
  1. 第三方物流合同风险的识别&以长三角地区为中心的分析

    Knowing third party logistics 's contract risk & analysis of taking Yangtse River Delta as centre

  2. 首先,对第三方物流合同进行概述,主要对第三方物流的相关概念、合同的法律特征、法律性质做了探讨。

    Firstly , the article discusses an overview of TPL contract including the concept of TPL , legal characteristics and nature of TPL contract .

  3. 基于甄别模型的第三方物流外包合同研究

    Research on 3PL Outsourcing Contract Based on the Screening Model

  4. 非资产型第三方物流提供者合同仓租赁决策研究

    Analysis of Non-asset Third-party Logistics Provider Leasing Contract Warehouse

  5. 由于物流产业的逐渐形成,对于第三方物流、合同物流和物流服务采购等理论和实践问题也受到人们的普遍关注。

    People are more concerned with the theory and practice of the third party logistic , contract one as well as that of service purchase with gradual formation of the logistic industry .

  6. 基于二层决策的第三方物流分包合同设计

    Third-party Logistics Subcontract Design Based on Bilevel Programming

  7. 低值易逝品的第三方物流收入共享协调合同研究

    Revenue-Sharing Coordinating Contracts between a TPL Service Provider and a Client Enterprise for Low Value Perishable Products

  8. 而第三方物流服务在法律形式上表现为各种类型的第三方物流合同,第三方物流合同是这些法律问题的基础。

    In the legal form , the TPL services mainly performs as certain types of TPL contract , and the contract is the basis of these legal issues .