
  • 网络Reconnaissance mission;Scout;Scout Mission;ISR
  1. 明天我要外出完成一次监视侦察任务

    I 'm going out on a surveillance scout tomorrow .

  2. 它既可以应用于军事小区域战场侦察任务,又能应用于交通监控,灾情勘察以及地形地貌勘测等民用任务,在众多领域均有巨大的应用前景。

    Mini-type wireless video transmission system not only can be used in military small-area battlefield scout , but also have great application foreground in different kinds of field , for example in traffic monitoring , disaster detecting and terrain reconnaissance .

  3. 这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。

    The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission .

  4. 这架飞机将用于执行侦察任务而不是战斗任务。

    The aircraft will be used for reconnaissance rather than combat .

  5. 直升机完成侦察任务后正在返航。

    The helicopter was returning from a reconnaissance mission

  6. 基于MAS技术的多星协同侦察任务规划系统设计

    Design of coordinated multi-satellite reconnaissance mission planning system based on multi-agent technique

  7. 多UAV协同侦察任务规划问题属于NP难的多目标组合优化问题。

    Multi-UAV cooperative reconnaissance mission planning problem belongs to NP-hard multiple objectives combinatorial optimization problems .

  8. 组织多架不同性能的UAV共同执行侦察任务是未来实施战场侦察的重要方式。

    A team of UAVs with different capabilities cooperate reconnaissance will be the main manner to conduct battlefield reconnaissance in the future .

  9. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)能够提供全天候条件下高分辨率的详细的地面测绘资料和图像,这种能力对于现代侦察任务是至关重要的。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) can provide all-weather terms high resolution topography imagery in detail , and also capable of penetrating through observation view port , which is significant to reconnaissance task .

  10. 论文基于建模理论和优化理论,针对多UAV协同侦察任务规划问题展开研究,主要工作及创新点如下:(1)建立了多UAV协同侦察任务规划模型。

    Based on modelling theory and optimization theory , this dissertation studies the multi-UAV cooperative reconnaissance mission planning problem . The contributions are as follows : ( 1 ) Presenting the multi-UAV cooperative reconnaissance mission planning model .

  11. 不过,以阿尔卑斯蒿酒代替了紫罗兰酒的话,我们则以《小王子》(TheLittlePrince)作者的姓埃克苏佩里(Saint-Exupery)来命名这款鸡尾酒,这位作家还曾为法国空军执行过空中侦察任务。

    With G é n é py des Alpes , however , we called it the Saint-Exup é ry , after the author of ' The Little Prince , ' who also flew reconnaissance missions with the French Air Force .

  12. LRDG并不属于英军正规编制单位,在1940年,它第一次在敌后阵线执行侦察任务。

    The LRDG was an unorthodox British unit first created in1940 to perform reconnaissance far behind enemy lines .

  13. 防空雷达对空侦察任务区分模型

    A differentiation model of air reconnaissance tasks for air defence radars

  14. 在我们扎营之前,他发出一个侦察任务。

    He sent out a reconnaissance mission right before we pitched camp .

  15. 他们被派到黑沙洲去招待一项侦察任务。

    They were sent on a reconnaissance mission to heishazhou .

  16. 这个小组奉命执行一项武装侦察任务。

    This group was under orders to carry out an armed reconnaissance .

  17. 他们在敌后执行侦察任务时被俘。

    They were taken prisoner while on a reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines .

  18. 他们在执行一项侦察任务。

    They were on a reconnaissance mission .

  19. 此战他担负着侦察任务,结果发现了英国人的侧翼包抄行动。

    During the battle he led a scouting mission that discovered the British flanking movement .

  20. 这是一次图像侦察任务。

    This is a photo Recon mission .

  21. 营部要派一个侦察任务。

    Battalion want a reconnaissance patrol .

  22. 最近增加到战场的包括执行侦察任务的小“昆虫”和吓唬敌人的大“狗”。

    Recent additions to the battlefield include tiny " insects " that perform reconnaissance missions and giant " dogs " to terrify foes .

  23. 作为轮式车辆,她们可以通过并不太泥泞的地面,她们是营的“眼睛”,并只为了完成侦察任务而进行自卫战斗。

    They are the eyes of the battalion and only fight in self defense or to be able to complete their reconnaissance task .

  24. 英国国防大臣胡恩对英国议会说,在英国军队完成侦察任务做出报告后,他预期将于本星期应美国要求做出决定。

    British Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon told parliament he expects a decision by mid-week on the U.S.request , after a report from a British military reconnaissance mission .

  25. 这家报纸报导说,军方正利用小型、非武装的螺旋桨飞机伪装民用飞机来执行侦察任务。

    U.S. officials are not confirming the newspaper 's reports that the military is using small , unarmed turboprop planes disguised as private aircraft to conduct surveillance .

  26. 搭载尼泊尔士兵的印度空军直升机在受灾最严重的山区多次执行侦察任务、以评估灾害情况,并制定计划向被困的幸存者分发救援物资。

    Indian air forced helicopters carried Nepali soldiers on numerous reconnaissance missions in the worst affected mountainous areas to assess the damage , and laid plans to distribute relief supplies to the stranded survivors .

  27. 基于GA的电子侦察卫星任务规划问题研究

    Mission Planning for Electronic Reconnaissance Satellites Based on Genetic Algorithm

  28. 多星侦察系统任务建模及规划技术研究

    Research on Modeling and Mission Planning Technique for Multi-Satellites Reconnaissance System

  29. 电子侦察卫星任务规划调度模型与算法研究

    Study of Electronic Reconnaissance Satellites Mission Scheduling Model and Algorithm

  30. 无人侦察机任务可靠性评估模型

    Task Reliability Evaluation Model of TUAV