
ɡuó jì hǎi shànɡ huò wù yùn shū
  • international maritime transport of goods
  1. 国际海上货物运输法律制度很不统一,UNCITRAL为统一海上货物运输法拟定了一个文书草案(UNCITRAL[全程或部分途程][海上]货物运输文书草案)。

    UNCITRAL works out a document draft for the unification of maritime freightage .

  2. 即使CMI拟定的《国际海上货物运输统一法草案》,也对迟延交付问题提供了不同的标准,以供各国选择。

    Even if Draft of Unification of Law on International Carriage of Goods by Sea draft by CMI offers different standards for its members .

  3. 论国际海上货物运输的法律冲突

    Legal conflict in the field of carriage of goods by sea

  4. 国际海上货物运输中绕航的法律适用

    Application of law for deviation in international marine cargo shipping

  5. 透视国际海上货物运输法的强制性与航海过失免责

    Perspective on Mandatory Feature of International Nautical Transportation Law and Nautical Fault Exemption

  6. 国际海上货物运输合同收货人相关法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems about Consignee in Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  7. 国际海上货物运输合同项下诉权问题研究

    A Study on Title to Sue under the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Sea

  8. 《鹿特丹规则》旨在建立统一国际海上货物运输规则。

    The purpose of the Rotterdam Ruler is to establish unified rules of international maritime transportation .

  9. 在国际海上货物运输中,无单放货频频出现,并有不断增加的趋势。

    In international marine cargo transportation , disputes between shippers and carriers happen frequently and tend to increase .

  10. 国际海上货物运输中提单转让法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems Concerning the Transfer of Bills of Lading in International Carriage of Goods by Sea

  11. 国际海上货物运输中承运人的举证责任研究

    Study on the Burden of Proof of the Carrier under the International Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

  12. 因此,批量合同受到承托双方的欢迎,在国际海上货物运输领域得到了广泛的运用。

    Therefore , volume contract is widely used by both carrier and shipper in the field of cargo shipping .

  13. 接着,开始探讨国际海上货物运输合同下的诉权归属问题。

    Then , it turns to the title to sue under the international contract of carriage of goods by sea .

  14. 在国际海上货物运输中,单位赔偿责任限制是承运人赔偿责任的一项重要内容。

    In the international carriage of goods by sea , the unit limitation of liability is an important issue among the liability system of carrier .

  15. 提单是国际海上货物运输的重要单证之一,其在国际贸易合同以及国际海上货物运输合同中,扮演着极其重要的角色。

    Bill of lading , as one of important documents for international shipping carriage , is playing core role in the contract of international trade .

  16. 当前,有关国际海上货物运输的立法很不统一,所以,关于承运人责任基础的规定也不一致。

    At present , the law of carriage of goods by sea in the world conflicts so much , so the provisions of the basis of liability are not consistent .

  17. 国际海上货物运输是当今世界主要的一种货物运输方式,据统计,大约90%以上的货物是通过海上运输来实现异地货物贸易的。

    Shipping is the most important manner in international transportation in the world now . It is reported that 90 % of the cargoes is transited by ship from country to country .

  18. 在国际海上货物运输合同的履行过程中,会产生多种复杂的债权债务关系,集装箱运输的商务活动更为复杂。

    There are a variety of complex claims and liabilities in the performance of the contract of international carriage of goods by sea and the container transport business activities are more complex .

  19. 租船运输是国际海上货物运输中重要的运输方式之一,而提单则是国际贸易和国际海上货物运输中的重要单证,其条款的效力直接影响着有关当事方的权利和义务。

    The bill of lading is an important document to the international trade practice and the international transportation industry , the effectiveness of its provisions directly affect the rights and obligations of the parties .

  20. 承运人航海过失免责是很有特色的承运人免责事由之一,航海过失免责对国际海上货物运输起过非常积极的作用但同时又有违一般公平原则。

    Carrier 's nautical fault exemption is one of the characteristic exemption causes and once played very positive part in international maritime freight transportation , but meantime , it violates the general fair principle .

  21. 权利转让制度是《鹿特丹规则》较其之前的三个国际海上货物运输领域已经生效的国际公约新增加的一项法律制度。

    Transfer of rights is the new rule that was added to the Rotterdam Rules , which was not included in the prior three existing effective international conventions related with international carriage of goods by sea .

  22. 海商法是一门实践性较强的学科,因而笔者对国际海上货物运输中涉及权利转让问题的典型案例进行了分析和总结。

    In consideration of the practice oriented nature of the Maritime law , the author conducted the analysis and discussion of the classical cases concerning the transfer of rights in the international carriage of goods by sea .

  23. 依我国国情而言,国际海上货物运输仍然应该保留航海过失免责制度;而沿海内河货物运输则应该继续舍弃航海过失免责制度。

    According to the national conditions of China , exemption of nautical fault should still be retained in the carriage of goods by sea , but the carriage of goods in coastal sea and inland river does not .

  24. 因此,承运人和托运人是签订海上货物运输合同的当事人,托运人当然享有国际海上货物运输合同中的权利并承担相应的义务。

    Therefore , the carrier and the shipper are the signing parties of the marine transportation contract , and of course , the shipper has the rights and corresponding obligations in the contract of marine carriage of goods .

  25. 《鹿特丹规则》第一次以专章的形式将货物控制权规定在国际海上货物运输公约中,填补了相关的立法空白。

    The Rotterdam rules as the International Conventions for the carriage of goods by sea , firstly established the special chapter of right of control on goods in the level of international treaties and supply a gap of legislation .

  26. 经过长时间的调查才免除了经理玩忽职守之罪和对毁坏工厂的那场火灾的责任。透视国际海上货物运输法的强制性与航海过失免责

    After a long inquiry , the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory . Perspective on Mandatory Feature of International Nautical Transportation Law and Nautical Fault Exemption

  27. 自古以来,由于航海事业的特殊风险,承运人责任一直都作为国际海上货物运输法律制度的核心制度而存在。

    Since ancient times , due to the special risks in the navigation industry , the ocean carrier liability system has always been the foundation and core of the legal system of the international carriage of goods by sea .

  28. 由于承运人责任制度关系着承运人的权利和义务,所以目前关于国际海上货物运输的各大公约都重点围绕海运承运人责任制度而展开。

    The liability of the carrier system relates to the rights and obligations of the carrier , so there is abundant relative content in the major conventions of international marine cargo transportation which focus on the ocean carrier liability .

  29. 公约一旦生效并被主要航运和货运大国所接受,其所带来的法律统一程度将会远远超过任何一部现有的国际海上货物运输公约。

    Once the Convention enters into force and was accepted by the major shipping and freight States , no doubt that the degree of uniformity of law will be far more than any existing international convention on maritime carriage of goods .

  30. 本文从国际海上货物运输合同第三人的角度,主要讨论非合同当事人的收货人和提单持有人依据提单享有的国际海上货物运输合同中的权利、义务及相关法律问题。

    The parties of the Bill of Lading embody exception of privity of contract and this article talks on the rights and duties of the consignee and the holder of the Bill of Lading which arise from the contract of carriage of goods .