
  1. 计算机技术是人类历史上第三次科技革命的核心技术。

    Computer technology is core technology of the third revolution in science and technology .

  2. 苏联的管理体制对第三次科技革命既有有利的方面也有不利的方面。

    The management system of Soviet Union had both advantage and disadvantage respects to the Third Revolution .

  3. 海外创业板市场的正式起步得益于第三次科技革命的发生。

    The official start-up of overseas GEM has benefited from the third reform of science and technology .

  4. 二十世纪,第三次科技革命带来了经济的发展与社会的进步。

    It roots from the 3rd technology revolution . Science and technology promoted economic development and social progress .

  5. 第三次科技革命的兴起使国家经济生活和政治生活发生重大变化,社会经济结构的变化又引起社会阶级结构发生深刻变化,中产阶级迅速崛起。

    The third scientific and technical revolution has greatly changed the economic and political life of the society .

  6. 创业资本从产业资本独立出来具有一定的历史必然性,它是第三次科技革命和金融创新的产物。

    Its separation from productive capital is historical inevitable , and it is a result of the third technological revolution and financial creation .

  7. 就第三次科技革命的发起时间、特点及对现代奥林匹克运动发展的影响等方面进行了分析。

    The third revolution in science and technology initiation 's time , characteristics and impact on modern Olympic sports are analyzed in this paper .

  8. 混沌的发现被誉为是二十世纪继相对论和量子力学之后的第三次科技革命。

    Chaos is often analogized as the third great scientific revolution of the 20th century , along with theory of relativity and quantum mechanics .

  9. 随着第三次科技革命的爆发,互联网日益成为人们在学习、工作、生活中不可缺少的工具。

    With the outbreak of the third technological revolution , the internet has increasingly become an indispensable tool in our learning , work and life .

  10. 随着以电子信息信息科学技术为标志的第三次科技革命的爆发,信息化社会逐步确立。

    Along with the electronic information science and technology as the hallmark of the third science and technology revolution , information society has gradually established .

  11. 自20世纪中期开始的第三次科技革命给世界带来了前所未有的变化,使社会生产力大幅提高,随之而来的全球化使世界变得越来越相互依赖。

    The third technological revolution since the middle of the 20th century has brought unprecedented changes to the world and tremendously enhanced the social productivity .

  12. 世界是非线性的,非线性科学的核心之一&混沌理论被誉为20世纪继相对论和量子力学之后的第三次科技革命。

    Chaos theory is one of the most important nonlinear science which is viewed as the third revolution after the principle of relativity and quantum mechanics .

  13. 第三次科技革命正推动西方发达国家向后现代过渡,进入以信息化为标志的后现代时代。

    The third scientific and technological revolution is promoting the Western developed countries ' transition to postmodern times , entering into post-modern era whose symbol is informationization .

  14. 六十年代以来,欧美工业国家正进行第三次科技革命,生态文学作品《寂静的春天》主要描写人类利用科技对自然的破坏。

    Since 1960s , Euro-American industrialized countries have been taking place the Third Revolution of Science and Technology . Silent Spring mainly describes human beings destroy nature with scientific technology .

  15. 第三次科技革命席卷全球,以信息技术为代表的现代高科技正剧烈改变着现代社会的方方面面,企业首当其冲。

    The third technological revolution sweeping the world , modern high-tech , represented by information technology , are dramatic changes all aspects of modern society , the enterprise bears the brunt .

  16. 当苏联的管理体制对第三次科技革命不完全适应时,苏联的社会主义事业虽然取得了很大的成绩,但也孕育着深刻的矛盾;

    When the management system of Soviet Union did not suit to the Third Scientific-Technological Revolution completely , though its socialism enterprise achieved greatly , there also produced a deep contradiction either ;

  17. 战争还引发了第三次科技革命,美国则通过在原子科学和电子科学上的优势地位,成为世界最先进的科技大国。

    The war also caused the 3rd scientific and technological revolution . United States , adopting the nuclear science and electronic scientific advantages , become the most advanced country of science and technology .

  18. 第三次科技革命带来了信息技术的高速发展,人类社会从工业时代步入信息化、知识化时代,网络也应运而生。

    The third technological revolution brought about the rapid development of information technology , and human society stepped from the industrial age into the times of information , knowledge , thus the network emerged .

  19. 在第三次科技革命的推动下,世界经济获得极大的发展,各国间的经济交流加强,外国投资和国际贸易得到极大发展。

    With the impetus of the third revolution of science and technology , the international economy developed quickly ; the economic interaction among countries strengthened ; FDI and international trade developed at a high speed .

  20. 青少年是第三次科技革命的主导人物,既是网络的主要享用者、网络技术的受益者,同时也是网络技术负面影响的主要受害者。

    Youth are main leaders and users of the third scientific and technological revolution . Also they are beneficiaries of internet technology , but they are main victims of the side effect on such technology .

  21. 20世纪中期开始的第三次科技革命不仅推动了东西方社会物质生产的发展,也促进了包括艺术生产方式在内的精神生产方式的巨大变革。

    The third technological revolution , which took place in the middle of the 20th century , brought dramatic changes not only to the material production , but also to the spirit production , including artistic production .

  22. 自20世纪中期以来,伴随着第三次科技革命新材料、新能源、新制造技术、生物技术、计算机及网络技术等新技术爆发出惊人的力量。

    Since the mid-20th century , along with the third revolution in science and technology of new materials , new energy , new manufacturing technology , biotechnology , computer and network technology and other new technologies broke out amazing strength .

  23. 自上个世纪中期第三次科技革命兴起以来,在全球信息高速公路建设浪潮的推动下,以计算机技术为基础的信息技术得到了突飞猛进的发展,并且在工程实践中也得到了极其广泛的应用。

    Driven by the global " information superhighway " building wave since the rise of the third technological revolution in the mid-20th century , the computer-based information technology has been developing rapidly and has seen a wide range of applications in engineering practice .

  24. 20世纪中叶以后,随着第三次科技革命的到来,人类逐步由工业社会进入信息社会,工业社会的重复性工作转变为信息社会的创新性工作。

    After the middle of the 20th century , with the arrival of the third technological revolution , the human gradually realize the shift from industrial society into the information society , and the shift from repetitive tasks in industrial society into innovative tasks in information society .

  25. 二十世纪初以后,在第二、第三次科技革命推动下,文化哲学得到了迅速发展;

    After the beginning of the 20th century , cultural philosophy developed rapidly under the driving of the second and third science technology revolution .

  26. 第三章,产品内国际分工动因分析。产品内国际分工是国际分工超越产业间分工与产业内分工而进一步深化发展的表现,其原始动力来源于第三次科技革命所带来的生产力巨大发展。

    The intra-product international specialization is the embodiment of the international specialization developing further and transcending the inter-industries and the intra-industry ones . Its motivity sources from the great productivity progress by the third science and technology revolution .