
  1. 加快国际货运代理企业向第三方物流转型

    Accelerating the Transition of International Freight Forwarder to Third-Party Logistics Operator

  2. 中小型国际货运代理企业金融危机下的思考

    The small and medium-sized International Cargo Agent companies At the financial crisis under consider

  3. 截止2002年底,经外经贸部批准的国际货运代理企业已达3500多家。

    By the end of 2002 , over 3500 freight forwarding companies have been setup .

  4. 未经批准的单位不得从事国际货运代理企业人员的资格培训。

    No entity without approval may engage in the qualification training of employees of international freight forwarders .

  5. 代理业务的法律性质是基于委托人与国际货运代理企业之间的委托合同来确定的。

    The legal nature of the forwarding business depends on the entrusting contract between the principal and the forwarding company .

  6. 从业人员的数量和质量均已严重制约着我国国际货运代理企业竞争力的提升。

    But the personnel in Chinese international freight forwarder has restricted the competition of Chinese international freight forwarding service in quantity and quality .

  7. 国际货运代理企业在现代的国际物流当中起着非常重要的作用,作为国际贸易不可或缺的服务存在。

    In modern international logistics , international freight forwarding enterprises play a very important role as the essential exists for service of international trade .

  8. 操作作为国际货运代理企业业务的中间环节也是企业效率和管理水平的重要表现之一。

    Operation , as the central part of the business , is also one of the most important performance of enterprise efficiency and management ability .

  9. 随着经济情况的恶化和不稳定,进出口贸易额的下降,国际货运代理企业各方面的风险增加。

    With the deterioration and unstability of economy and decline of trade volume , the risks in all respects of the international freight forwarder are increasing .

  10. 在国际货运代理企业的业务范围中,主要有两种经营业务,一种是货运代理业务,一种是无船承运业务。

    In all the scopes of the forwarding business , there are mainly two kinds of business , one is the forwarding business , and one is the NVOCC business .

  11. 我相信,通过本届年会,各国各地区国际货运代理企业将找到新的发展机遇,获得更大收益。

    I believe that through this annual meeting , the international shipping agency enterprises of all nations and regions will find out the new opportunity for development and obtain the larger income .

  12. 如何使国际货运代理企业在新的竞争环境中,提高竞争实力,实现向现代物流企业的转化是众多国际货运代理企业当前面临的重大战略课题。

    How to make the international freight forward agent improve their competition strength in the new environment , and achieve a transformation to be a modern logistics enterprises ? This is a great strategic subject that most international shipping agency enterprises are facing .

  13. 面对新局势,不少大型国际货运代理企业已通过调整业务模式等一系列措施完成其向为顾客提供更为全面、多样化物流服务的第三方物流转型,抢占更多的市场。

    Faced with the new situation , many large international freight forwarding enterprises had completed by adjusting business models and a series of measures to provide customers with more comprehensive and diverse logistics services to third-party logistics transformation , to seize more market .

  14. 商务部关于做好2003年度国际货运代理企业年审工作的通知西安通信业员工组织变革认知与工作满意度关系实证研究

    Circular of the Ministry of Commerce of the People 's Republic of China , on Making Efforts to Accomplish the Work of Annual Examination on International Forwarding Agencies The Empirical Study of Relevance between Organizational Change Cognition and Job Satisfaction among Xi'an Communication Industry

  15. 对国际货运代理公司承担承运人责任的几点思考外商投资国际货运代理企业审批办法

    Examination and Approval Measures for International Freight Forwarder Enterprise Invested by Foreign Businessman

  16. 国际货运代理行业市场准入政策的变化将使更多的国际货运代理企业产生,从而使我国的国际货运代理行业更加繁荣;

    Recent change of the admittance policy to international freight forwarding market will bring more and more freight forwarding companies , and also will lead to more booming of the whole circle .

  17. 广州鹰派国际货运代理有限公司是经中华人民共和国商务部批准的一级国际货运代理企业。

    Guangzhou Eagle Cargo Co. , LTD is a forwarder sanctified by the Business Department of P.R.C.