
  • 网络Gambari;Ibrahim Gambari
  1. 甘巴里星期二结束了跟中国官员的会晤。

    On Tuesday , Gambari completed two days of meetings with Chinese officials .

  2. 甘巴里说他希望今天的缅甸之行是一次“非常富有成果的访问”。

    Gambari said today he was looking forward to " a very fruitful visit " to Myanmar .

  3. 联合国特使甘巴里将前往印度尼西亚、新加坡和日本讨论缅甸问题。

    The U.N. envoy next travels to Indonesia , Singapore and Japan to discuss Burma .

  4. 甘巴里星期六抵达缅甸,自抵达后一直在与缅甸军人统治者举行会谈。

    Gambari arrived in Burma on Saturday and has been holding talks with the country 's military rulers since his arrival .

  5. 甘巴里呼吁军人统治者确保宪法公决对缅甸人民和国际社会来说具有可信度。

    But he calls on the ruling generals to make sure the referendum is credible for the Burmese people and the international community .

  6. 联合国秘书长的缅甸事务特使易卜拉欣.甘巴里说,他预计不久就会重新访问缅甸。

    The United Nations Secretary-General 's special adviser for Burma says he expects to return to the country " sooner rather than later . "

  7. 甘巴里还对苏丹和南苏丹之间正式分裂后,双方在边界和石油财富分享等问题中所存在的分歧,以及由此而导致的紧张关系表示关切。

    He also expressed concern about the frayed relationship between Sudan and South Sudan over post-breakup issues involving borders and the sharing of oil revenue .

  8. 甘巴里先生向何亚非部长助理通报了他最近访问亚洲有关国家的情况以及下一步工作考虑,包括再次访问缅甸的安排。

    Gambari briefed He Yafei on his visits to Asian countries and his plan for the follow-up work , including the arrangement of another visit to Myanmar .

  9. 甘巴里表示,不能单独来看达尔富尔地区面临的挑战,而抛开苏丹其他地区、包括南库尔多番和青尼罗州等地区存在的问题,苏丹政府军正在这些地区跟反叛力量作战。

    Gambari said Darfur could not be isolated from troubling developments in other parts of Sudan , including Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile , where Sudanese government forces are battling rebels .

  10. 甘巴里说,缅甸5月举行宪法公决,并在2010年举行大选的新计划是迈向民主改革的重要一步。

    He says the Burmese government 's new plans for a May referendum on a new constitution , and for general elections in 2010 are " a significant step " toward democratic reform .

  11. 甘巴里到缅甸一个月前,缅甸军政府刚刚宣布,计划在今年5月就新宪法举行公投,然后在2010年举行大选。联合国特使甘巴里表示,这是一个积极的信号。

    He arrives just a month after the government announced plans to hold a referendum on a new constitution on May followed by elections in 2010 , a move Gambari called a positive sign .

  12. 星期四,联合国的缅甸特使甘巴里抵达缅甸,他的任务是继续努力说服军政府开始和反对党进行政治改革的谈判。

    Thursday , the United Nations special envoy to Burma , Ibrahim Gambari , arrived in Burma to resume his mission to try to convince the military government to start talks with the opposition on political reform .