
wù liú ɡuǎn lǐ
  • physical distribution management
  1. 加强物流管理是工程项目建造的资源保证。

    Strengthening physical distribution management is the resource assurance of the construction process .

  2. 运用现代物流管理理念对调味品生产企业提出几点建议

    Some advice to the condiment production of China by using modem conception of the physical distribution management

  3. 并介绍了Web数据库技术及动态联盟物流管理信息平台的工作原理。

    The working principles of web database technology and dynamic alliance logistics management information platforms are introduced .

  4. 3G技术与现代物流管理技术的集成模式研究

    Research on the integration models of 3G techniques and modern logistics management

  5. 本文对炼钢企业实施ERP的物流管理部分进行了研究。

    This thesis studies the material flow control part for ERP implementation in steel-making enterprises .

  6. 基于AHP的物流管理人才评价选择模型

    The Model of Evaluating and Selecting Person with Ability in Logistics Management Based on Analysis of Hierarchy Process

  7. ERP包括了四大核心模块:财务管理模块、生产控制管理模块、物流管理模块和人力资源管理模块。

    ERP includes four core modules : financial management module , production control management module , logistics management module and human resource management module .

  8. 射频识别(RadioFrequencyIdentification,RFID)技术已经在社会生活的许多方面有着广泛的应用,例如物流管理、门禁、智能识别等等。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technology has been widely used in many areas in our daily lives , e.g.logistics management access control 、 intelligent authentication and so on .

  9. 基于以上研究,根据供电公司需求给出电力物流管理信息系统整体设计方案;对方案进行分层设计,并从实际应用上探讨了提高EJB性能的几种设计模式。

    Based on the research , the overall design of Logistics Management Information System of power supply is developed to solve the existing problem .

  10. 然后重点介绍了基于J2EE架构的物流管理教学模拟系统的一个子系统:订单管理系统的工作流程,并对其需求进行了详细分析。

    And then it introduces the J2EE based logistics management teaching simulation system : order management work flow of the system , and the need for detailed analysis .

  11. 本文针对目前流通行业数据监狱的处境,设计出一套智能物流管理系统。企业MIS中物流管理的一种信息模型和应用服务器解决方案


  12. 随着集成物流管理系统的理念逐渐深入人心,LRP已经成为当前的研究热点之一。

    With the concept of integrated logistic management system accepted gradually , LRP has become the research hot spot currently .

  13. 本文以邯钢工贸公司物流管理信息系统为背景,对基于J2EE技术的企业应用系统的安全进行了研究。

    The security of the enterprise application system based on J2EE technology is studied in this paper which is based on the background of logistics management information system in Handan steel trading company .

  14. 文章从X公司业务流程中的物流管理、订单管理和数据管理等方面出发,运用价值流理论分析了各个运作流程中的问题,并且找出现有业务流程中的无价值、不增值以及瓶颈环节。

    The article researches into the issues of each operation process of Logistics management , order management and master data management based on Value Chain theory , and digs out the non-valuable , non-value-added steps and bottleneck in current business process .

  15. 根据ERP和MES的特点以及企业物流管理的需要,提出建立基于ERP和MES相集成的物流信息系统的观点和系统集成的框架。

    Combining the characteristics of ERP and MES with the needs of enterprise 's logistics management , this article puts forward the view of setting up LIS based on the ( integration ) of ERP and MES and the framework of system integration .

  16. VMI是目前国际领先的物流管理模式,它能为客户带来实现JIT库存、增加市场响应速度、提高经营效率和降低风险等经济价值。

    VMI ( Vender Managed Inventory ) is the most advanced international logistics management mode , which can bring the following economic value to customs , such as producing JIT storage , reducing responding time , increasing management efficiency , decreasing risks and so on .

  17. 在此基础上,以江苏某医药公司作为药品物流管理系统的开发背景,讨论基于VMI的药品物流协同管理系统功能,分析库存管理、进出货管理、销售管理等主要流程。

    Based on these purposes , taking the development of a logistics management information system in a pharmacy corporation in Jiangsu province as an example , functions of the information system are further demonstrated , including processes of inventory management , purchase management and sales management .

  18. 本文在分析电子商务环境与现代物流管理模式关系的基础上,应用现代物流理论与方法探讨了B2C和B2B电子商务环境下物流管理模式的改进和创新问题。

    In this paper , we analyze the relationship between E business circumstance and modernization enterprise Logistic . Furthermore , by using modern Logistic theory and method , we discuss some problems in B2C and B2B that could be improved and innovated for enterprise in E-business model .

  19. 讨论了现代物流管理中比较重要、复杂的战术层随机库存/运输联合优化问题的一种求解思路,并根据求解约束集中器选址问题(CCLP)的方法和禁忌搜索算法设计了一个启发式算法。

    A way for solving the important and complicated problem of the inventory / transportation integrated optimization in the modern logistics tactics plan was discussed , and a heuristic algorithm based on the method for soling the capacitated concentrator location problem and the tabu search algorithm was discussed .

  20. 主要研究方向:生产运作管理和物流管理。

    Major Research Fields : Production operation management and logistics management .

  21. 改善生产物流管理促进福建经济可持续发展

    Improving Production Logistics Management to Promoting the Fujian Economy Sustainable Development

  22. 加强企业物流管理工作提高市场竞争力

    Strengthening logistics management in the enterprise and enhancing marketing competitive forces

  23. 供应链与物流管理的基本理论。

    The basic theories of supply chain management and logistics management .

  24. 电力企业新体制下的物流管理

    The Logistic Management under the New System of Electric Power Sector

  25. 白城邮政电子商务物流管理系统设计

    The Designs of the E-commerce Logistics Manage System in Baicheng Post

  26. 论我国网络营销物流管理及其存在的问题

    Problems in the Network Marketing and Logistics Management of Our Country

  27. 我国逆向物流管理中的问题分析与对策研究

    China converse logistics management 's problem analysis and countermeasure research

  28. 开放教育物流管理课程教学模式初探

    Primary Research of Logistics Courses Teaching Model for Open Education

  29. 供应链企业的物流管理特征分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of Logistics Management in Supply Chain Enterprises

  30. 集成供应链运作与物流管理的研究

    The Research of Integrated Supply Chain Operation and Logistics Management