
  1. 日本制药集团海外扩张的努力——包括第一三共株式会社(DaiichiSankyo)以47亿美元灾难性地收购印度仿制药生产商Ranbaxy——也没有带给人鼓舞。

    Efforts by pharma groups to expand abroad , including Daiichi Sankyo 's disastrous $ 4.7bn acquisition of Ranbaxy , an Indian generics maker , have not inspired confidence .

  2. 最快的交易往往来自私募股权集团,而交易额越大交货时间越长,比如第一三共株式会社和雪佛龙的大宗交易。

    The quickest deals tend to come from private equity while bigger ones , including the sales by Daiichi and Chevron , have longer lead times .