
  • 网络cultural discontinuity
  1. 浅层文化中断多表现出形式上的、外显的特性,它对跨文化交流会产生一定影响,但一般不会阻碍文化沟通,并且可以适应。

    As a result , cultural discontinuity occurs when the culture-carriers meet . Surface discontinuity presents mostly formal and exterior features . It has effect on , but does not hinder cross-cultural communication .

  2. 人们日常的交流中呈现出各种不同的文化的携带者,因此,当他们相遇时,文化中断也随之产生。

    As a result , cultural discontinuity occurs when the culture-carriers meet .

  3. 由文化中断引出的文化适应的研究,直接涉及对日汉语教学的改善问题。

    Cultural-discontinuity-oriented research involves the improvement on Chinese teaching for Japanese students .

  4. 文化中断理论对我国民族教育的启示

    The theory of " cultural discontinuieise " and its inspiration to the ethnic education of China

  5. 太湖东岸平原中全新世气候转型事件与新石器文化中断

    Mid Holocene Climatic Transition and Rapid Interruption in Neolithic Cultures in the Eastern Plain of Taihu Lake

  6. 文化中断视角下的傣族大学生高等教育需求研究

    A Study of Dai Students ' Demand for Higher Education from the Perspective of " Culture Interruption "

  7. 然而,深层文化中断多是内化的/根本的特征,它会成为跟不同族群成员之间沟通的障碍,而且,适应起来相当困难。

    Deep discontinuity presents mostly essential and intrinsic traits , which will become the obstacles and even hinder the communication between different ethnic groups .

  8. 当然,我们可以明确的是,所谓文化的深层中断和文化的浅层中断的边界并不是清晰可见的。

    However , it is very clear that the boundary between surface discontinuity and deep discontinuity is not very unambiguous .

  9. 但由于中华民族和中华文化传承从未中断过的特点,中国古代体育文化至今仍然发挥着其积极作用。

    But owing to the continuity of the Chinese nation and culture , now it is still playing an important role .

  10. 夏王朝的建立是本部落联盟内社会历史自然发展的结果,不可能在考古学文化上出现中断。

    The emergence of Xia Dynasty is the result of social development , so it 's impos-sible to observe any discontinuity in the archaeological cult-ure .

  11. 最后力图说明文化连续性中断这一文化事实是怎样具体地掏空了怀远传统空间格局的内涵和彻底摧毁了其传统空间的现实文化合法性。

    Is it prove cultural continuity cut off culture this fact how pay empty Huaiyuan traditional space intension of pattern and destroy traditional space their completely concrete to try hard finally Cultural legitimacy of reality .

  12. 但由于近代以来中国文化发展的中断,以西方文化为主体的审美标准在国内开始盛行,特别是在当代艺术设计领域中,人们在一定程度上将西方的艺术设计视为了标准。

    However , since the disruption of the development of modern Chinese culture , Western culture as the main aesthetic standards in the country has become popular , people have considering the Western art and design as the standard in a certain extent for a long time .

  13. 教育的正规化与文化场的转换客观上形成文化传承的中断与新文化选择机制的形成,在其作用下主流文化对传统精神文化的替代趋向日愈明显;

    The standardization of education and the shift of cultural ring will lead to the interruption of cultural inheritance and the formation of the mechanism for selecting new culture , under whose influence there is a strong tendency that the dominant culture is replacing the traditional one .

  14. 中国作为人类文化发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。

    As one of the cradles of human civilization , China has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in its history of several thousand years .

  15. 作为原有文化外在符号和内在承载实体的传统建筑及建筑群落的消失,意味着文化延续所需实体空间的消失,从而导致文化传承的中断。

    As the the external symbols and internal entities of original culture , traditional architecture and construction community in the disappearance means the disappearance of cultural continuity , resulting in the disruption of cultural heritage .