
rén kǒu biàn dònɡ
  • Population changes;demo graphic change
  1. 本文根据苏州城市区域空间构造特征,运用Hall城市人口变动模式对人口郊区化问题进行判断和特征分析,具体阐述人口动态、静态及郊区化趋势等特征。

    This paper examines the characteristics in population dynamics , statics , and the decentralization trend of Suzhou City , Jiangsu Province on the basis of the city 's urban spatial structure and the Hall Model of urban population change .

  2. 分析了1949~2004年烟台市人口变动状况,应用GM(1,1)灰色模型拟合了该地区人口数量,并对未来4年的人口数量进行了预测。

    The population change of Yantai city from 1949 to 2004 was analyzed and GM ( 1,1 ) model was applied , which fitted the number of the population in the city , then the population in future four years was predicted .

  3. 联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)认为,由于人口变动和收入快速增长,发展中国家对大宗商品市场走势的影响力正在迅速上升。

    The United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organization believes that as a result of population dynamics and rapid income growth , the role of developing countries in commodities market developments is increasing at a rapid pace .

  4. 人口变动对企业人力资源管理的影响

    The Impact of Population Change on Human Resources Management in Enterprises

  5. 简论普米族族源与人口变动

    On Origin of Ethnic Pumi Group and Changes of Its Population

  6. 用灰色动态模型进行人口变动分析与预测的编程实现

    Program " Gray Modeling " for Analyzing and Forecasting Population Changes

  7. 学龄人口变动与人力资源&基于重庆市2005-2020年学龄人口变动的探讨

    Change of population of the school age and manpower resources development

  8. 广州市人口变动地域类型特性研究

    Study on features of spatial types of population change in Guangzhou City

  9. 台湾地区户籍人口变动分析

    The Analysis of Changing for the Registered Permanent Residence in Taiwan Area

  10. 北京市人口变动对基础教育的影响

    Population Change in Beijing and Its Impact on Basic Education

  11. 清代陕西回族的人口变动

    On the Population Change of Shaanxi Hui in Qing Dynasty

  12. 美国老年人口变动特征及其影响分析

    Analysis of the Characteristic of the Aged Population Change and Its Influence

  13. 上海与东京人口变动之比较

    A Comparative Study of Shanghai and Tokyo Population Changes

  14. 未来三十年我国及省际人口变动趋势

    The Development Trend of Population of China and All Provinces in Thirty Years

  15. 人口变动情况抽样调查的抽样误差分析

    Analysis on Sampling Errors of Population Change Survey

  16. 中世纪西欧庄园人口变动与商业复兴基础的形成

    The Growth of the Manor 's Population and the Foundation of the Trade Revival

  17. 基于数据挖掘的人口变动规律

    Rules of population migrating based on data mining

  18. 中国人力资本总量变动的影响因素分析:教育扩展和人口变动

    Analysis on the influence factors of human capital : education expansion and population increase

  19. 浙江未来人口变动与可持续发展问题

    Population Prospects and Sustainable Development of Zhejiang

  20. 2003&2010年我国人口变动对就业的影响及应对措施

    The Influence of the Chinese Population Change from 2003 to 2010 on the Employment and Countermeasures

  21. 东北三省资源型城市人口变动研究

    The Research on the Changes of Population of Resource-based Cities in the Three Provinces of Northeast China

  22. 人口变动的空间分异及其规划学意义&以哈尔滨、伊春为例

    Spatial differentiation of changes of population and its learned meaning of planning : taking Harbin and Yichun as examples

  23. 本文用一个带生命周期假说的经济动态模型全面考察了人口变动对经济的影响。

    Using a dynamic economic model with a life_cycle hypothesis , this paper examines the effect of population change on economy .

  24. 介绍了利用编程实现用灰色动态模型进行人口变动分析与预测的方法。

    This paper describes how to apply the programming method to doing " gray model " for analyzing and forecasting population fluctuation .

  25. 迁移加速是本世纪前半叶我国人口变动的突出特征。

    The acceleration of migration is the prominent characteristic of the change of population in China during the first half of21th century .

  26. 在诸多影响因素中,经济发展与社会因素变动较为复杂,规律不易掌握,而人口变动相对较为稳定,并呈现出一定的规律性。

    The rule of social and economic development is not easy to grasp , while relatively stable population variable factors show certain regularity .

  27. 本文利用2004年全国人口变动抽样调查数据对中国老年人的生活自理能力进行了分析,又与1994年老年人生活自理能力进行了对比。

    This paper examines ability of daily life ( ADL ) of the Chinese elderly using data from the 2004 Annual Population Survey .

  28. 北京作为全国的首都、特大型城市,其人口变动的情况复杂和多样,是任何一个城市都无法比拟的。

    As the metropolis and capital of China , the complexity and diversity for population change of Beijing is incomparable for other cities .

  29. 为此,本文以新疆塔里木河流域为例,建立了该流域人口变动与生态环境退化的系统动力学模型。

    Then by taking that of Tarim River valley as an example , we construct a simulation model of population and environment evaluation .

  30. 当代美国人口变动的一个显著特征就是少数族裔占全国总人口的比例不断上升,其中西班牙裔人口的增幅尤其令人瞩目。

    A notable characteristics of the contemporary American population is the rapid increase of the minorities , especially the remarkable growth of Hispanic population .