
wén huà dòu zhēnɡ
  • culture struggle
  1. 他最终在对权力话语的解构中沉沦,成了文化斗争的牺牲品。

    He became a victim of the cultural struggle .

  2. 20世纪20年代是美国新教文化斗争最激烈的年代(理查德霍夫施塔特)

    The 1920 's proved to be the focal decade in the Kulturkampf of American Protestantism ( Richard Hofstadter )

  3. 当年对邵荃麟的批判是“左”倾路线下,为了政治文化斗争中的需要,炮制的一起冤案。

    Actually it is a typical case of political persecution on the intellectuals for the purpose of political struggle under the left leaning line .

  4. 正当大批民众欢庆同性婚姻公投意味着的变革之际,爱尔兰仍存在着文化斗争,这类斗争在过去引发了许多具有争议的政治活动。

    Even as it widely celebrates the change that the same-sex marriage vote indicated , Ireland is not entirely beyond the kind of cultural battles that have led to far more contentious political campaigns in the past .

  5. 韩愈身处这一时期复杂的思想、文化斗争的旋涡中,在诸多方面代表了时代的先进潮流,起着引导和开拓作用,从而在文化史上确立了不朽的地位。

    HAN Yu who stayed in the whirlpool with complicated struggling at thought and culture stood for era advanced tidal current , took leading and opening function in many parts , and established immortal position in cultural history .

  6. 文化战线斗争的回顾与前瞻

    Review and Preview of Culture Front Conflicts

  7. 服务型法术僧人形象,缺乏佛教色彩;斗法型法术僧人形象,只是佛教与中国本土文化矛盾斗争中失败的象征。

    The image of service type magic monks lacks Buddhist colour , and the image of monks who match magic powers merely symbolizes the defeat of Buddhism in its competition with Chinese traditional culture .

  8. 该报指出,必须在人民群众当中不断地进行加强思想教育工作,反对帝国主义思想文化渗透的斗争。

    This newspaper points out , must strengthen the thought educational work constantly in the people , object to the struggle of thought cultural infiltration of imperialism .

  9. 这两种根本不同的文化的权力斗争已经历时十年,它影响到了世界卫生组织自身的结核病和艾滋病项目。

    These radically different cultures have been in a decades-long power struggle that reaches all the way up to the World Health Organization 's own TB and HIV programmes .

  10. 这也从侧面揭示出翻译在文化形成、权力斗争和文学变革中的作用。

    The results help to reveal the functions translation can perform in cultural formation , power struggle , and literary revolution .

  11. 在五四以前,中国文化战线上的斗争,是资产阶级的新文化和封建阶级的旧文化的斗争。

    Before the May 4th Movement , the struggle on China 's cultural front was one between the new culture of the bourgeoisie and the old culture of the feudal class .

  12. 建国伊始,中国的制度设计秉持的是苏联模式,理论指针是阶级斗争思想,文化被当做意识形态斗争工具,完全由国家办、国家管。

    At the founding of our country , the system design was to uphold the Soviet Model , and the theoretical pointer was the ideology of class struggle , therefore , the culture was considered as a tool of ideological struggle , entirely controlled and managed by the government .

  13. 后殖民理论关注文化地位的差异,文化之间的权力斗争以及一系列关于文化和权力差异的问题,如种族歧视,文化帝国主义,文化身份等。

    Postcolonial theory addresses the differences in cultural status , power struggles between cultures and series of other issues related with culture and power differentials , such as racism , cultural imperialism and cultural identity .

  14. 再次,坚决反对文化殖民与文化霸权,提高同文化帝国主义进行斗争的自觉性与有效性。

    People should firmly oppose cultural colonization and cultural hegemony , and enhance the self-consciousness and effectiveness in combating cultural imperialism .

  15. 不管现存的文化是什么样子,总有同哪些功能紊乱的文化单元斗争的路线。

    Regardless of the exact cultural profile , there are ways to combat dysfunctional cultural elements .

  16. 文化全球化是在西方资本主义的文化殖民和广大非西方国家反抗文化殖民的斗争中逐步形成的。

    The cultural globalization was formed in the struggle between the west capitalism cultural colonizes with the general non-western nation revolted cultural colonizes .

  17. 文化研究者则认为文学的经典化与解经典化蕴含着文化领导权的斗争。

    In the opinion of the culture researchers , classics of literature implicate conflicts against anti-classics of literature for the power of leadership .

  18. 作为文化飞地的方言区,通过方言表达对差异政治和生活政治的认同,探寻在总体制度内部建立抵抗话语的可能性,这正是詹姆逊所谓的葛兰西式的飞地(enclave)文化斗争模式。

    As the dialect regions of " culture enclaves ", they express identification with politics of difference and life , as well as by using dialects to explore the possibilities of creating discourse of resistance in the total system , which are the mode " conflict of enclave culture " .