
wén shì tú
  • Venn diagram
文氏图[wén shì tú]
  1. 经济学家保罗克鲁格曼(paulkgrugman)最近用他所谓的“欧元文氏图”来解释了这个问题:政界可以接受的方案与能够解决问题的方案之间,交集为零。

    Paul Krugman , the economist , recently explained the problem in terms of what he called the " Euro Venn " . The intersection between politically acceptable solutions and those that would solve the crisis is zero .

  2. 这里我们提出了一个简单但有效的从两个或三个基因列表中创建文氏图的网络应用程序。

    Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists .

  3. 文氏图是代表数套基因间相互作用以显示能够被容易阅读的信息的图形化方法。

    Venn diagrams are graphical ways of representing interactions among sets to display information that can be read easily .

  4. 当前,没有能够创建链接到一系列生物学数据库的面积比例文氏图程序可用。

    Currently there are no programs available that can create area-proportional Venn diagrams connected to a wide range of biological databases .