
dà mò
  • desert
大漠 [dà mò]
  • [desert] 无边的沙漠

  • 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。--唐. 王维《使至塞上》

  • 大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩。--唐. 李贺《马诗二十三首(其五)》

大漠[dà mò]
  1. 垂直的烟在大漠中是孤独的。

    The vertical smoke is lonely in the great desert .

  2. 你不知道大漠的天气吗?

    Don 't you know the weather of the desert ?

  3. 新设立的这个X奖是为了在茫茫基因大漠中“披沙拣金”。

    The new X prize is designed to winnow the genetic wheat from the chaff .

  4. 令我花了眼:在大漠沙海之中,

    Troubles my sight : somewhere in sands of the desert

  5. 娇龙与罗小虎在大漠中无忧无虑地生活了一段时间。

    And they once lived happily and freely in the desert for awhile .

  6. 金庸武侠小说草原大漠描写的跨文化眼光

    Cross-culture View about the Desert Environment Drawing in Jin Yong 's Knight Novels

  7. 然而,敦煌处在大漠的腹地。

    However , Dunhuang is located in the hinterland of the great desert .

  8. 高温将大漠的沙砾熔成了玻璃

    The heat turns the desert sand to glass .

  9. 大漠绿洲住宅设计拾贝

    On the Housing Design in Oasis

  10. 大漠深处,这里大概是埃及唯一没受到污染的地方了。

    Depths of the desert , where is probably the only place not contaminated in Egypt .

  11. 我给他绘声绘色地讲大漠追踪、非洲船上的袭击。

    I described a chase across the desert , and an attack on the ship from Africa .

  12. 上千条冰川雪水滋润著辽阔的草原,哺育了片片大漠绿洲。

    Over thousands glacier melted snow are moistening the vast prairie , has nurtured the desert oasis .

  13. 神笔张点燃烽火呼救却血染大漠。

    " Magic Brush " Zhang lighted the beacon-fire for help but was killed in the desert .

  14. 大漠深处的故事:关于甘建华的《西部之西》

    The Story of the Deep Desert & On GAN Jian-hua s The West of China s West ;

  15. 大漠的风沙正离开刚刚肆虐过的北非,一路弥漫着冲向大西洋中的加纳利群岛。加勒比海背风群岛北部的一个国家。


  16. 风光摄影的哲理探索&郭新《大漠·太阳·生命》论评

    A Philosophical Probe into the Scenery Photography & A Review of Guo Xin 's Great Deserts , Sun and Life

  17. 生存状态的描绘与西部精神的展示&评雪漠的长篇小说《大漠祭》

    Description on living Conditions and Exhibition of the Western Spirit & On XUE Mo s novel Da Mo Ji ;

  18. 惟有诚信的点缀,才会为荒凉注入新绿,让大漠孤烟变成一片生机勃勃的绿色家园。

    Only honest embellishment , will inject new green for the desolate , so that desert into a vibrant green their homes .

  19. 大漠没有资格讴歌生命,因为它们本身没有生命,更何谈对生命的理解;

    Not qualified to eulogize the desert life , because they do not have life , let alone on the understanding of life ;

  20. 其中,边地写作是比较显著的特点,边地既有草原大漠,也有热带丛林,具有鲜明的异域色彩。

    Among those methods , border writing , which contains desert grassland and jungle , showing distinct exotic colors , is a prominent character .

  21. 在穿越大漠的艰难中生命垂危,被偶然路过的巾帼女子月牙所救。

    On his way to the desert he was wounded , and his life was in danger . A passer-by heroine Yueya saved him .

  22. 大漠英豪—成吉思汗成吉思汗之名可能会使许多人想起征伐骁勇策马远离,在他身后只留下焚毁的城市与遍野堆积的尸骸。

    The name Genghis Khan probably makes many people think of conquering warriors on horseback leaving burning cities and piles of dead bodies behind them .

  23. 我们观察四季更迭、春秋代序;我们听见了——野鸽在浓密的树林中哀诉,树林随微风的叹息而低语;我们横绝大漠;

    to watch the return of the seasons , of spring and autumn , to hear --- The stock dove plain amid the forest deep ,

  24. 马头琴,这种只有在大漠草原才能看到的乐器,怎么会出现在这个皖南村落里?

    I couldn 't help wondering why there was such an instrument in a village of southern Anhui , which was commonly seen in the northern desert .

  25. 当时的辽朝十分强盛,其疆域东自大海,西至流沙,南越长城,北绝大漠。

    Liao is very strong , then its territory east sea , west of quicksand , South Vietnam , the Great Wall , the North never desert .

  26. 此刻,让所有人意外的是,海真只身一人在大漠中追赶上来,让哈桑老人深深地感动。

    At the moment , so that all accidents , the Haizhen going it alone in the desert to catch up , so deeply touched by the Hassan .

  27. 大漠南北广阔的草原,是北方民族的发祥地,他们的祖先曾在这里生活繁衍,并创造了优秀的草原文化。

    The wide grassland to the north and south of desert is the cradle of northern ethical nations . Their ancestors had lived here and created brilliant grassland culture .

  28. 航天雷达拍摄到的隋代长城遗迹的照片,有助于考古学家们描绘那些世代掩埋在大漠黄沙中的文明遗存。

    Finding remains of the Sui Dynasty wall by spaceborne radar imagery is helping archaeologists to map a major cultural feature that has been buried by desert sands for generations .

  29. 大漠孤烟意蕴深&王维《使至塞上》主旨及美学价值新探

    Profound Implication of " Solitary Smoke in the Desert " & A New Exploration into the Substance and Aesthetic Value in Wang Wei 's Poem " Ode to the Frontier "

  30. 西部地区山峦重叠、沟壑纵横、沟深谷幽、戈壁大漠的地形地貌使西部地区的风环境和桥梁结构具有和中国东部、中部地区显著不同的特点。

    In western area , the wind environment and bridge structure are different from those in other areas of China because of the large amount of overlapping mountains , deep ditches and great deserts .