
  1. 推进垃圾处理产业化实现环卫经济循环

    Promoting Waste Treatment Industrialization and Realizing Environment Sanitation Economic Recycle

  2. 推动城市垃圾处理产业化发展的思考

    Thinking about Promoting the Development of Urban Garbage Treatment Industrialization

  3. 我国城市生活垃圾处理产业化与路径设计

    The Industrialization of Urban Garbage Disposal and Its Path Design

  4. 小城镇生活垃圾处理产业化的探索

    Discussion on Industrialization of Domestic Refuse Disposal in Small Towns

  5. 城镇垃圾处理产业化发展进程研究

    Study on Development Proceeding of the Industrialization of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment

  6. 中国电子垃圾处理产业化发展的研究

    On the Industrialization of Electronic Rubbish Disposal in China

  7. 在此基础上,提出了促进河北省城市生活垃圾处理产业化的管理对策和建议。

    Management measures and proposes to promote municipal domestic waste treatment industrialization offered .

  8. 浅谈城市生活垃圾处理产业化发展的对策

    Industrialization of Urban Household Refuse Treatment

  9. 为了达到目标,方案中提到固体垃圾处理产业应该深入发展,同时更新换代相关设施及技术。

    To achieve the goal , the plan notes that the solid waste processing industry should be further developed , and relevant equipment and techniques should be improved .

  10. 分类收集、资源回收利用及生活垃圾处理产业化是城市生活垃圾综合治理的根本出路;

    That it 's a basic outlet to realize urban domestic solid waste utilization in comprehensive administration according to the policies of solid waste classification , resource recovery utilization and industrialization ;

  11. 本文根据湖北省政治、经济、文化等多方面因素,分析湖北省城市垃圾处理产业化发展中存在的问题,提出推动发展的对策:在垃圾处理产业化的同时,必须建立有效的监督机制;

    The paper analyses the existing problems during the development of MSW treatment industrialization , and then puts forward the counter measures for promoting the development of it : effective supervision system should be set up ;

  12. 立法的加强、处理技术的进步、回收再利用体系的完善、企业的投入和消费者意识的提高将推动电子垃圾处理产业的发展。

    The emphasis on lawmaking , the development of disposal technology , the improving of recycling system , the investing of enterprises and the increase of consumers ' consciousness will all push the development of electronic rubbish disposal industry .

  13. 随着环境问题逐渐被重视,节能、环保成为各国的发展主题,已经开始为垃圾处理提供产业发展的机会。

    With environmental issues increasingly taken seriously , energy saving , environmental protection into national development themes , have started to waste and provide industrial development opportunities .

  14. 从市场经济的客观要求出发,分析了现行环卫管理体制、运营机制的弊端,探讨了垃圾处理走产业化的必然性,提出了垃圾处理产业化的建议和对策。

    Proceeding from the objective requirement of market economy , environment sanitation management system and operation mechanism were analysed , necessity of waste treatment industrialization was discussed , suggestion and countermeasures of waste treatment industrialization were put forward .

  15. 河北省城市生活垃圾处理现状及产业化分析

    Treatment Status and Industrialization Analysis of Domestic Waste in Hebei Province

  16. 上海市城市生活垃圾处理处置与产业化

    Treatment and Disposal of Municipal Domestic Waste and Its Industrialization in Shanghai City

  17. 现行垃圾处理模式及其产业化途径

    The Rubbish Treating Model and Its Industrialization Ways

  18. 生活垃圾处理行业在环保产业中所占比例大、投资大、影响大,且正处于体制改革和技术变革的重要时期,也是产业化形成的重要时期。

    The disposal industry of life waste in the environmental protection industry has a big proportion and a great influence . In addition , not only the instruction reform and technological transformation , but also the formation of industrialization is in progress .

  19. 城市生活垃圾收费是促进垃圾处理产业化、解决城市生活垃圾问题的重要出路。

    Charge municipal solid waste is the only way to promote the development of the waste industry and to solve the problem of too much solid waste around the cities in china .

  20. 以各种综合利用产品为代表的无害化、资源化垃圾处理方式的产生,使垃圾处理产业化的技术性和经济性成为可行。

    The technicality and economy of the waste disposal industry become feasible , which is resulting from the disposal ways of resource and harmlessness , represented by all kinds of comprehensive utilization products .

  21. 本文从城市生活垃圾处理的实际情况出发,提出了城市生活垃圾处理产业化的对策和建议,有很强的操作性,可以指导实际。

    The paper puts forward operable suggest of industrialization of urban household refuse treatment on the basis of practical situation .

  22. 通过调查河北省城市生活垃圾产生和处理现状,分析河北省垃圾特性,评价其产业化程度,对目前河北省垃圾处理产业链中存在的问题进行了讨论。

    By investigating production and present disposal status of municipal domestic waste in Hebei Province analysising waste charateristics and appraising the industrial level of waste treatment , problem exited in waste treatment industry chain , in Hebei Province were discussed .

  23. 通过市场调控,采用先进的垃圾管理技术,改进现行的运营体制,实现城市垃圾处理与处置产业的市场化。

    The marketability of MSW processing and the handling industry will to be true , by means of market regulation 、 using advanced management technology and improving the present system .

  24. 事实证明,垃圾处理如果仅仅依靠政府投资是远远不够的,解决垃圾处理问题的核心是实现垃圾处理产业化。

    The fact prove that if the disposal of MSW depends on the government investment only is far not enough , The core to solve waste treatment problem is realizing waste treatment industrialization .