
  • 网络third-party logistics company;3pl;TPL;third party logistics service provider
  1. 通过对第三方物流公司应如何做好资源的整合、流程的整合及提供增值物流及政府的相关政策和支持方面进行说明,以期对第三方物流公司的健康飞速发展有所裨益。

    Through the explain of the development methods of the 3PL ( third part logistics ) company in china , including resource conformity , supply chain management , process conformity , and government policy , in order to help the 3PL company develop quickly and rightly .

  2. 第三方物流公司完成外包业务时,着眼于双方合作的长期利益,避免出现受短期利益驱使的投机主义行为。很大程度上起到防范道德风险的作用。

    Therefore , when 3PL provider is going to complete its outsourcing business , it will focus on the long-term benefits from cooperation by avoiding the behavior of speculation .

  3. 之后,本文运用构建的绩效评价体系对A、B两家第三方物流公司绩效情况进行了评价分析和探讨,并进行了对比分析及提出了相应的绩效提升策略。

    After that , it selects two third-party logistics companies A and B , and their performance evaluation are comparatively analyzed and discussed .

  4. 论文中选取的DB物流公司同样是一家以经营公路货运为主营业务的第三方物流公司。

    It is such a third-party logistics company that operates the road freight as the main business .

  5. 它意味着ebay要积极探索如何和第三方物流公司合作,以更好地利用后者的“过剩产能”。

    That means exploring other third-party shipping and transportation systems to exploit excess capacity .

  6. 本论文以美国独资第三方物流公司YoungerNicheLogisticsShanghaiLtd.公司为工程背景。

    This paper base on the operation of Younger Niche Logistics Shanghai Ltd. , the USA wholly owner third party logistics company . The paper introduces the modern logistics status ;

  7. 一汽大众公司比较早的意识到物流的重要性,从2003年开始,将CKD和国产化的零部件产前物流配送业务委托给第三方物流公司&一汽国际物流中心。

    FAW-Volkswagen company earlier aware of the importance of logistics , since 2003 , had entrusted the CKD and localization of components of prenatal to a third party logistics business logistics company - FAW international logistics center .

  8. 对第三方物流公司的管理部门进行调整,将此项工作由成本控制中心划归到物流中心,以加强对运输和外地库存的管理。

    Fourth , the function of manage carrier should be transformed from cost control center to logistics center .

  9. 所以许多企业纷纷准备将其自身物流业务外包,带动了物流市场和第三方物流公司的发展。

    Outsourcing all or parts of the logistical business to professional TPL companies results in economies of scale and expertise .

  10. 为了提高自身的核心竞争力,越来越多的企业把第三方物流公司引入其供应链中。

    To enhance their competitiveness , more and more enterprises have introduced the third-party logistics into their chains of supply .

  11. 由于有专业的第三方物流公司对质押物进行监管,银行可以放心的对企业放贷。

    As a professional third party logistics enterprise to monitor the collateral , bank can be assured of enterprise lending .

  12. 本文旨在根据消费者需求的变化而要求供应链的变化出发,提出新形势下可能出现第三方物流公司主导的供应链模式。

    This thesis tries to introduce the supply chain dominated by third party logistic corporation according to transition of demand of consumers .

  13. 其面向的应用对象十分广泛,涵盖了包括制造企业、供应商、零售商、第三方物流公司在内的众多群体。

    Its oriented application objects are very extensive , covering many groups including manufacturers , suppliers , retailers , third-party logistics companies .

  14. 第三方物流公司所履行的物流职能,包含整个物流过程或整个过程中的部分活动。

    Logistics functions performed by a third party logistics company include the whole logistics processing or part activities of the whole processing .

  15. 供应链调度研究供应链成员(包括供应商、生产商、分销商和第三方物流公司等)之间的联合(或协同)调度问题。

    SCS studies jointly or coordinated scheduling problems through supply chain that includes suppliers , manufacturer , distributors and third party logistics .

  16. 对比之下,阿里巴巴平台的商户主要依赖第三方物流公司,为天南地北的买家送货。

    By contrast , merchants on Alibaba overwhelmingly rely on third-party logistics companies to serve a vast number of geographically dispersed buyers .

  17. 本人在第三方物流公司已工作多年,深刻体会到在企业中进行流程再造的难度。

    I have worked in the third part logistics for many years , and have realized the difficulty of process rebuilding in the enterprise .

  18. 完成物流配送任务的第三方物流公司的协作集成保证了供应链的成功。

    The cooperation and integration of third party logistics companies , who are in charge of delivery and distribution , assures the success of supply chain .

  19. 本文对于区域内中小型第三方物流公司紧抓政策机遇设计持续竞争战略而言,有着较强的参考价值。

    The paper could be referred by those middle and small sized third party logistic companies in seizing policy opportunities and designing their own continuous competitive strategy .

  20. 接着提出第三方物流公司主导的供应链新模式及其可能发展的三个阶段和形成原因。

    Secondly , bring forward supply chain dominated by third party logistic corporation , including three developing phases of this pattern and the reasons why it comes into being .

  21. 调配管理实现了第三方物流公司和社会单位的应急物资指派。运输管理根据运输决策实现应急物资运输。

    Allocation management module implements designation of emergency facility includes third-party logistics ' company facility and social department facility , while transportation management module implements emergency facility transportation according to transport decision .

  22. 而第三方物流公司则必须进一步帮助客户降低成本,并同时为客户提供更多的附加值和增值服务。

    The Third Party Logistics Companies then have to give the help to their clients to reduce the cost into a higher level ; provide more additional value and service of increment .

  23. 由于在平稳运作阶段后,应急物流与商业物流的主要差异已经消除,可以将物流系统的执行主体向第三方物流公司过渡。

    After the moment of calm function , the main differences between emergency logistic and commercial logistic were eliminated , so the performer of logistic system can be transitioned to the third cooperation .

  24. 为了整合供应链上下游之间的管理和提高物流处理效率,集团对物流业务进行重组,并成立第三方物流公司为多个子公司提供物流服务。

    To intergrate the supply chain management and improve the efficiency of logistics , Groups reform logistics business and establish the third-party logistics ( 3PL ) companies to provide service to multiple sub-companies .

  25. 介绍了我国物流需求市场及物流公司的现状,分析了以供应链管理思想为指导的第三方物流公司的优势。

    This paper introduces the present situation of logistics demand market and logistics companies in china , and analyzes the advantages of the third-party logistics companies guided by the thought of the supply chain management .

  26. 因此,笔者根据现实发展的趋势提出了一种可能出现的新供应链模式&第三方物流公司主导的供应链模式。

    So , in reality , with the importance in supply chain of third party logistics boosting up gradually , I put forward a new pattern of supply chain & supply chain dominated by third party logistic corporation .

  27. 文章介绍了物流成本的构成及降低物流成本的途径,指出采用优秀的第三方物流公司是企业降低物流成本、开辟新的利润来源的主要途径。

    This article introduces the composition of the logistics cost and the approach to reduce the cost . It points out that an excellent third-party logistics company is the major approach to reduce the cost and explore the new profit-earning resource .

  28. 现代生产制造型企业逐渐将物流事业剥离给专业的第三方物流公司运作,充分利用其在整体策划、运作的优势,将整个供应链的各个环节有机的联系起来。

    Modern enterprises of manufacturing type strip the logistics undertaking to company 's operation of specialized third party 's logistics gradually , through utilizing it 's plan and advantage of operation , supply each link organic linking up of chain while being whole of .

  29. 因而,企业在实现将入厂物流外包给第三方物流公司的同时,更应该注重入厂物流过程的整合与控制,提高入厂物流信息化建设水平,才能适应日益激烈的市场竞争需求。

    With the enterprise logistics outsourced to the third-part logistics company , the auto enterprise should pay more attention to the integration of logistics process control and try to enhance the factory logistics information construction level so as to adapt the increasingly fierce competition in the automobile market .

  30. 随着现代信息网络技术的日益完善和世界运输业的多样化发展,物流业得到了前所未有的发展,一些公司以传统的内物流为起点发展起来,形成了第三方物流公司。

    With the increasing improvement of modern internet technology and the diversified development of the world transport industry , the logistics industry has been under an unprecedented progress . To the traditional " inner logistics " as a starting point , some companies become the third-party logistics companies .