- culture struggle

He became a victim of the cultural struggle .
The 1920 's proved to be the focal decade in the Kulturkampf of American Protestantism ( Richard Hofstadter )
Actually it is a typical case of political persecution on the intellectuals for the purpose of political struggle under the left leaning line .
Even as it widely celebrates the change that the same-sex marriage vote indicated , Ireland is not entirely beyond the kind of cultural battles that have led to far more contentious political campaigns in the past .
HAN Yu who stayed in the whirlpool with complicated struggling at thought and culture stood for era advanced tidal current , took leading and opening function in many parts , and established immortal position in cultural history .
Review and Preview of Culture Front Conflicts
The image of service type magic monks lacks Buddhist colour , and the image of monks who match magic powers merely symbolizes the defeat of Buddhism in its competition with Chinese traditional culture .
This newspaper points out , must strengthen the thought educational work constantly in the people , object to the struggle of thought cultural infiltration of imperialism .
These radically different cultures have been in a decades-long power struggle that reaches all the way up to the World Health Organization 's own TB and HIV programmes .
The results help to reveal the functions translation can perform in cultural formation , power struggle , and literary revolution .
Before the May 4th Movement , the struggle on China 's cultural front was one between the new culture of the bourgeoisie and the old culture of the feudal class .
At the founding of our country , the system design was to uphold the Soviet Model , and the theoretical pointer was the ideology of class struggle , therefore , the culture was considered as a tool of ideological struggle , entirely controlled and managed by the government .
Postcolonial theory addresses the differences in cultural status , power struggles between cultures and series of other issues related with culture and power differentials , such as racism , cultural imperialism and cultural identity .
People should firmly oppose cultural colonization and cultural hegemony , and enhance the self-consciousness and effectiveness in combating cultural imperialism .
Regardless of the exact cultural profile , there are ways to combat dysfunctional cultural elements .
The cultural globalization was formed in the struggle between the west capitalism cultural colonizes with the general non-western nation revolted cultural colonizes .
In the opinion of the culture researchers , classics of literature implicate conflicts against anti-classics of literature for the power of leadership .
As the dialect regions of " culture enclaves ", they express identification with politics of difference and life , as well as by using dialects to explore the possibilities of creating discourse of resistance in the total system , which are the mode " conflict of enclave culture " .