
  • 网络cultural materialism;culture materialism
  1. 文化唯物主义和英国新左派的兴起有着很大关联。

    Cultural Materialism and the rise of the British New Left has a great relevance .

  2. 英美文化唯物主义吸收并发挥了葛兰西的文化霸权理论,强调消费者在大众文化活动中能自下而上地行使自己的权力。

    British and American cultural materialism emphasizes that consumers can exercise their power in the activities of mass culture .

  3. 美国文化唯物主义技术观研究

    View on Technology of Culture Materialism in America

  4. 沉默背后的惩罚与矫正&从文化唯物主义视角看《恶有恶报》中妇女主体意识的压制和婚姻的社会功能

    Punishment and Correction : Repression of Female Subjectivity and Roles of Marriage in Measure for Measure

  5. 造成这一现象的主要原因是我们缺乏对文化唯物主义理论在运用方面的了解,这直接导致了对理论重点描述的淡化。

    It is for lacking understanding the application of Culture Materialism that the significance of it in theoretical introduction is resulted directly .

  6. 这些工作表现出当前文化唯物主义的特点,并从政治上批评了人们习惯上对莎士比亚经典怀有的敬畏之情。

    This work is characteristic of current cultural materialism and offers a politically charged critique of the customary attitude of reverence toward the Shakespearean canon .

  7. 从生态-能量系统通往更深层的文化唯物主义&论中国地域文化研究对西方文化学最新成果的批判借鉴

    To Higher Cultural Materialism From Ecology and Energy System & On the Critical Reference of the Newest Research Fruit of West Culture in the Study of Chinese Regional Culture

  8. 该部分首先介绍了文化唯物主义的概况,然后从文化唯物主义的文学研究方法、作者观、接受观、文学批评实践等四个方面展开阐述文化唯物主义的文学观念。

    This chapter introduces the overview of cultural materialism , elaborates literary thoughts of cultural materialism from four perspectives : research methodology , the concept of author , the concept of reception , literary criticism and the practice of literary criticism .

  9. 也正是基于威廉斯所提出文化唯物主义思想的合理性和必要性,我们可以窥见到威廉斯文化唯物主义的独特意义和价值,特别是他作为一位马克思主义文化理论家的贡献可见一斑。

    It is also based on " cultural materialism " thinking proposed by Williams for needful and reasonable , we can get to the unique significance and value of Williams " cultural materialism ", in particular the fact that he was a Marxist theorist of culture contributions can be seen .

  10. 文化的唯物主义是美国的马克思主义文化哲学形态。

    Cultural Materialism belongs to the form of the American Marxist philosophy of Culture .

  11. 文化革命坚持唯物主义,巩固了马克思主义在俄国的指导地位。

    The revolution of culture was adhering to the Materialism .

  12. 具体来说,这一思想是通过对基础&上层建筑命题的修正、对文化概念的唯物主义诠释以及对其独创的情感结构和文化霸权概念的分析来完成的。

    Specifically , this idea is completed through the amendment of " foundation - superstructure " proposition , analysis of the idea of " culture materialism " and its original interpretation of structures of feeling and the concept of cultural hegemony .

  13. 这个哲学文化是基于辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,在理性思维形态上所达到的一种状态和程度。

    This philosophy culture is because of dialectical materialism and historical materialism .

  14. 文化哲学与历史唯物主义的规范性维度

    Philosophy of Culture and Normative Dimension of Historical Materialism

  15. 它同时指出:加强农村文化工作符合历史唯物主义基本规律和辩证唯物主义矛盾论、认识论的基本原理。

    It also states : strengthening rural cultural work in line with the basic law of historical materialism and dialectical contradictions in the theory of the fundamental principles of epistemology .

  16. 马文·哈里斯的文化进化论与文化唯物主义

    Marvin Harris Cultural Materialism and Cultural Evolutionism

  17. 文化地域观是威廉斯循文化唯物主义思路,针对各历史时代内不同时期文艺形式的变迁提出的一个具体考察角度。

    The perspective of cultural location is based on Cultural Materialism , making a concrete analysis of the arts that change in the different stage of the same times .

  18. 本论文由引言、正文以及结语三大部分组成,其中正文包含三章:第一章主要论述了威廉斯和伊格尔顿对文化的定义、他们共同的文化唯物主义思想以及文化唯物主义的内涵。

    The body is composed of three chapters : The first chapter focuses on the definition of culture on Williams and Eagleton , and their common cultural materialistic thinking and cultural materialism .

  19. 雷蒙德·威廉斯是英国文化研究学派的代表人物之一,其文化唯物主义的重要理论不但在文化研究中具有奠基作用,而且可以丰富文化领域中各具体人文学科的理论内容并拓宽其理论视野。

    Raymond Williams is one of the representatives and founders of British Cultural Studies . His significant theory on Cultural Materialism not only establishes a foundation of Cultural Studies , but also views all of branches in cultural fields at a different angle .

  20. 生态人类学是研究人类、生态环境和文化之间关系的学科,历经文化生态学、文化唯物主义认识论、系统生态学等不同阶段的发展。

    It focuses on the relation among human beings , ecological environment and culture .

  21. 当把文化等同于实践时,唯物史观就得到了一种新的阐释,社会历史的变迁也就是文化的变迁,新时期的文化哲学也就是一种文化唯物主义。

    Historical materialism gets a new interpretation , when culture is equated as practice . The changes of society and history are also changes of culture , and philosophy of culture in new period is also a cultural materialism .