- 名price index

He spoke after the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the core consumer price index , which excludes energy and food , rose 0.2 per cent last month .
The consumer price index ( CPI ) accelerated to a 28-month high of 5.1 percent in November .
Today 's RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent
Statistics show the rise of CPI .
The Bank of Japan has indicated it will consider other data than the CPI in its deliberations .
There also exists co integration relationships among the real M_2 balance , real GDP , price level and M_2 / GDP .
Currently , many countries generally use Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) as a standard measure of inflation .
The fourth chapter used the seasonal ARIMA model to fit and forecast in Shandong Province monthly price index data .
NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports cheaper gas helped drive down the consumer price index by 0.3 % .
According to Andy , 75 percent of CPI inflation in China this year has come from food , primarily fresh fruit and vegetables .
That DIAC regularly reviews the current living cost amount , and based on the CPI or other measure amend the amount , as required .
Indeed , PPI has been in deflation for these economies for an average of 27 months and all of these economies have debt to GDP ratios that are close to or above 200 % .
The paper analyses the relationships between the foreign reserves of China and the price index based on the cointegration method and vector error correction model of a variable vector auto-regressive ( VAR ) model .
The TUC said remuneration for directors of FTSE 100 companies had risen by 105 percentage points more than the rise in the retail price index since 2000 .
With the help of SAS software , we use ARIMA model to analyze Chinese market price index . After analyzing the residual of filt and forecast , we find that the ARIMA model is a helpful one .
This article aims at analyzing Chinese macro - consumption , GNP ( Gross National Product ) and INP ( index number of price ) of retailing business . and try to establish an ECM ( error correcting model ) with EG two - step standard .
This paper mainly uses five price indexes to measure the overall level of prices in China . These price indexes are GDP deflator , producer price index ( PPI ), consumer price index ( CPI ), rural consumer price index and urban consumer price index .
And the consumer price index ( CPI ) Evaluation of reference including energy consumption over the previous year , chain , fixed base relative , and the cumulative odds is introduced to ethylene analysis and evaluation of energy efficiency , the more indicators .
The empirical study show that there does exist a cointegration relationship between the REER and the selected two fundamentals comprising Difference of CPIs ( DFCPI ) and US Dollar Index ( USDI ) .
From the long-term , co-integration test reflects a negative correlation between the Shanghai Composite Index and the price index , interest rates . However , the final results show that the several macroeconomic variables are not the main factor of stock price changes after Granger causality test .
A US franked letter carried on the whole trip from Lakehurst to Lakehurst required $ 3.55 USD in postage , the equivalent in2007 of roughly $ 43 if based on the CPI .
On the Analysis and Modeling of The Dynamic Price Index Model
Empirical Studies the Foreign Reserve & Price index of China
The Calculating Method of true Price Index for Consumption Goods
For example , Daily temprature , monthly CPI and annual GDP .
The Research of Asset Price Fluctuation 's Influences on Consumer Price Index
Inflation expectations derived from index-linked gilts have veered wildly .
Do you know the price index in the city ?
The falling of commodity prices influences poultry farming .
The Forecast of Price Index of China in 1995