
  • 网络Close the fund;Closed fund
  1. 它是公司道德构造的一部分,关闭基金才是在冒最大的风险。

    It was part of its moral fibre , and the biggest risk of all would have been to stop it .

  2. 部分货币市场基金运营者正面临的前景是,或者关闭基金以停止赎回,或者对旗下基金实施更多代价高昂的援救。

    Some money market fund operators are facing the prospect of either closing funds to halt redemptions or engineering more costly bail-outs of their funds .

  3. 大多数相同规模的对冲基金公司管理者认为不愿意让美国证券交易委员会掌握公司逐渐增长的资源是关闭基金公司充足的理由。

    Most sizeable hedge fund managers would not view the incremental resources that go into SEC registration as enough of a reason to shut down .

  4. SAC资本(SACCapital)创始人史蒂文•科恩(StevenCohen)名列第二。而在去年,他的公司被迫支出创纪录的18亿美元罚金以了结一宗内幕交易诉讼,并向外部投资者关闭其基金。

    Steven Cohen , founder of SAC Capital , was the second highest earning hedge fund manager , in a year when his firm was forced to pay a record $ 1.8bn fine to settle an insider trading case and close his fund to outside investors .

  5. 你可以关闭该基金,那确实是一种选择。

    You can close the fund , that 's one option .

  6. 一位女立法委员说要关闭消费者基金会而引起了公愤。

    The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers'Foundation .

  7. 由于目前ipo出口实际上已然关闭,对冲基金和其他投资者发现,自己手头净是些无法按市值计价、不能变现的票据。

    Now that the IPO Exit is effectively shuttered , hedge funds and other investors find themselves loaded up with illiquid paper they have no way of marking to market .

  8. RKC前投资组合经理坎农(RussellCannon)表示,他已经关闭了该基金,并将资本返还给了投资者。

    Russell Cannon , the former portfolio manager of RKC , says he has shut down the fund and returned the capital to investors .

  9. 他会关闭自己的基金。很多合伙人一向对他的投资业绩很满意,对他们来说这恐怕不是好消息。

    He is closing his fund , and that , for a lot of happy partners in it , cannot be good news .

  10. 由于信贷市场的大门已经关闭,收购基金将无法进行迅速的“资本重组”这已成为了收购热潮期间金融工程领域常见的手法。

    With the shutters down on credit markets , buy-out funds will not be able to execute the swift " recapitalisations " that had become a common feat of financial engineering during the boom .