
  • 网络cultural evolution;culture evolution
  1. 模因论是解释文化进化规律的新理论。

    Memetics is a new theory for interpreting cultural evolution .

  2. 文化进化论的古典创建

    Classical Foundation of the Theory of Cultural Evolution Culture

  3. 模糊交货期FlowShop调度文化进化算法研究

    Research on cultural evolutionary algorithms applied to Flow Shop problem with fuzzy delivery time

  4. 文化进化的meme理论及其难题

    Culture Meme Views of Cultural Evolution and Problems

  5. 法沃若解释称,美国和加拿大的公司文化进化最快,过去十年它们的女性CEO比例最高。

    Companies in the U.S. and Canada , where Favaro explained the culture is advancing at the fastest rate , have garnered the highest percentage of women CEOs for the past decade .

  6. 模因是新达尔文主义者Dawkins提出的假设,用来解释人类文化进化的规律。

    Meme is the supposition presented by Dawkins , a Neo-Darwinist , to explain the evolution law of human beings . new variables are introduced .

  7. 尼采的文化进化观与超人范畴

    Nietzsches Category of Cultural Evolutionism and Category of Superman

  8. 项目组织模式的传统文化进化模型

    Evolution Model to Traditional Culture and Program Organization Model

  9. 评述西方文化进化论的新进展

    On the New Development of the Theory of Cultural Evolution in the West

  10. 简论文化进化与生物智慧进化的关系

    On Relations Between Cultural Evolution and Biological Evolution

  11. 木构材成为土木建筑之主体:多元文化进化的结果。

    Wooden structure as the main body of the building : evolution results of multiculture .

  12. 马文·哈里斯的文化进化论与文化唯物主义

    Marvin Harris Cultural Materialism and Cultural Evolutionism

  13. 然而,迄今为止的探索都局限于文化进化理论的框架之内。

    However , the explorations so far are all limited to the theory of cultural evolution .

  14. 谜米理论是建立在达尔文生物进化论基础上,由道金斯于1976年首次提出的解释文化进化的新理论。

    Meme theory , firstly put forward by Dawkins in 1976 , grounded on Darwinian evolution .

  15. 摘要模因论是研究文化进化规律的理论,语言是模因的重要载体。

    Memetics is a theory of cultural evolution , and language is an important carrier of memes .

  16. 模因论对社会文化进化的解释力

    Meme and Social Culture

  17. 受达尔文进化论影响,尼采在生命哲学的基础上形成了文化进化思想。

    Influenced by Darwin ? s Evolutionism , Nietzsche formed his cultural evolutionism on the basis of life philosophy .

  18. 文化进化与生物进化之间的虽然有相似之处,但机制和发生作用的过程存在本质差别。

    The mechanism of cultural evolution and biological evolution is different , although there are many similarities between them .

  19. 首先,本文阐述了模因论。模因论是解释文化进化的新理论,是在生物进化论的基础上发展起来的。

    Memetics , which originates from the theory of biological evolution , is a new theory for interpreting cultural evolution .

  20. 模因论是基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的一种新理论。

    Memetics is a newly developed theory aiming to explicate the evolutionary mechanisms of culture from the perspective of darwinism .

  21. 知识分子作为人类文化进化的先进代表,其工作的主要特点是以运用创造性脑力劳动为主。

    As the representatives of the advanced culture , these people mainly use their brain energy creatively in their work .

  22. 泰勒认为,所有民族的心性都是同一的,这就解释了同样的文化进化进程何以能够出现在不同的文化传统中。

    Tylor believed there was a kind of psychic unity among all peoples that explained parallel evolutionary sequences in different cultural traditions .

  23. 模因理论是有关信息传播、文化进化的新理论,它已逐渐发展成为一门独立的学科。

    Memetics is a newly developed theory concerning Information Transmission and cultural evolutionism , which is beginning to become an unattached subject .

  24. 基于达尔文进化论来解释文化进化规律的模因论为“傍名牌”行为研究提供了新视角。

    Based on the Darwin 's evolutionism theory , the Memetics provides a new perspective for the study of the reverse passing-off action .

  25. 模因论是解释文化进化的新理论,对各种文化现象有很强的阐释力。

    Memetics is a newly rising theory to reveal the law of culture transmission , which sheds new light on various cultural phenomena .

  26. 模因是一种文化进化单位或信息复制因子,具有长久性、多产性和保真度三个主要特征。

    Meme is a unit of cultural evolution or a replicator of information with the three main features of longevity , fecundity and copying-fidelity .

  27. 人类应当把道德关怀扩展到人与自然的关系之中,道德的进化是人类文化进化中的一个重要组成部分。

    Man should expand morality concern into the relationship between man and nature . Morality evolution is an important component of man 's cultural evolution ;

  28. 我从不认为,复杂的象征性行为有一个单一的源头,也不认为文化进化就像关上灯的开关一样,他说。

    I have never thought that complex symbolic behavior has a single point source and that cultural evolutions is like switching a light on ,' he said .

  29. 由于奴隶社会、封建社会和资本主义社会文化进化的状况不同,所以这些社会形态犯罪进化的状况有很大差别。

    Due to the differences of cultural evolution in slave society , feudal society and capital society , the evolution of crimes in these societies is also different .

  30. 因此本研究采用了人类社会文化进化进程中的另一种遗传因子模因,而非人类生物进化进程中的遗传因子基因来观察和研究语言演化。

    But Therefore , memes - another genetic factor of human social and cultural evolution rather than gene - genetic factor of biological evolution is used in this thesis .