- 网络Gambari;Ibrahim Gambari

On Tuesday , Gambari completed two days of meetings with Chinese officials .
Gambari said today he was looking forward to " a very fruitful visit " to Myanmar .
The U.N. envoy next travels to Indonesia , Singapore and Japan to discuss Burma .
Gambari arrived in Burma on Saturday and has been holding talks with the country 's military rulers since his arrival .
But he calls on the ruling generals to make sure the referendum is credible for the Burmese people and the international community .
The United Nations Secretary-General 's special adviser for Burma says he expects to return to the country " sooner rather than later . "
He also expressed concern about the frayed relationship between Sudan and South Sudan over post-breakup issues involving borders and the sharing of oil revenue .
Gambari briefed He Yafei on his visits to Asian countries and his plan for the follow-up work , including the arrangement of another visit to Myanmar .
Gambari said Darfur could not be isolated from troubling developments in other parts of Sudan , including Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile , where Sudanese government forces are battling rebels .
He says the Burmese government 's new plans for a May referendum on a new constitution , and for general elections in 2010 are " a significant step " toward democratic reform .
He arrives just a month after the government announced plans to hold a referendum on a new constitution on May followed by elections in 2010 , a move Gambari called a positive sign .
Thursday , the United Nations special envoy to Burma , Ibrahim Gambari , arrived in Burma to resume his mission to try to convince the military government to start talks with the opposition on political reform .