
ɡuó jì huò wù mǎi mài hé tonɡ
  • contract for international sales of goods
  1. 主要就EDI贸易合同所引发的与国际货物买卖合同有关的法律问题作一介绍,如书面形式问题、签字问题、EDI在证据法上的法律问题、合同成立问题等。

    Technical characteristic of the process of contract establishment ; This paper aims to make an analysis on some relevant legal issues brought about by EDI contracts , such as issues of written form , signature , evidentiary validity , and contract formation .

  2. 国际货物买卖合同解除权立法比较研究解除限定继承权保证

    Comparative Research on Legislation of Contract Cancellation Rights in International Sale of Goods

  3. 国际货物买卖合同的形式是当事人意思表示一致的体现。

    On Legal Issues of Rejection of Goods in International Sale of Goods ;

  4. 国际货物买卖合同是国际贸易交易中最为重要的一种合同。

    International sales contract is one of the most important contracts in international trade transactions .

  5. 国际货物买卖合同中买方拒受权辨析

    On the Buyer 's Right to Reject Goods in the Contract of International Sale of Goods

  6. 国际货物买卖合同中存在诸多的法律问题值得探讨。

    There are a lot of legal problems in international sales contract of goods worthy of discussion .

  7. 论国际货物买卖合同中货物损失风险的承担及转移

    The Taking and Transferring of the Risk of Loss in the Contract of International Sales of Goods

  8. 与此相适应,国际货物买卖合同关系与海上运输合同关系之间必然存在某种关联性。

    The Taking and Transferring of the Risk of Loss in the Contract of International Sales of Goods ;

  9. 论国际货物买卖合同的主要条款及签订时应注意的事项

    Discussion on the Main Clauses of the Contracts of International Goods Sales and the Problems Needing Attention in Signing Contracts

  10. 本部分依据不同的标准,划分了国际货物买卖合同默示条款的类型。

    According to different standards , this part divides different types of implied terms of contract for the international sale of goods .

  11. 国际货物买卖合同与国际海上货物运输合同相关问题的研究

    A Study on the Related Problems in the Contract of Sale of Goods and the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  12. 货物品质异议期限与诉讼时效的法律辨析&兼评《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》第39、44条

    On The Limitation Period On Demurrer to the Defective Goods and the Time Limits of Action & On The Article 39,44 of CISG

  13. 国际货物买卖合同的风险及防范&以《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》为视点

    The Risk in International Goods Business Contract and Its Prevention & From the Perspective of Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods

  14. 国际货物买卖合同的解除,相比于其它违约救济措施而言,是后:果最严重的一种措施。

    Comparing with other remedy measures of breach , the cancellation of a contract of international sales of goods could arise the most serious consequences .

  15. 因此,风险的划分、承担,即风险转移问题,则成为买卖合同尤其是国际货物买卖合同中一个十分重要的问题。

    One of the most important things reflected in business contracts , especially in transnational business , is how to divide and bear risk , i.e. risk-transfer .

  16. 由于时间与精力所限,本文只涉及国际货物买卖合同订立中的几个重大法律问题的研究。

    The article touches upon only a few very important legal issues in the conclusion of international sales contract of goods due to the limitation of time and energy .

  17. 其次,本章在论述德国法有关卖方违约补救制度时是援引《德国民法典》的相关规定,针对卖方在国际货物买卖合同三种主要违约情形买方应如何补救进行阐述。

    In addition , this chapter quotes some correlative regulations in Code on Civil Laws of Germany to discuss the remedial system of sellers ' breach of contract in Germen law .

  18. 我国作为一个外贸大国,进出口企业经常性地会碰到国际货物买卖合同的解除问题。

    As China is a country having a big value of foreign trade , Chinese import and export enterprises are always involving in matters about cancellation of the contract of international sales of goods .

  19. 多数情况下,合同订立后,国际货物买卖合同的当事人,无论卖方或买方,都会尽力履行责任。

    In most cases , bana fide party to an international sales contract will do his best to perform his duties either as a seller or a buyer , after the conclusion of the contract .

  20. 国际货物买卖合同适用的法律规范不同,合同争议的处理结果可能会有很大的差异,因而法律适用问题对合同当事人的利益有着重大的影响。

    Different legal norms adopted may lead to different results in the settlement of dispute of a contract , the issue of legal application , therefore , has great effects on the interests of the parties of a contract .

  21. 《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》(以下简称公约)宣告合同无效制度,是国际货物买卖合同当事人的重要救济措施之一。

    Declaration of avoidance of contract in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ( hereinafter referred to as " Convention ") is one of the most important remedies for the parties in international trade .

  22. 国际货物买卖合同中卖方的主要义务是按照合同的规定交付货物,其中包括交付的时间、地点、数量、质量和权利担保等问题。

    Delivery of goods pursuant to contract is seller 's principal obligation under an international contract for sale of goods , concerning time and place of delivery , quality and quantity of goods delivered , and freedom from third party 's claim .

  23. 作为国际货物买卖合同的一种,进口船舶设备合同具有鲜明的行业特点,受国际国内宏观环境及行业环境影响较大。

    The import contract for marine equipment , kind of contract for international sale of goods , has typical industrial character . The macro-environment and the marine industry business environment all have big effect on the contract , from the contract negotiation to the completion .

  24. 该制度对于对保护当事人的合法权益,促进国际货物买卖合同顺利有效进行起着十分重要的作用。

    It purports to preserve the legitimate rights and interests of both parties , and plays a very important role in promoting the development of international sale of goods . The paper focuses on the development , conditions and legal results of the declaration of avoidance of contract .

  25. 对于实务中国际货物贸易买卖合同欺诈的防范具有很好的指导意义和参考价值。

    For the practice of international trade in goods sales contract fraud prevention has a good guide and reference value .

  26. 本文分析了国际货物贸易买卖合同欺诈的概念和特征,续而对其进行了深入的法律分析和经济分析。

    This paper analyzes the contract for the sale of international trade in goods and characteristics of the concept of fraud , the renewal of its in-depth legal analysis and economic analysis .

  27. 商品检验是国际货物买卖中一个不可或缺的环节,也是国际货物买卖合同的重要组成部分。

    Examination of the goods is a necessary link in international sale of goods , and commodity inspection clause is a very important part of the contract of international sale of goods .