
dì yī chǎn yè
  • primary industry;first industry
第一产业 [dì yī chǎn yè]
  • [first occupation;primary industry] 指国民经济中以农业为主的产业

  • 第一产业以农业为主,包括狩猎、渔业、畜牧业、林业

  1. 第一产业产值对耕地年最大NDVI的负面影响显著;

    The first industry production has significant negative influence to the annual maximum cropland NDVI ;

  2. 利用主成分分析法,得出泰安市耕地减少的四大驱动因子:农民人均住房面积、第一产业GDP、非农业人口和公路里程。

    The results showed that peasantry average house area , the first industry GDP , nonagricultural population and highway mileage are the four main factors of reducing cultivated land in Tai'an .

  3. 第一产业GDP离散化模型;

    Agriculture GDP discretization model ;

  4. 分析结果表明,影响葫芦岛市农业机械化进程的主要因素有:相对较高的农业人口比例,占整个生产总值(GDP)比例较低的农业总产值,庞大的第一产业从业人员等几个主要方面。

    The results show that the influence factors are relatively high agricultural population ratio , relatively low agriculture output value in GDP and hugeness practitioner in industry .

  5. 对县域经济实证分析表明,第二产业对GDP的拉动效率最高,其次是第三产业,最后是第一产业。

    According to analysis of county economy , the secondary industry has the highest efficiency in promoting the GDP growth , which followed by the tertiary industry , and the last is the primary industry .

  6. 并用其确立的混沌动力学模型对1985-2004年江苏省GDP、工业生产总值、第一产业值进行了预测。把此预测结果与实际值进行了比较,结果证明误差较小。

    The effectiveness of the proposed method is tested by comparison of the real data with the regulative forecasting model for GDP , the gross industrial product , the first-industry product of 1985-2004 in Jiangsu Province .

  7. 根据对结果的分析可知,FDI对第二产业的结构变动贡献最大并且是正效应,对第三产业和第一产业结构的变动贡献比较小,而且是负效应。

    According to the result of the analysis shows that FDI has the greatest and positive contribution in the second industry , the little and the negative contribution in the third industry and the first industry .

  8. 结果表明,山西省FDI在第一产业投资不足;第二产业的投资占主导地位;第三产业投资增长缓慢。

    The results indicated that there are insufficient investments of FDI in Shanxi to the primary industry , more sufficient investment of FDI to the second industry ; FDI in the third industry is increasing slowly .

  9. 综合分析三次产业对GDP的贡献度及其生产特点,可以得出:长株潭第二产业对环境的影响在三次产业中最大,第一产业和第三产业对环境影响偏小。

    Comprehensive analysis of the contribution of three industries on GDP and characteristics of its production , infers a conclusion that secondary industry results in the heaviest impact on environmental in the Chang , Zhu and Tan area . Impact from primary industry and tertiary industry are slightly lower .

  10. 利用此方法绘制了江苏省人均GNP、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业、GNP、农业人口率等二维和三维趋势面图,通过它对江苏省的经济布局及其趋势状况进行了实证研究。

    The 2D and 3D trend-surface of GNP Per Capita , the First Industry , the Second Industry , the Tertiary Industry , GNP , and agricultural population rate are protracted using this method . The economic layout and economic trend of Jiangsu province are researched by using this trend-surface .

  11. 东西部地区的劳动力分布状况不同,与东部地区相比,西部地区第一产业从业人口比例大,第三产业从业人口比例小。

    Labor force distribution in eastern and western regions is different .

  12. 第二、第三产业的发展明显落后于第一产业;

    The second and third industries are laggard behind the first industry .

  13. 南通市第一产业中知识经济的主成分分析

    Staple Analysis of Knowledge Economy in Primary Industry About Nantong

  14. 石油价格上涨对第一产业的影响很有限。

    The influence of petroleum price on the first industry is very limited .

  15. 高等职业教育第一产业类专业培养目标定位研究

    The study of the first-industry specialty cultivation objective orientation in higher vocational education

  16. 成都市温江区第一产业发展问题及对策

    Development issues and countermeasures of first industry in Wenjiang district of Chengdu city

  17. 第一产业是海南省经济增长的主要来源。

    From industrial structure analysis , primary industry is mainly source of economic growth .

  18. 第一产业将会数量巨大,参与者众多。

    The first industry will be a high volume , a lot of players .

  19. 第一产业,碳排放较少,脱钩不明显。

    The first industry produced less carbon emissions , and did not decoupled obviously .

  20. 农业作为第一产业,是中国国民经济的基础。

    As the first property , agriculture is the base of Chinese national economy .

  21. 作为我国第一产业的农业经济也不可避免的面临着国际化市场竞争的压力。

    As Chinese Primary industry of agricultural economy may inevitably face international market competition .

  22. 基本问题有:以第一产业为原料的加工业发展落后;

    The basic questions included : the development of the third industry has fallen behind ;

  23. 河南省第一产业增加值的关联分析与灰色预测

    The Relevance Analysis and Gray Forecast of the Value-added of Primary Industry of Henan Province

  24. 矿业应划入第一产业,并作为独立产业。

    Mining activities should be categorized as primary industries and considered as an exclusive industry .

  25. 扩张第一产业具有潜力。

    Expanding primary industries has potential .

  26. 建议上海对第一产业采取补贴政策,致力于农业现代化和产业化发展。

    Shanghai should put subsidy policy on the agriculture industry to promote its modernization and industrialization .

  27. 第一产业是基础产业,其内部也存在各行业的经济竞争。

    Primary industry is the fundamental industry , and has economic competitions in its internal composition .

  28. 第一产业的未来走向

    The Future Trend of Primary Industry

  29. 对生产诱发系数的分析得出邮电业是消费依赖型产业;邮电业的产值增长,对第二产业的产值波及程度最强,其次是第三产业,第一产业;

    Analysis of the production inducing coefficient shows that the post and telecommunications is a consumption-relying industry ;

  30. 结论是:森林资源的变化在一定程度上促进了第一产业的发展;

    Forest resources ' change promote the first industry and accelerate the development of the third industry ;