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  1. 第一节考查河东裴氏在汉代以前的迁徙情况。

    The first section examines the migration of the Hedong Pei family before the Han Dynasty .

  2. 从河东裴氏家族看魏晋南北朝文献编纂活动的特点

    Features of Compiling Documents Activities in the Wei and Jin Dynasty and Epoch of Division between North and South

  3. 第一节分两个部分考查了河东裴氏家族的肇兴和崛起。

    The first section falls into two parts to examine the origin and rise of the Hedong Pei family .

  4. 北魏后期南来吴裴与河东裴氏之比较

    A comparison between Pei of the Kingdom of Wu from the South and Pei in Hedong in the late Northern Wei Dynasty

  5. 认为河东裴氏肇兴于春秋时期,崛起于两汉时代。

    It is believed that the Hedong Pei family originated in the Spring and Autumn Period , and rose in the Han Dynasty .

  6. 这是河东裴氏颇具特色的家学传统和对中国历史文化的杰出贡献。

    This is Pei family in Hedong Region with a characteristic family science tradition and a prominent contribution to Chinese history and culture .