 新农村建设要着力于制度创新&以哈尔滨阿城市阿什河稻农合作社为例

    The New Rural Construction Must Focus on the System Innovation

  6. 以1/2MS为基本培养基,利用阿城紫皮大蒜茎尖试管苗进行离体培养试验。

    In vitro experiments were carried out with the Acheng Purple garlic .

  7. 这就是我们阿城人缺少的骨气。

    This is what we lack the backbone Cheng .

  8. 对阿城市生态农业建设的思考

    Analysis on ecological agriculture construction in Acheng City

  9. 阿城的宇宙自然观和生命观

    A cheng 's view on universe and nature

  10. 意识与无意识之间&从心理分析角度看阿城《棋王》及其创作生涯

    Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness & Ahcheng 's Master of Chess and His Writing Career

  11. 哈尔滨市阿城区耕地可持续利用评价

    Evaluation of the Sustainable Use of Cultivated Land in Acheng District of Harbin City

  12. 阿城金源郡王神道残碑的初步研究

    Tentative Research on the Stone Tablet of Jin Yuan Prefectual Governer in A'Cheng City

  13. 《诗经》中周王祭祖心理初探重读阿城的三王

    Probe into the mental activity King Zhou in Worshiping ancestors in the Book of songs

  14. 喜欢俄国小说里的乡村描写,也欣赏阿城的撝?

    I do like the descriptions of countryside in Russian novels , and enjoy Acountryside .

  15. 阿城是一位对中国文化有着一种自觉追求意识的作家。

    Cheng is a Chinese culture with the pursuit of a conscious awareness of the writer .

  16. 省级历史文化名城是宁安、阿城、依兰、齐齐哈尔。

    The provincial famous historical and cultural cities are Ning An , Acheng , YiLan , QiQihar .

  17. 蔗糖浓度对阿城紫皮大蒜试管微鳞茎形成和膨大的影响

    Effects of Sucrose Concentration on the Bulblet Formation and Growth of ' Acheng ' Garlic in vitro

  18. 那天晚上我们晚餐吃鱼的时候,小阿城斯撒了一个我闻所未闻的弥天大谎

    That night when we ate the fish for supper Little Arliss told the biggest lie I ever heard

  19. 大城市周边卫星城土地集约利用评价方法研究&以黑龙江省阿城市为例

    A study of evaluation method of the satellite city land-use intensification & a case study of Acheng of Heilongjiang Province

  20. 实验对象是来自哈尔滨师范大学和哈师大阿城学院英语专业的学生。

    The subjects of the experiment are English major students from Harbin Normal University and Harbin Normal University Acheng College .

  21. 根据2004年阿城市降水量预报及多年径流资料数据分析,2004年初对汛期控制时段与限制水位进行了预测。经汛期的实际验证,所做的预测是正确的。

    The control time and lever in 2004 was forecasted according to precipitation runoff data of Acheng City in 2004 .

  22. 本文试从叙事学中的叙事时间这一角度入手,对阿城的小说《棋王》进行时距方面的研究。

    This article research the duration of the novel the king of playing chess , written by Acheng from narrative subject .

  23. 黑龙江省阿城市大岭乡吉兴屯发现了金代碑石,但碑石已残缺为三块。

    A Jin dynasty stone stele was found in Acheng city of Heilongjiang province , which had been broken into three pieces .

  24. 对黑龙江省哈尔滨至阿城高速公路景观绿化植物组成进行了调查,该路段景观绿化植物共有27种,隶属于15科,25属。

    Landscape green plant composition along the Harbin-Acheng Highway was investigated . All the 27 species belong to 15 families , 25 genuses .

  25. 对阿城区乡村旅游提出发展战略,并对近、中、远期的目标分别做出概括。

    The A Cheng district rural tourism development strategy is proposed , and the last , in the long-term target , respectively summarizes .

  26. 在他的作品中洋益着丰厚的道家文化精神,同时,这也是阿城对文化寻根做出的重要贡献。

    His works are brimming with a great of spirits of Taoist-culture . Meanwhile , this is an important contribution to culture seeking – root .

  27. 根据独占圆可求出阿城市水源均匀度,并对水源单位的格局进行检验,其结果为集聚格局,该格局可能是由阿城市的地形异质性造成的。

    The evenness index of Acheng water source was obtained according to the monopolized circle , with that the pattern of the water source was tested .

  28. 分析了阿城市水资源利用现状及存在的主要问题,提出了实现水资源可持续利用的相关对策。

    This paper analyzes the status of water resources in Acheng City and main problems and puts forword related countermeasures of sustainable utilization of water resources .

  29. 其次,缘于艺术地传达他的人生经验的目的,阿城创造性地运用第一人称叙事手法。

    Secondly , in order to skillfully disseminate his philosophy of life , Acheng blazed new trails to avail himself of the narration of the first person .

  30. 阿城继电器厂引进消化了当时国外先进的继电器制造技术,建立了我国自己的继电器制造业。

    Acheng City relay factory relay manufacture technique that to recommend to digest then abroad is advanced was built the relay manufacturing industry of our country oneself .