
  • 网络Abkhaz people
  1. 格鲁吉亚政府关闭了阿布哈兹人民在苏呼米的大学,理由居然是阿布哈兹人据称没有严格意义上的语言、历史或文化,因此不需要一所大学,你能否想象阿布哈兹人民对此会有何感受?

    Can you imagine what it was like for the Abkhaz people to have their university in Sukhumi closed down by the Tbilisi government on the grounds that they allegedly had no proper language or history or culture and so did not need a university ?

  2. 它希望西方会忘记其在阿布哈兹实施的种族清洗,这场清洗驱逐了逾四分之三的当地人格鲁吉亚人、希腊人、犹太人和其他人种只留下控制之中、占少数的阿布哈兹人。

    It hopes the West will forget ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia drove out more than three-quarters of the local population ethnic Georgians , Greeks , Jews and others leaving the minority Abkhaz in control .