
  • 网络The third industrial revolution
  1. 二十世纪中期,随着第三次工业革命的发展,信息技术在世界范围内呈现爆炸式的发展。

    With the development of the third industrial revolution , information technology has achieved explosive progresses since the mid-twentieth .

  2. 在第三次工业革命初见端倪之际,人类需要的是在共鸣方面超越国家界限,扩展至整个生物圈范畴。

    What is required now , at the cusp of the third industrial revolution , is an empathic leap beyond national boundaries to biosphere boundaries .

  3. 第三次工业革命来临,工作机会大失落

    The Opportunity of Employment Will Reduce When the Third Industrial Revolution Comes

  4. 《经济学人》杂志称其为第三次工业革命。

    is something that The Economist magazine defined as the Third Industrial Revolution .

  5. 在过去的十多年里,信息技术的空前发展宣告了第三次工业革命的来临。

    In the past decades , rapid development of modern science and technology declared the coming of the Third Industrial Revolution .

  6. 分布式的信息和通讯技术,正与分布式的可再生能源融合,为第三次工业革命创建基础设施。

    Distributed information and communication technologies are converging with distributed renewable energies , creating the infrastructure for a third industrial revolution .

  7. 近年来第三次工业革命这一词汇,是在经济、科技和社会生活等领域频繁出现的词汇。

    In recent years , the word THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION has frequently appeared in economy , technology , social activities and so on .

  8. 第三次工业革命是信息技术的飞速发展带来的,计算机技术特别是软件技术的快速发展,对各行各业施加着巨大的影响。

    The fast development of information technology bring us the third industrial revolution . The every kind of industry are influenced greatly by software technology .

  9. 因此,美国成为第三次工业革命在信息科技,材料和化学领域的领头羊。

    As a result , the U.S. has become the bellwether of the third industrial revolution ( in technology of information , materials and biology ) .

  10. 新能源技术、互联网技术的发展与第三次工业革命的兴起,将极大的改变未来社会的生产方式与权力关系。

    With the application of new energy technology , internet technology and the third industrial revolution , the mode of production and power relation will change dramatically .

  11. 我相信我们正处在第三次工业革命的开端,在这次革命中,互联网技术将与可再生能源结合在一起,创造一种强大的、新的能源基础设施。

    And here I believe we are on the cusp of a third industrial revolution , in which Internet technologies and renewable energies merge to create a powerful , new energy infrastructure .

  12. 自人类社会进入第三次工业革命以来,城市的发展为周边区域提供了经济发展的引擎,为市民提供了安全舒适的人居环境,城市成为了社会经济文明的重要象征之一。

    Since the human society entered the third Industrial Revolution , urban development has become the engine of regional economic development , and a safe and comfortable living environment for the public .

  13. 以计算机、信息技术的飞速发展与持续更新为标志,被称为第三次工业革命的信息革命逐渐向纵深发展,对以主权国家为主体的国际关系产生了深远影响。

    Marked by the rapid development and continuous update of the computer and information technology , the Information Revolution , also called the third Industrial Revolution , has got further development gradually . It has a far-reaching influence on international relationships centering on sovereign states .

  14. 自20世纪70年代起,以生产的电脑化、自动化为主要特征的第三次工业技术革命(或者说信息革命)席卷全球。

    From the 20th century seventies , the third industry revolutionary with the main characters of computerization and automation swept across all over the world .

  15. 随着第三次工业技术革命席卷全球,电子技术被广泛运用于各行业,使得生产社会化程度进一步提高,经济进一步发展。

    Along with the third technology revolution sweeping the seven sea , electronic technology was widely applied in different industry and it improved manufacture socialization grade more and the economy developed more .