
  • 网络Gansu Provincial Museum;The Gansu Museum
  1. 甘肃省博物馆藏耀州窑瓷器精品

    The Most Exquisite Porcelain Products of the Grassroots Yaozhou Kiln in the Gansu Provincial Museum

  2. 青铜奔马,东汉(高34.5厘米,长45厘米),甘肃武威县雷台东汉墓出土,甘肃省博物馆藏。

    Bronze Galloping Horse , Eastern Han Dynasty , 34.5 cm in height , 45 cm in length , unearthed from Leitai , Wuwei County , Gansu Province , in the Gansu Provincial Museum .

  3. 在甘肃省博物馆安防工程中对所设计的方案进行了测试,并对结论进行了分析。

    Test the blue print has designed in the security project of GanSu museum , and analyze the conclusion .

  4. 70年代甘肃省博物馆考古队在黑城和居延地区组织了一次新的发掘,发现了一批元代纸币和两万多枚汉简。

    In1970s the archeological team of Gansu Museum had a new exhumation in Hecheng and Juyan , and found batch of banknotes and twenty thousands .

  5. 根据国家文物局表示:克里斯蒂安·戴迪安在他到访中国西北城市甘肃时,举办了这个文物移交仪式.这些文物会存放在甘肃省博物馆。

    Christian Deydier made the hand-over while visiting northwest China 's Gansu Province . They will be stored in Gansu Provincial Museum , according to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage .