
  • 网络vessel tonnage;Tonnage of Vessel
  1. 船舶吨位丈量及其在船舶安全检查中的应用

    Tonnage measurement of ships and its use in ship safety inspection

  2. 基于超声的船舶吨位检测技术

    The Shipping Tonnage Measurement Based on Ultrasonic

  3. 谈《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》的适用原则

    Applicable Principle on the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships , 1969

  4. 国际船舶吨位丈量公约

    International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships

  5. 但一般认为随着船舶吨位和舱体长度的增加,大舱口通舱这种结构型式会对船体结构强度带来安全隐患。

    However , with the ship tonnage and hatch length increasing , large-hatch and through-cabin structural form would in generally take some potential safety hazards .

  6. 在外界动力条件一定的情况下,当船舶吨位较小时,系缆力随船舶吨位的增大而增大。

    If the outside dynamic condition is certain , the mooring forces will increase with the increase of tonnage of ship when tonnage of ship is smaller .

  7. 这些工程将使航道通行的船舶吨位组合更加有效,并使行船时间最多减少2.5个小时。

    These improvements will allow a more efficient mix of vessel sizes to use the waterways , and will reduce their travel time by up to2.5 hours .

  8. 该问题涉及到多种约束条件,如需求量、船舶吨位、航班时间、船速、船员配置以及航线里程等。

    The problem involves a variety of constraints , such as class demand , ship class , flight time , speed , configuration , and flight crew mileage .

  9. 讨论了船闸通过能力的影响因素,指出目前最主要的影响因素是船舶吨位和到船随机性。

    The factors of influence on the lock capacity have been discussed . And the main influencing factors are the tonnage of a barge and arrival randomicity at the present time .

  10. 目前,由于船舶吨位的不断增加以及柴油机&电力推进船舶的不断涌现,使船舶电站发电机的容量越来越大。

    At present , with the increasing tonnage of ship and more and more ships propelled by electric power , the capacity of a generator in a marine power station is getting larger and larger .

  11. 通过对散粮码头中转暂存能力动态仿真,验证了散粮码头年周转量、船只装卸经济作业效率、船舶吨位对中转仓容的影响。

    Through a temporary capacity of bulk grain terminal transit dynamic simulation to verify the annual turnover of bulk grain terminal , ship loading and unloading efficiency of economic operations , ship tonnage for interim storage capacity impact .

  12. 尽管目前我国沿海各海事局都配备了相应的海事巡逻船,但是多数船舶吨位较小,装备落后,已经不能满足当前海事监管的需要。

    Despite all our Maritime Safety Administration are equipped with corresponding maritime patrol crafts , however , many of them are smaller tonnage with outdated equipments . This has been unable to meet the current requirments of marine supervision .

  13. 随着我国航运事业的发展和船舶吨位的增加,浮码头需要向大型化、深水区建设。

    Along with the development of the navigation of our country and the increasing of the tonnage of the ships , it is necessary to develope the floating wharf to a large size and to be used in deep water area .

  14. 由于国际海运船舶吨位以高于海运运输需求增长的速度发展,使得国际海运市场上的运力总供给远远大于总需求,导致市场竞争异常激烈。

    With the higher speed which the tonnage of international shipping transportation increases than that of the shipping transportation requirement development , the total transportation capacity is far larger than gross demand on the market of international shipping transportation , which results in the intense market competition .

  15. 为某类船舶量度吨位的临时计划〔《国际海事组织决议A494(XII)号决议》〕

    Interim Scheme for Tonnage Measurement for Certain Ships [ IMO Resolution A494 ( XII ) ]

  16. 内河运输船舶的吨位与面积关系研究

    Research on Relationship Between the Tonnage and Area of Inland Vessels

  17. 海上货运量逐年大幅度增长,船舶的吨位和尺度也在不断的增加。

    The sea has substantially increased , quantity of shipments shipping ton and scale of the ship is increased .

  18. 随着船舶建造吨位越来越大,建造成本竞争越来越激烈,船舶下水过程中的安全性和完整性越来越受到业界的关注。

    As increase in the tonnage of ship and manufacturing cost , the safety and integrity of ship during launching have been paid much attention by the shipbuilding community .

  19. 随着海洋运输船舶的吨位和功率不断增长,船舶推进系统中船机桨配合研究越来越受到世界造船业和航运业的重视,成为船舶科技领域的重要课题之一。

    With the increase of the tonnage and power of ocean-going ship , more and more attentions are paid to the match among vessel , main engine and propeller by shipping and shipbuilding world .

  20. 特别是近年来,随着海运的发展,船舶的吨位急剧增大、航速提高、航道拥挤,从而使船舶航运安全成为一个突出的问题。

    Especially in recent years , with the development of the shipping , the tonnage of the ship is increasing rapidly , and the ship speed is also increasing , and the sea-route is becoming much more crowded .

  21. 由于内河船舶的吨位尺寸相对较小,一直以来内河散货船的结构评估往往以规范计算为主,对于超出规范的结构形式明确规定需用直接计算来完成。

    Because of the relatively smaller tonnage of inland river ships , inland river bulk carrier structure evaluation is mainly according to Standard Calculation , and structure forms beyond Standard need direct calculation , which the Standard requires .

  22. 每年向注册船舶征收的吨位费;

    Annual tonnage charges in respect of registered ships ;

  23. 这艘船的吨位是2万吨。(船舶)注册吨位〔

    The ship has a tonnage of twenty thousand . T.R. [ tons registered ]

  24. 就更改船舶的注册吨位资料或净吨位资料事作出规定;

    Providing for the alteration of the particulars relating to the register tonnage or net tonnage of a ship ;

  25. 禁止或限制在不计算在船舶的注册吨位或净吨位内的空间装载货物或物料;

    Prohibiting or restricting the carriage of goods or stores in spaces not included in the register tonnage or net tonnage of a ship ;

  26. 该船舶当时的吨位证明书经妥为认证的副本;及在指示中指明或注册官合理要求的其他文件或资料。

    A duly certified copy of the ship 's current tonnage certificate ; and such other documents or information as may be specified in instructions or as the Registrar may reasonably require .

  27. 随着船舶类型和吨位的不断增加,船舶的结构设计一般是采用规范设计和直接计算两种方法来完成的。

    As a response to the Continuous increasing of ship types and dimensions , ship structure is normally designed by two methods of designing based on rules and designing based on direct calculation .

  28. 我国内河航运业船舶数量庞大、吨位小,运动频繁、航行混乱,难于监管。

    A large number of the vessels in the inland shipping industry of our country are with small tonnage and disordered navigation . Therefore these vessels are difficult to supervise .

  29. 船舶撞击力随着船舶吨位、撞击速度的增大而增大,但并不是国内外设计规范反映的正比关系;

    The load increases synchronously with accretion of ship tonnage and collision speed , but does not follow the direct ratio as shown in the design criterion home and abroad .

  30. 为提高内河航运产品竞争力,准确计算船舶营运成本费用,船舶吨位是必不可少的参考标准。

    In order to improve the competition of freshwater shipping output and calculate the transporting cost exactly , shipping tonnage is an absolutely necessary reference .