
ɡuān shuì zhēnɡ shōu
  • customs collection
  1. 再加上商品归类与关税征收联系紧密,其与WTO相关制度的协调也至关重要。

    In addition , the goods classification is closely connected with duty collection . Thus the coordination between the system and relevant WTO mechanism is essential .

  2. 对我国关税征收中名义税率与实际税率差距过大问题的思考

    Thoughts on of the large gap between NRP and ERP in Chinese tariff

  3. 最后论述新关的关税征收。

    Third , I discuss the levies of tariff of the New Customs .

  4. 第一章:海关估价的特殊性和海关估价在关税征收中的重要作用。

    Chapter I : The particularity of customs valuation and the importance of duty collecting .

  5. 接着论述粤海关的管理制度,包括征税制度、监核制度、惩处制度和各种禁令。最后论述粤海关的关税征收,包括船钞、货税和杂税的征收。

    Third , I interpret the administrative system of Yue Customs , consisting of levying system , supervisory system , punishing system and prohibition .

  6. 正在考虑中的海关法案,在童工和进口关税征收等一众问题上引发了冲突。

    The customs bill in question has created a stew of conflict over issues as varied as child labor and enforcement of import duties .

  7. 同时,如果美国政府如预料的那样,在下周二针对中国制造的太阳能组件,扩大关税征收范围,马来西亚在全球太阳能贸易中的份额,在未来几个月里肯定会进一步扩大。

    And Malaysia 's role in the global solar trade is only likely to increase in the coming months if the American government broadens tariffs on panels made in China next Tuesday as expected .

  8. 该惩罚性关税的征收是用以限制中国轮胎进口的措施。

    The punitive tariff was imposed to discourage tire imports from China .

  9. 这些关税的征收是双边的,但WTO规则限制了其范围。

    These tariffs are imposed bilaterally but WTO rules limit their scope .

  10. 文章还介绍了我国现行海关估价、原产地规则及进出口货物关税的征收,并对实施《WTO估价协议》后面临的一些问题进行了分析。

    The dissertation also introduces the concept of customs valuation , the regulation of the confirming the origin of import goods and the collection of the custom tariff on imported and exported goods while making an analysis on some issues after the implementation of WTO Customs Valuation Agreement .

  11. 第四章进出口货物关税的征收

    Chapter IV Levy of Duties of Import and Export Goods

  12. 另外,碳关税的征收对于我国企业将产生很大影响。

    In addition , the imposing of the carbon tariff will influence the enterprise in our country a lot .

  13. 紧急关税的征收对象是那些被视为不公平地将价格定得比其国内市场更低的进口商品。

    The duties are levied against imported goods considered to be unfairly priced more cheaply than in their domestic market .

  14. 目前,碳关税的征收问题已经日渐成为世界各国争论和博弈的焦点。

    At present , the carbon tariffs ' being levied is becoming the world debate and focus of the game .

  15. 根据中国海关的规定,如果设备是合法进口到中国的,在质量保证期内维修零部件应免除进口关税的征收。

    According to the PRC custom regulations , the import duty on service parts should be waived within the warranty period if the equipment was legally imported to China .

  16. 到了决定是否要征收关税、征收多少关税的时候,欧盟委员会应当利用自己的灵活空间,避免征收高额关税。

    As the time comes to decide whether to impose duties and how big they should be , the Commission should use the leeway it has to lean against heavy tariffs .

  17. 即使碳关税的征收违反了国民待遇原则和最惠国待遇原则,碳关税还可以从GATT1994第20条例外来寻找合法性依据。

    Even if carbon tariff is not consistent with the principle of national treatment or the principle of most-favoured-nation treatment , it may be also legitimate under Article XX of GATT 1994 .

  18. 进口调节税由海关在征收(或者补征)进口关税时一并征收。

    Import Adjustment Tax will be levied ( or a supplementary payment will be levied ) by Customs authorities at the same time as Customs duty is levied .

  19. 该法案将要求美国商务部在计算所谓的“反补贴关税”(征收对象是被视为得到政府补贴的进口)时,采用估算的汇率低估幅度。

    The bill would require the commerce department to use estimates of currency undervaluation when calculating so-called " countervailing duties " , imposed against imports deemed to be state-subsidised .

  20. 该条例给予东印度公司到北美殖民地销售积压茶叶的专利权,免缴高额的进口关税,只征收轻微的茶税。

    The legislation gives the East India Company tea to the North American colonies sales backlog of patent rights , exemption from import tariffs on high , only a small tea tax levy .

  21. 关税在边境处征收。

    Customs duties are collected at the border .

  22. 为什么不摆出一个正确的姿态进口关税,对富人征收附加税难道这样做真的会使情况变得更糟糕么?

    Why not opt for a gesture tariffs , a supertax on the rich that may only make matters worse ?

  23. 复合关税是从价税与从量税两种关税相结合所征收的关税。

    A compound tariff is a combination of a specific and an ad valorem tariff .

  24. 关税强制措施作为我国海关对纳税义务人所采取的具体行政行为,是保障关税顺利征收的重要手段。

    Tariff enforcement measures , taken by the Customs against obligatory duty payers , are significant means to ensure the smoothness of duty levitation .