
lā jī chǎnɡ
  • dump; dump;tip;graveyard;garbage
  1. 那个地方,请恕我直言,简直是个垃圾场。

    The place was , if you 'll pardon the expression , a dump .

  2. 带围墙的花园被用作了垃圾场。

    The walled garden was used as a dump .

  3. 警察在垃圾场发现了一把很大的面包刀。

    Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip

  4. 对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。

    Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps .

  5. 这套公寓简直就是个垃圾场。

    The flat is an absolute tip .

  6. 冬季时大群大群的海鸥会聚集在垃圾场和排污口。

    During the winter months , great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls .

  7. 房子后面有一个垃圾场。

    There is a dump behind the house .

  8. 这些鸟类不再飞行数千英里去寻找食物,而是把垃圾场变成它们冬天的觅食地。

    Instead of flying thousands of miles in search of food , they make the waste sites their winter feeding grounds .

  9. 垃圾场A是简易生活垃圾填埋场,垃圾场B是生活垃圾焚烧底渣填埋场。

    Landfill A is a simple municipal solid waste landfill , and landfill B is mainly disposed of bottom ashes from a MSW incineration plant .

  10. 开的目录数据库的rdf垃圾场为下载是可得到的。

    RDF dumps of the open directory database are available for download .

  11. 随着液体把透过填埋场,就能够把pH得到升高的物质带到其它地方,让更多的产烷生物在垃圾场生存下来。

    As liquid leaches through the landfill , it carries higher pH materials and the methanogens living among them to other areas of the landfill .

  12. 按1:50的剂量投放垃圾场4d蝇幼虫死亡率达100%;

    And the 4 d mortality of fly larvae reached 100 % while the dosage ratio was 1 ' 50 . Conclusion ;

  13. S7-200PLC在垃圾场CMF膜污水处理系统中的应用

    The application of S7 - 200 PLC for CMF Membrane Sewage Dispose System of dump

  14. 麦迪基金会(Maddie’sFund)是一个救援机构,它帮助奥克兰的那家咖啡馆募集了资金。基金会的首席执行官里奇·阿万奇诺(RichAvanzino)说,以前动物收容所的旁边就是镇里的垃圾场。

    It used to be that animal shelters were located next to the town dump , said Rich Avanzino , the chief executive of Maddie 's Fund , a rescue group that has helped fund the Oakland cafe .

  15. 研究了预测垃圾场甲烷产量的几种数学模型,对其中的EmconMGM模型进行了计算机模拟并编成程序。

    Several landfill methane production models were studied and the Emcon MGM model was simulated by a computer program .

  16. 该公司董事总经理迈尔斯•莱文(MylesLevin)表示:我们本想设计一款预订鞋子,然后我们发现了这些T恤,他们是成品,但将送到垃圾场。

    Its managing director Myles Levin says : We wanted to develop a bespoke shoe and saw these T-shirts that were a finished product but going to the trash mill .

  17. Enerkem公司从垃圾场收走不可回收的废物,然后把它们转变成一种合成气,随后再通过多个化学步骤,将上述气体转变成甲醇或乙醇。

    Enerkem takes unrecyclable waste from dumps and converts it into a syngas and then converts the gas through multiple chemical steps into methanol or ethanol .

  18. 常德市肖伍铺垃圾场对水环境影响分析

    Analysis of Garbage Burying - ground 's Environmental Effect on Water

  19. 在城里的另一端是垃圾场狂欢夜。

    It 's garbage night on the other side of town .

  20. 在去年秋季经济低迷袭卷俄罗斯时,他住在一个垃圾场里。

    At the time of the economic downturn hit Russia last autumn .

  21. 也许是那些在垃圾场工作的流氓来了。

    Maybe it 's one of those goons from the Easttown dump site .

  22. 北京1号小卫星监测非正规垃圾场的应用研究

    Study on monitoring of informal open-air solid waste dumps based on Beijing-1 images

  23. 我看见有什么东西,我看见垃圾场了。

    I see something . I see the dump .

  24. 总是把她的衣服鞋子扔到垃圾场吗?

    Always takes her laundry to the city dump ?

  25. 这是资源回收中心还是垃圾场?

    Is it a Rubbish Dump or Recycle Point ?

  26. 他们把那个海湾当成垃圾场。

    They look at the cove as a shithole .

  27. 所有的废弃物都不运去垃圾场填埋,这就是奥运会期间的目标。

    The objective will be to divert all waste away from landfill during the Games .

  28. 开始下倾盆大雨时山姆正在镇垃圾场后面疏浚排水沟。

    Sam was dredging the drainage ditch behind the town dump when the downpour began .

  29. 但网络既是信息的万花筒,也是信息的垃圾场。

    As for information , network is a kaleidoscope as well as a garbage field .

  30. 他的饮用水应该是从给垃圾场职员提供淋浴用水的容器里拿的。

    It 's thought he got water from a tank that fed the staff showers .