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hé chuān
  • river;stream
河川 [hé chuān]
  • [rivers] 大小河流的总称

河川[hé chuān]
  1. AHP法在河岸发展与河川管理评估方法之研究

    Application of analytic hierarchy process on floodplain development and stream management

  2. 广义翁氏旋回模型及其在河川径流预测中的应用

    Generalized Weng Cycle Model and Its Application to Stream Flow Prediction

  3. 垃圾污染我们的河川湖泊。

    Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes .

  4. 人行道紧挨着河川

    The sidewalk abutted on the river .

  5. v.污染台湾的许多河川被工厂所排污秽的废物所污染。

    pollute Many rivers in Taiwan are polluted with filthy waste from factories .

  6. 基于Copula函数的河川径流丰枯遭遇分析

    Synchronous-Asynchronous encounter probability of rich-poor runoff based on copula function

  7. 山丘区河川基流BFI程序分割方法的运用与分析&以汾河流域河岔水文站为例

    Application of Computerized Base-Flow Separation Method with BFI Program in Mountainous Areas

  8. 把河川向James海湾的排泄与曼尼托巴省Churchill地区海水位的变化联系起来,讨论了其对Hudson海湾再循环的影响;

    Second the impact of river discharge in James Bay is linked to sea level variations in Churchill , Manitoba and the implications of this on Hudson Bay recirculation are explored .

  9. 分析了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)和北极涛动(AO)与新疆天山南北不同流域河川径流变化的关系。

    An analysis of the relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation ( NAO ), Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) and river runoff throughout Xinjiang region of China was presented .

  10. 结果表明:影响北半球气温、降水等气候驱动因子的NAO和AO同样与新疆河川径流的变化具有显著的遥相关。

    The results suggest that the NAO and AO , which drives the climate change of the Northern Hemisphere , have a significant teleconnection with river runoff in Xinjiang Region .

  11. 利用区域系统环境集成模式(RIEMS)和一个OFFLINE的大尺度汇流模型(LRM)对黄河的河川径流做了模拟。

    The streamflow over the Yellow River basin is simulated by using the high-resolution Regional Integrated Environmental Model System ( RIEMS ), and an off-line Large-scale Routing Model ( LRM ) .

  12. Hudson海湾的河川径流量在整个加拿大河川径流量中占有很大的比例,所有河流排泄量约30%流入了Hudson和James海湾。

    Hudson Bay streamflow represents a major component of the streamflow in Canada , approximately 30 % of all river discharge enters Hudson and James Bays . Three current hydrological research issues are examined for this region .

  13. RIEMS-LRM可以用来模拟和预测大尺度河流的河川径流。

    The RIEMS-LRM allows the direct comparison of predicted and observed streamflow data for large-scale rivers .

  14. 在干旱少雨(年降雨量小于100mm)的环境中,来自河川补给的潜水蒸发,成为植被水分最主要来源,对植被生态系统起决定性的作用。

    In the arid and rainless environment ( yearly precipitation less than 100mm ), the groundwater evaporation from river runoff supply is vitally useful for vegetation ecosystem , for it is the main source of vegetation water demand .

  15. RIEMS-LRM在黄河上游河段的应用证实其有能力对大尺度河流的河川径流进行模拟。

    The application of the RIEMS-LRM to the upper reaches of the Yellow River verifies that the coupled model system has the capability to simulate the streamflow over a large-scale river .

  16. 河川裸地沙尘害防治对策的研究

    Control Strategy of Sand - mote Hazard of River Bare Land

  17. 河川径流的年内分配特征与特定的径流补给条件关系密切。

    Annual runoff distribution is connected with the flow recharge situation .

  18. 河川径流资料用于水污染控制的效益估算

    The Benefit Estimation of Controlling Water Pollution with River Runoff Data

  19. 基于复杂性理论的黄河河川径流序列诊断分析

    Diagnoses on the Yellow River runoff series based on complexity theory

  20. 从河川水分离假结核耶尔森菌结果分析

    Result Analysis on Y.pseudotuberculosis Isolated from Water of River and Plain

  21. 复杂性理论在河川径流时间序列分析中的应用研究

    Application Study of Complexity Theory in River Runoff Time Series Analysis

  22. 河川径流水资源系列真的应该修正吗?

    Whether the surface water resources series have to be corrected ?

  23. 燕山太行山区河川水文情势与农业

    River hydrological regime relation in Taihang and YANSHAN MOUNTAINOUS REGION

  24. 近年塔里木盆地河川年径流量变化趋势分析

    Recent Tendency Analysis of River Discharge in the Tarim Basin

  25. 想要了解那天是什么吸引我们深入河川。

    To understand what brought us to the river on that day .

  26. 半干旱退化山区生态农业建设与示范研究&宁夏固原市原州区河川示范区

    The Construction and Demonstration of Ecological Agriculture in Semiarid Degradation Mountainous Areas

  27. 研究了该地区河川径流与当地气候变化之间的关系;

    First the relationship between streamflow and local climate change is reviewed .

  28. 山东河川径流可持续利用探讨

    Discussion of sustainable utilization on river flow in Shandong Province

  29. 溪涧和河川挣开了冰结的镣铐。

    And streams and rivers freed from irons of ice .

  30. 某些危险的化学物质意外地被释放到河川里。

    Some dangerous chemicals were released into the river accidently .