
gān lín
  • a good rain after a long drought;timely rainfall
甘霖 [gān lín]
  • [timely rainfall; good rain after a long drought] 久旱后下的雨;及时雨

  • 甘霖三尺透,病体十分轻。--元. 方回《次韵金汉臣喜雨》

  • 做甚么三年不见甘霖降,也只为东海曾经孝妇冤。--元. 关汉卿《窦娥冤》

甘霖[gān lín]
  1. 久旱逢甘霖,他乡遇故知。

    To meet an old friend in a distant land is like refreshing rain after a long drought .

  2. 幸福常常是朦胧的,很有节制地向我们喷洒甘霖。

    Happiness is often misty , spraying us the life-giving rain abstemiously .

  3. 对农民来说,这场雨真是一场甘霖。

    This rain will be a blessing for the farmers .

  4. 怜悯就像从天而降的甘霖。

    Mercy falls like the gentle rain from heaven .

  5. 天能自降甘霖吗?

    Do the skies themselves send down showers ?

  6. 久旱逢甘霖。

    Seasonable rain fell after a long drought .

  7. 甘霖表示中国开发生物能源不应忽视贫困弱势群体的需求。

    Lin Gan warns that China 's drive towards bioenergy should not overlook the poor .

  8. 只要哪里会降下甘霖:

    And where'er the rain does fall ,

  9. 因他赐给你们合宜的秋雨,为你们降下甘霖,就是秋雨,春雨,和先前一样。

    He sends you abundant showers , both autumn and spring rains , as before .

  10. 抱歉我一直在等待甘霖。

    Sorry I waited for the rain .

  11. 在这些情况下,传达过去的称赞可能就像干旱土地上的甘霖。

    In such cases , a passed-on compliment can be like rain on a drought-dried land .

  12. 我为焦渴的鲜花,从河川,从海洋,带来清新的甘霖;

    I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers , From the seas and the streams ;

  13. 人欣喜的是,同修抵达后不久,上天即降下甘霖。

    Oon after their arrival , the volunteers were greeted by delightful rain showers from heaven .

  14. 流很多汗、出大汗他的汗水像甘霖流淌,滋润着大地上的万物。

    His sweat flowed like the good rain and sweet dew that nurtured all things on earth .

  15. 他必降临,像雨降在已割的草地上,如甘霖滋润田地。

    May he come down like rain on the cut grass ; like showers watering the earth .

  16. 韩国算命师说,在此等罕见年间,所有干涸河床将可喜逢甘霖。

    Korean fortune tellers say that , in years this rare , water will flow along dry river-beds .

  17. 学识浅薄是件危险的事,要深透吮饮,不然就尝不到知识源泉的甘霖。

    A little learning is a dangerous thing , drink deep , or taste not the Pierian spring .

  18. 升腾的火焰构成一个硕大的爱心,它象阳光,象甘霖,润物无声。

    Rising of a huge flame of love , like the sun , like rain , a silent lubricant .

  19. 有才能的老师和天赋较高的学生,仍象沙漠里的甘霖那样,能令人精神为之一爽,都又稀缺得可怜。

    Talented teachers and gifted students , are still as scarce ( and refreshing ) as rain in the desert .

  20. 省“家电以旧换新启动仪式”举行,副省长甘霖发表讲话。

    Vice Governor of Hunan Province Gan Lin delivered a speech at the launching ceremony of the home appliances replacement program .

  21. 甘霖说,只有考虑到这些地区的人们的需求和境况,他们才能从中受益。

    People in these regions will only benefit from local projects that take into account their needs and surroundings , says Lin.

  22. 甘霖副省长在致辞中对近年来湖南省与马来西亚之间的旅游交流成果给予充分肯定。

    In her speech , Vice Governor Gan highly appreciated the results yielded in recent years in the tourism exchanges between Hunan and Malaysia .

  23. 澳甘霖有限公司是一家建立在澳大利亚的公司,从事生态农产品的研究,开发,商业化以及市场销售。

    Ozganic Limited is an Australian based Company engaged in the research and development , commercialization , marketing and sales of sustainable agricultural products .

  24. 有力且显著的细节表示了:流走在多岩荒芜矿脉上的黑色光影,勾勒出久旱甘霖后留下的临时瀑布群,并指向一座难民营。

    Telling details signify : black streaks streaming down a rocky , desert outcrop trace ephemeral waterfalls from rare rains , point to a refuge ;

  25. 我的教训要淋漓如雨,我的言语要滴落如露,如细雨降在嫩草上,如甘霖降在菜蔬中。

    Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew , like showers on new grass , like abundant rain on tender plants .

  26. 维他使大地一直干旱,但是当因陀罗把这条巨龙劈开的时候,甘霖从天而降。

    Vritra had been keeping the earth in a drought , but when Indra split open the demon , the waters again fell from the skies .

  27. 黎明散去的雾留给大地的露水,升腾凝聚为云,又化作甘霖降落。

    The mist that drifts away at dawn , leaving but dew in the fields , shall rise and gather into a cloud and then fall down in rain .

  28. 甘霖认为建立在现代生物质技术基础上的更具针对性的战略可以改善健康状况、减少化石燃料的使用、增加就业岗位并为农村地区带来更多的收入。

    Lin argues that better targeted strategies based on modern biomass technologies could improve health conditions , reduce fossil fuel use , create jobs and generate income in rural areas .

  29. 经历了一个寒冷的冬季,她的孩子都变得那样脆弱,于是她又给他们甘霖,孩子们知道那是母亲的乳汁,她没有抛弃他们!

    Experienced a cold winter , her children have become so fragile , so she gave them manna from heaven , the children know that mother 's milk , she did not abandon them !

  30. 我必使他们与我山的四围成为福源,我也必叫时雨落下,必有福如甘霖而降。

    And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing ; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season ; there shall be showers of blessing .