
chuán wěi
  • stern;poop deck;abaft;stern gates
船尾 [chuán wěi]
  • [stern] 船的后部或尾部;特指在舵柱或船尾柱后面的那部分船体

船尾[chuán wěi]
  1. 船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。

    The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue

  2. 拖船擦着我们的船尾开了过去,距离不到50码。

    The tug crossed our stern not fifty yards away

  3. 这条船船头是圆的,船尾则是方的。

    The boat is rounded at the front but squared off at the back .

  4. 船长在船尾,假装睡着了。

    The captain was astern , pretending he was sleeping .

  5. 它被放在船尾。

    It is placed in the stern of a boat .

  6. 船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案

    The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue .

  7. n.船尾;末端adj.严厉的;坚定的他对学生的纪律要求非常严格。

    stern He is very stern in his students ' discipline .

  8. 而香港电灯有限公司(HongkongElectricCo.)拥有的另一艘船在事故发生后船尾几乎立刻沉入水中,其船头则几乎是垂直耸立在空中。

    The other boat , owned by Hongkong Electric Co. , was upended almost immediately , its bow sticking nearly straight up into the air .

  9. 用三维不定常RANS方程求解船尾绕流

    Ship Stern Flow Solver by 3-D Unsteady RANS Equation

  10. 词根verse旋转vi.转向;改变观点;风向顺时针转;调转船尾向上风vt.使转向;使顺风;使船尾向上风n.转向;方向的转变

    to change direction or course of the wind : to shift in a clockwise direction a change in course or direction

  11. 为了开发尾流自导及其对抗技术,法国DCN船舶制造集团公司已对舰船尾流进行了15年的研究。

    France DCN Armes Sous Marines ( DCN ASM ) has dedicated for more than 15 years a part of its research activities to wake study in order to develop wake homing torpedo and corresponding countermeasures technology .

  12. 根据Mie散射理论,在认为气泡不相干的情况下,计算了单个气泡在不同散射方向的散射强度,得出舰船尾流某个横截面上气泡群的光散射特性。

    Based on the Mie scattering theory , the bubble scattering intensities at different scattering direction were calculated and the scattering properties on one cross section of the ship wakes was obtained with the assumption that the bubbles were not relevant to each other .

  13. 不过,当来到船上,看到那些高低不平的气垫,那些船尾的钓竿拖曳线,以及那些固定在甲板上的旋转斗鱼椅时,就会发现这和Orca号一样。

    But when you climbed on board , mentally noting the lumpy cushions , the rods trailing wires at the stern and the swivel fish-fighting chair bolted to the deck , you knew you were in the same place .

  14. 管道振动及其减振技术船尾减振装置减振机理优化的研究

    Vibration and Damping of Piping Systems Optimization of stern vibration damping

  15. 格雷厄姆坐在船尾,凝望着地平线。

    Graham sat aft , looking steadily out to the horizon .

  16. 一条牛背上驮着两只小水桶。一只小圆桶突然在船尾出现。

    An ox carried two water kegs strapped across his back .

  17. 有些狗只会吃船尾,以打发时间。

    Some dogs will simply eat poop to pass the time .

  18. 船长命令在船首船尾都挂旗

    The captain ordered two flag to be placed fore and aft

  19. 瑞崴迪,林力克特和我将从船尾进入。

    Rivetti , Linkletter and myself will come in through the aft.

  20. 船尾侦测到奇怪的热源。

    I 'm getting a weird heat bounce off our wake .

  21. 进来坐,船头还是船尾?

    Come in , have a seat . Bow or stern ?

  22. 水面船尾流的声散射实验研究

    An experimental study on the sound scattering of the ships'wakes

  23. 船尾下面,我们的救生艇在后面激烈地颠簸着。

    Under the counter of the dhow the whale-boat was tossing furiously .

  24. 把我船头拉入破冰船船尾凹部。

    I start to draw my bow into stern notch of ice-breaker .

  25. 本船是集装箱船,驾驶台位于船尾。

    She is a container ship , with her bridge aft.

  26. 配有两个汽笛,一个船首,一个船尾。

    Two whistles are fitted , one forward and one aft.

  27. 船尾和侧面的浅浮雕,接下来是舵的雕刻件。

    Stern and sides bas-reliefs . Rudder 's carving next .

  28. 小船的旗子通常挂在船尾。

    The flag on a small boat usually flies from the stern .

  29. 他们调转船头,船尾翻起一片水花。

    They brought the ship round with a wash of water astern .

  30. 大吨位船舶船尾升降平台控制系统设计

    Control System Design of Hydraulic Assembly Platform of Large Ships