
  • 网络energy crisis
  1. 西方发达国家和其他一些新兴工业国在国际第二次石油危机爆发后,就已经着手建立了各自的战略石油储备体系,发展至今已相当完善。

    The western developed countries and some emerging industrialized countries had began to establish their strategic petroleum systems after the second oil crisis .

  2. 以实际价值计算,目前的油价水平比1979年高出25%&那一年是第二次石油危机的高峰时期。

    In real terms , the price of oil is now 25 per cent higher than in 1979 , at the peak of the second oil shock .

  3. 随着名义油价飙升至每桶90美元以上,实际原油价格似乎越来越有可能触及1979年第二次石油危机期间创下的纪录。

    Crude oil prices appear increasingly likely to hit the real terms record , reached during the second oil crisis in 1979 , as nominal prices soar above $ 90 a barrel .

  4. 追溯到上世纪80年代,当金价触及每盎司850美元以实际价格衡量,这仍是历史高点时,西方经济体正受到第二次石油危机和战后创纪录通胀的夹击。

    Back in 1980 , when the yellow metal hit $ 850 an ounce still the record in real terms western economies were being squeezed simultaneously by the second oil crisis and record postwar inflation .

  5. 对于经通胀因素调整后的真实油价在达到什么水平时才代表创纪录价位,能源经济学家之间也存在分歧,因为在1979年第二次石油危机初期,还不存在西德克萨斯中质原油期货。

    There are also discrepancies among energy economists on which level represents the true adjusted record as West Texas Intermediate futures did not exist in the early stages of the second oil crisis , in 1979 .

  6. 1978年第二次世界石油危机,日本经济未受到多大影响,而美国没有建立石油储备制度,其经济受到了严重的冲击。

    In 1978 , there was no bad influence on Japanese economy in the second world oil crisis , but American economy was plagued by severe blow .

  7. 第六章主要分考察了第二次石油危机的政治和经济背景以及对国际石油市场和世界秩序的影响。

    Chapter 6 probes into the political and economic background to the so-called second oil crisis , and what influence it had on the international market and the word order .