
  • 网络oil crisis
  1. 一些于20世纪70年代中期第一次石油危机期间签订的长期双边合同,在经济环境改变时并没有被全部执行。

    Long-term bilateral contracts signed in the first oil crisis of the mid-1970s were not all honoured when economic circumstances changed .

  2. 自从1973年第一次石油危机爆发以来,石油产量即将达到顶峰的说法为越来越多的人接受。

    Since the first oil crisis broke out in 1973 , oil production is about to the peak is more and more accepted .

  3. 自从第一次石油危机以来,美国国内生产总值(gdp)的能源密度(每创造一单位财富所使用的石油量)已降低近60%。

    Since the first oil shock , the energy intensity of the US gross domestic product ( the amount of oil used per a unit of wealth created ) has declined by almost 60 per cent .

  4. 石油输出国组织的成立和第一次石油危机的爆发对世界石油市场产生了深远的影响。

    Both the establishment of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the First Oil Crises has resulted in profound impacts on the world oil market .

  5. 该指数第二大涨幅出现在1973年第一次石油危机期间,当年上半年的升幅为30.2%。

    The second-largest increase came during the first oil crisis of 1973 , when the index surged 30.2 per cent in the first half of that year .

  6. 1973年第一次石油危机冲击后,开发利用生物质能源的技术得到世界各国的重视和发展。它作为与大阳能、风能并列的三大可再生能源之一,受到国际上广泛的重视。

    Since the impact of the first oil crisis happened in 1973 , the technology of the exploit and utilization of biomass energy has experienced a great development .

  7. 1973年爆发了第一次石油危机,结果通胀率在1974年上升到了16%,70年代在发达国家中,英国增长率最低而通胀率最高。

    As a result the rate of inflation rose to16 % in1974.In the1970s among the developed countries Britain maintained the lowest growth rate and the highest inflation rate .

  8. 同时布雷顿森林体系的解体、第一次石油危机的冲击以及随后发生的滞胀危机直接呼唤着西方七国首脑会议的产生。

    The collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system , the impact of the first oil crisis , and ' stagflation ' crisis in the 1970s were direct reasons to the generation of the seven-power summit .

  9. 1973年10月的第四次中东战争使中东阿拉伯产油国对支持以色列的美国等国家采取减产、禁运、提价、石油国有化等措施,继而引发了第一次石油危机。

    The fourth Middle-east war occured in the October 1973 forced the oil-produced countries in the Arabic world to reduce output , embargo , increase the price , oil nationalization and other measurements on the United States and others who supported Israeli , which resulted in the first oil crisis .

  10. 能源安全的概念是在20世纪70年代第一次世界性石油危机后提出的,鉴于石油危机的影响以及石油在能源中的不可替代的地位,在世界上许多国家能源安全就是石油安全。

    The concept of energy security was firstly put forward in the 1970s after the oil crisis of energy .