
  • 网络key job;key position
  1. 以矛盾论的哲学思想通过IT部门的关键岗位的建设保障信息化的组织建设。

    On the idea of philosophical thought of contradiction , through the construction of key position of IT department to form the organization safeguard for the information management .

  2. 本文以新疆地区中小企业为样本,采用中位数分类法和因子分析法,将关键岗位对外开放程度和权力对外开放程度两个视角结合起来,探究企业内部治理模式及企业成长。

    Based on key position opening and power opening , this paper focus on the relationship between internal governance system and growth of SMEs in Xinjiang as the sample , using the median classification and factor analysis .

  3. 布朗将把数位最忠实的盟友提升到关键岗位,其中包括他的密友埃德•鲍尔斯(EdBalls)。

    Mr Brown will promote several of his most loyal allies to key positions , including Ed Balls , his closest confidant .

  4. HighFliers表示,经理们已从更痛苦的经历中获得了教训,一旦情况好转,他们将需要稳定的毕业生供应,来填补关键岗位。

    Managers have learned from bitter experience that they will need a steady flow of graduates to fill critical positions when the upturn comes , says High Fliers .

  5. 中层管理人员是执行集团发展战略的关键岗位,DC房地产集团人力资源部门的一个重要课题就是中层管理人员的胜任力研究。

    Middle-level manager is key positions that carry out the group development strategy , the research of middle-level manager competency is an important topic for the human resource department of DC real estate group .

  6. 当前以剂型和车间为单元的药品GMP实施模式,存在着生产管理粗放、生产质量控制关键岗位监控不到位;制定的文件缺乏针对性、可操作性不强等诸多问题。

    Present in dosage forms and workshop as a unit of pharmaceutical GMP implementation model , there is extensive production management , production and quality control of key positions in monitoring not in place ; developed a lack of specific documents , not strong , and many other operational issues .

  7. 用钱和裙带关系,他在关键岗位上安排自己的支持者。

    With money and patronage , he seeded supporters in key posts .

  8. 数千名关键岗位上的工人必需经过测谎器的测试。

    On several thousand essential post worker essential process polygraph 's test .

  9. 注册城市规划师的执业范围及关键岗位

    Profession Scope and Key Posts of Registered City Planners

  10. 我们尤其需要在关键岗位上的富有热情的员工。

    Particularly for the key positions finding the people that have got the passion .

  11. 房地产企业在管理与专业等方面的关键岗位后备人员需求量不断增大。

    The real estate enterprise stand-by key person in management and professional staff quantity demand increasing .

  12. 铁路客运关键岗位胜任力评价方法及其应用

    An Evaluating Method of Job Competence for the Key Points in Railway Passenger Transport and Application

  13. 团队运转不良、关键岗位上的员工爱唱反调,这些都可能会阻碍创业者获得投资。

    A dysfunctional team , or even one naysayer in a critical position can stall your investment .

  14. 在众多的岗位中,一些重要的关键岗位成为了企业战略目标和核心业务流程的主要承载者。

    In so many positions , some key positions are the carriers of organization strategic objective and leading operations .

  15. 本文的研究,有利于港口型企业关键岗位的定位与优化,具有一定的现实意义。

    This study will help the port enterprises locate and optimization key positions , has a certain practical significance .

  16. 至于其他的关键岗位,你可以雇佣别人,但如果你惹了他们,他们有可能会离开。是的。

    You can employ other key people , but then if you upset them , they 'll probably leave .

  17. 对医院临床科主任这一关键岗位进行岗位分析是现代医院管理的基础工作和重要环节。

    Job analysis of clinic department director in hospital is a basic work and important point of modern hospital management .

  18. 在民用航空领域里,机务维修是保障飞行安全和提高效率的四大关键岗位之一,机务维修差错是民航人误的必然组成部分,世界民航界已经为此付出了惨重的代价。

    Maintenance is one of the four key positions to guarantee the flight safety and improve the efficiency in civil aviation .

  19. 女士们、先生们,我们关键岗位的员工将享受丰厚的报酬,但其中很大一部分是以银行股票的形式支付的。

    Ladies and gentlemen , our key people are well paid but a big portion of that pay is in bank shares .

  20. 要提防隐蔽的敌人,他们经常渗透到关键岗位企图从内部破坏国家政体。

    Beware of the fifth column . They often infiltrate into key positions and seek to undermine the body politic from within .

  21. 中小家族企业的主要职能部门负责人或关键岗位大多由家族人员担任。

    In small and medium family enterprises , most of whose chief or key positions of organizational structure are held by family members .

  22. “三维评价模型”是对关键岗位的现任职者和候选者进行评价分类的方法。

    In Three-Dimension Appraising model , there are two classes in every dimensionality , so the key persons will be classified to eight areas .

  23. 若一个国家的法律体系不可靠,缺少对商业关系的信任,通过将家族成员安置在关键岗位上,所有者就可以降低风险。

    Where the legal system is unreliable and trust in commercial relationships is lacking , owners can cut risk by placing family members in key positions .

  24. 家族企业的所有者也可以通过在关键岗位安插家族成员来控制运营风险,这样做也许会让冒险行为变得更让人放心,从而可能增加利润。

    Family owners can also manage operational risk by placing family members in key positions , which may make risk-taking feel more comfortable , potentially raising profits .

  25. 中国的现代化首先应是国民的现代化,而国民的现代化则首先应是关键岗位上社会成员的现代化。

    The modernization of China is national modernization above all , the national modernization is the modernization of those who are at the crux position in society above all .

  26. 结论该市化妆品的卫生质量较好,但仍有部分化妆品存在不同程度的微生物污染,建议加强对化妆品原材料和化妆品生产过程关键岗位的卫生监督。

    [ Conclusion ] The cosmetics in Shenzhen are proved to be of fine quality with small part of microorganism contamination of different levels . Hygienic supervision should be strengthened .

  27. 近年来,我校在这方面采取了定期开展干部任期经济责任审计、做好关键岗位的重点环节防范、规范大宗物资采购等措施。

    In recent years , our school take some measures on periodic cadre economic auditing , being on guard the key links of the main posts and material purchasing standardization .

  28. 由于事态的极端紧急和严峻,新阁政府须于一天之内组成,其他的关键岗位也于昨日安排就绪。

    It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events and other key positions were filled yesterday .

  29. 论文把企业内在的人力资本划分为四类,具体包括企业家型的人力资本、职业经理人、科技人员和关键岗位的熟练工人,具体探索了不同类型的人力资本在创新中的作用。

    The author divides human capital in this respect as four types : human capital as entrepreneurs , professional managers , science and technological workers and skillful workers at key positions .

  30. 最后指出,在预防人因事件过程中,最重要的环节是协调管理、选取最关键岗位的工作负责人、培养工作人员良好的工作习惯。

    Finally , it is put forward that key to prevent human error event lies in the coordination and management , person in charge of work , and good work habits of staffs .