
  • 网络IEC;International Electrotechnical Commission;IECEE;International Electrical Commission;I EC
  1. 近年,国际电工委员会(IEC)和我国的有关标准委员会正在对电机及交流拖动系统的标准进行修订。

    Recent years , IEC ( International Electrical Committee ) and China are revising the standards of adjustable-speed AC drive systems .

  2. 对国际电工委员会(IEC)规定的几种常见低压配电系统接地型式进行了分析计算,指出了各系统存在的不安全因素,并提出了工程应用中应采取的相应措施。

    General earthing forms of low voltage electric systems stipulated by IEC are analyzed and calculated , unsafe factors in these systems are presented , and some corresponding measures that should be taken in engineering applications are suggested .

  3. ISO与国际电工委员会(IEC)在电工技术标准化方面保持紧密的合作关系。

    ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization .

  4. 主要包括国际电工委员会(IEC)的有关活动;

    It includes IEC activities ;

  5. 本文将介绍一个流程以及RationalSoftwareArchitect扩展的使用方法,这些扩展使用了国际电工委员会的公共信息模型(commoninformationmodel,IECCIM)来指导信息和服务的定义。

    This article describes a process and the use of Rational Software Architect extensions that use the International Electrotechnical Commission 's Common Information Model ( IEC CIM ) to guide message and service definitions .

  6. 该规范于2008年10月31日,经国际电工委员会(IEC)全体成员投票,作为公共可用规范正式发布,目前已经成为工业无线技术领域中重要的标准规范之一。

    The specification had been published as a public available specification by the International Electrotechnical Commission , on October 31 , 2008 .

  7. 目前许多国家和地区强制执行国际电工委员会(IEC)的相关标准,对电力电子设备的谐波电流进行了限制。

    In many countries and regions , the current harmonic caused by power electronic equipments is now strictly limited according to the relevant IEC standards .

  8. 将测量数据与当前国际电工委员会的IEC61000-4系列电磁兼容标准进行了相关比较,针对基于SVC的电磁辐射干扰提出两项抗扰性试验的具体改进建议。

    The results were correlated to the present EMC standards IEC 61000-4 series , with two recommendations for changes in the immunity tests specifically for SVC-based emissions .

  9. 近年来,国内针对国际电工委员会(IEC)发布的IEC608705系列电力系统传输规则,制定了一系列配套标准。

    In recent years , a set of companion standard is established in China according to the IEC 60870 ? 5 transmission protocols for power system released by IEC .

  10. 它们分别是,多智能体系统(Multi-agentSystem,MAS)理论的兴起、国际电工委员会(InternationalElectricCommittee,IEC)的IEC61850标准的推出、以及嵌入式系统(Embedded-System)市场的繁荣。

    That is , the boom of Multi-agent System ( MAS ) technology , the promotion of the standard of IEC 61850 of International Electric Committee ( IEC ), and the prosperity of Embedded-system market .

  11. IEC61131-3标准是国际电工委员会(IEC)公布的关于可编程控制器的编程语言的标准。

    Standard IEC61131-3 is a standard about programming language for PLC , developed by International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) .

  12. 南非标准局(SABS)是国际电工委员会(IEC)的附属机构。

    The South African Bureau of Standards ( SABS ) is affiliated to the International Electrotechnical Commission ,( IEC ) .

  13. 本文对在等同采用国际电工委员会(IEC)相应标准基础上制定《电工术语带电作业》国家标准的过程中几个重要术语的中文定名理据作了较为深入的介绍。

    Author introduces a few important terms and their naming reasons for the national standard Electrotechnical terminology-Live working which is identical to the International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) corresponding standard .

  14. 随着信息流的急剧增加和公用事业的发展,根据国际电工委员会的公共信息模型(IECCIM)标准制定的设计良好的集成策略将体现其越来越高的价值。

    Having a well-designed integration strategy based on the International Electrotechnical Commission 's Common Information Model ( IEC CIM ) standards will prove increasingly valuable as information flow dramatically increases and utilities evolve .

  15. 本产品按GB/T9330-2008国家标准生产,同时还可根据用户需要按国际电工委员会推荐标准IEC、英国标准、德国标准及美国标准生产。

    The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB / T9330-2008.At the same time , it can also be manufactured according to IEC , BS , DIN and AEIC standard upon request .

  16. 阐述了国际电工委员会(IEC)对变电站自动化系统(SAS)、远方终端装置(RTU)、智能电子设备(IED)等术语的定义;

    In this paper the definitions on Substation Automation System ( SAS ), Remote Terminal Unit ( RTU ) and Intelligent Electronic Devices ( IED ), etc. , given by IEC are expounded .

  17. 变电站通信结构体系IEC61850是国际电工委员会即将推出的协议。

    The substation communication architecture IEC 61850 will soon be issued by IEC as a protocol which has aroused public concern of manufacturers at home and abroad .

  18. 阐述了国际电工委员会(IEC)制定的用于电网调度自动化系统的基于TCP/IP协议的国际标准IEC60870-5-104远动规约。

    The international standard IEC 60870-5-104 telecontrol protocol is explained , which is based on TCP / IP and enacted by the International Electric Technical Commission ( IEC ) .

  19. 根据国际电工委员会(IEC)有关标准,电压波动和闪变已成为衡量电能质量的重要指标,闪变参数测量方法的研究与应用越来越引起各国的重视。

    According to International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) relevant standard , voltage fluctuation and flicker have become the important index for weighing power quality , research and application of flicker parameters measurement attract more and more attention of various countries .

  20. 国际电工委员会(IEC)推出的变电站通信标准系列IEC61850是将来电力系统无缝通信系统体系标准的基础之一。

    Standard IEC 61850 for substation communication , which was worked out by International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ), is one of the bases of seamless communication system standard for power system in the future .

  21. 在进行高压,特别是超高压断路器开断能力试验时,在试验回路中产生各种满足国际电工委员会(IEC)和国家标准的瞬态恢复电压(TRV)是一项相当困难的任务。

    During the breaking-capacity testing ot HV , especially EHV , circuit-breakers , it is a quite difficult task to reproduce a variety of suitable transient recovery voltages ( TRV ), complying with IEC or national standards , in testing circuits .

  22. 根据国际电工委员会制定的IEC-60870-5-101和IEC-60870-5-104远动规约,我国已经制定了相应的配套标准DL/T634-1997和DL/T634.5104-2002。

    According to the IEC-60870-5-101 and IEC-60870-5-104 telecontrol protocol published by IEC , the corresponding companion standards , namely DL / T634-1997 and DL / T634.5104-2002 , already drafted in China .

  23. 国际电工委员会绝缘子术语和复合绝缘子标准的修改填充绝缘化合物绝缘子

    Revision of IEC Insulator Terms and Composite Insulators Standards compound filled insulator

  24. 以电力行业标准为依据,对国际电工委员会标准IEC870-5-101远动规约实现进行测试。

    On the basis of power industry standard the implementation of protocol IEC 870 5 101 is tested .

  25. 介绍了电子式电流互感器国际电工委员会标准IEC60044-8的链路层规则,设计了数据组帧编码模块。

    The link layer rule of IEC 60044-8 standard for electronic current transformers is intro-duced . The data framing and encoding module is designed .

  26. IEC61400-25是国际电工委员会为风电场监控通信提出的新标准,定义了风电场建模语言与结构和通信协议。

    IEC 61400-25 is the new standard proposed by IEC . The modeling language , structure and the communication protocol are specified in it .

  27. 根据国际电工委员会与国家防雷规范的要求,确定电源避雷器选型与安装的最佳途径和应注意的事项。

    According to lightning protection standard of nation and International Electrotechnical Commission , the paper determines the best way to select and install lightning arrester of power .

  28. 列车通信网络由国际电工委员会制定,是用于列车实时监控和信息处理的数据通讯标准。

    TCN is drawn by IEC ( International Electrotechnical Commission ), which is a standard applied to data communication for real-time monitoring and controlling and information processing in train .

  29. 根据通信行业标准、国家标准和国际电工委员会标准,结合工程环境和应用经验,简要论述了当前存在于通信能源系统雷电过电压保护研究中的一些问题。

    According to relative domestic specifications , IEC standards , equipment 's engineering environments and application experience , this paper describes some issues on lightning over-voltage protection for telecommunication energy system .

  30. 国际电工委员会在其针对心电设备检测的标准中明确规定,用于验证心电图自动诊断算法的心电图数据库,必须从该心电图机预期使用的特定人群中采集。

    The International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) has clearly indicated in its standard that , the standard database used to evaluate the ECG automatic diagnosis algorithm should be based on the population of its target market .