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dà chuān
  • Dachuan;a great river
  1. 小河汇大川,百川归大海。

    As Brooks make rivers , rivers run to the sea .

  2. 这里有很多高山大川。

    There are many high mountains and big rivers here .

  3. 我也很好。你好,大川!

    I am fine too . Hi , Dachuan !

  4. 长江大川,水阔流深,肃穆无声,奔流入海;

    her broad deep rivers , rolling in solemn silence to the ocean ;

  5. 也谈卡尔·马克思哲学的超越本性&与丛大川教授商榷

    Debate about Nature Surpassing of Philosophy in Marxism & A Discussion with Professor Cong Da-chuan

  6. 哲学、神学辨&兼与胡孚琛、丛大川等先生商榷

    On Philosophy and Theology

  7. 大川女士于1919年与丈夫结婚,他们育有三个孩子,两个女儿和一个儿子。

    Mrs Okawa married her husband , Yukio , in 1919 , and they had three children two daughters and a son .

  8. 诗人得江山之助,以探险家的气魄,遍访高山大川,为我们展示了大西南奇异的自然风光。

    The poet has Jiang Shan Zhi Zhu , the verve , visit with explorer alpine mountains , and show us the natural scenery southeast bizarre .

  9. 雅砻江,这条中国西部的绿色大川,以她的秀美、的险峻吸引着我。

    The Yalong River , the green river flowing through West China known for its natural beauty and precipitousness had been a big draw to me .

  10. 由于华兹华斯受基督教及泛神论的影响,他认为自然皆有神性,这种神性体现在大自然中的花草树木和山河大川中。

    Since Wordsworth is affected by his Christian beliefs and Pantheism , he believes that God exists in everything and all men are born kind in nature .

  11. 我更喜欢自然景观,比如山水风光、山大川之类的。

    Smith : Er * I prefer to see some natural scenery , such as , landscapes , famous mountains and great rivers , and so on .

  12. 让读者从杂志中了解全国各地城市新貌、济动向、山大川、土人情以及热点话题、尚潮流。

    Readers can learn from the magazine the outlines and economic pulse of major cities , the mountains and rivers , convention and traditions , hot topics and fashion trends .

  13. 大川芎方是一个复杂自适应系统,川芎和天麻可因为机体的状态不同、所作用的靶点不同而体现出协同或拮抗的配伍关系。

    DCX is a complex self-adapt system , and Chuanxiong and Gastrodia can reflect different compatibility relation as corporation or antagonism based on different condition of body or different target .

  14. (受那些)中国西部的美丽的高山大川和寺庙的图片(的影响)拉萨已是海拔3600米,因此你一着陆就会感觉到轻微的头晕。

    Pictures of these wonderful mountains and monasteries in the west of China . Lhasa is already 3600 metres so you land and you already feel a bit light headed .

  15. 不只是这些细微之物,甚至大洋大川,云朵繁星,曰出曰落--切都洋溢着美。

    And not only these minute objects but the oceans , the mountains , the clouds , the stars , the rising and the setting sun - all overflow with beauty .

  16. 大川女士称她人生中最幸福的时刻是婚礼那天和生孩子那天,现在她94岁的儿子和一个92岁的女儿都还健在。

    Mrs Okawa says that the happiest moments of her life were her wedding and the birth of her children she still has a surviving son and daughter who are now 94 and 92 .

  17. 易小川和易大川是一对兄弟,偶然间发现的一个神秘盒子把小川传送到了2000年前的秦国,而大川却留在了现代。

    Yi Ogawa easy Okawa is a pair of brothers , happened to find a mysterious box to Ogawa sent to the2000 years ago the state of Qin , but had to stay in the modern Okawa .