
  • 网络science policy;Policy-for-Science
  1. 你在UNESCO的科学政策活动的其他优先事项是什么?

    What are your other priorities for science policy activities at UNESCO ?

  2. 他认为UNESCO应该在为科学政策提供建议、协调研究和担任科学智库方面扮演一个强大的角色。

    He believes UNESCO should play a strong role advising on science policy , coordinating research and acting as a science think tank .

  3. 经合组织(OECD)今年夏天发布的科技指标让观察英国科学政策的人士震惊。

    The science and technology indicators released this summer by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development alarmed UK science policy-watchers .

  4. UNESCO帮助各国拟定科学政策,但是它几乎没有资金帮助各国实施它们。

    UNESCO helps countries draw up their science policies , but it has little money to help countries implement them .

  5. 本文作者是美国国际开发署(USAID)环境和科学政策办公室的高级研究顾问和农业经济学家。

    The author is senior research advisor and agricultural economist at the Office of Environment and Science Policy in the US Agency for International Development ( USAID ) .

  6. 这个小组的名称是生物多样性和生态服务跨政府间科学政策平台,简称IPBES。

    The panel is called the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services , or IPBES .

  7. 国外科学政策的特色与走势研究

    On the Characteristic and the trend of in Abroad Scientific Policy

  8. 当前的科学政策不具有这种地位。

    The current science policy did not have this status .

  9. 他们在各自国家组织会议从而影响科学政策。

    They have organised conferences in their countries to influence science policy .

  10. 在国会中,他们应该为政府的科学政策进行解释和辩护。

    In parliament , they should defend and explain government policies on science .

  11. 由于各种原因,我国科技政策至今仍未摆脱科学政策的影响。

    SCIENCE POLICY However , science policy has still greatly influenced in China .

  12. 美国科学政策的法律和历史基础

    The legal and historical basis of US science policy

  13. 第三个科学政策制定于2003年,它把重点放在了决定技术项目的一个系统方法上。

    A third policy in2003 emphasised a systematic approach to determining technology programmes .

  14. 21世纪美国科学政策

    Science policy of the United States in the 21 ~ ( st ) century

  15. 他们接管了这事,按自己感受到的需求制定相应的科学政策。

    They tailored a science policy adjusted to what they perceived as their needs .

  16. 社会资本与美国科学政策的制订

    Social Capital and America 's Science Policy

  17. 要重视人才的作用,必须制定激励人才脱颖而出的科学政策。

    Scientific policies must be formulated to encourage talented people to come to the fore .

  18. 另一个问题是确保科学政策涉及政府所有相关部门。

    Another issue is making sure science policy cuts across all relevant sectors of government .

  19. 国际科学政策研究理事会

    International Council for Science Policy Studies

  20. 见本网站如何报道科学政策的更多提示的实践指南。

    See SciDev . Net 's practical guide for more tips on how to cover science policy .

  21. 或者你可能想成为一位政治评论家,监视科学政策及其可能的影响。

    Or you may be a wannabe political commentator , monitoring science policy and its potential impacts .

  22. 当然,许多其他因素也削弱了非洲各国政府试图建立强有力的国家科学政策的尝试。

    Of course , many other factors also weaken African governments'attempts to establish a strong national science policy .

  23. 良好的科学政策为促进其他政策并且更相关而有效地实施它们提供了一个基础。

    Good science policies create a basis for improving other policies and implementing them with more relevance and effectiveness .

  24. 根据侧重点的不同,科技政策可以分为科学政策与创新政策两种类型。

    Owing to its particular emphases , science and technology policy has two different styles : science policy and innovation policy .

  25. 关于建立关系的更多信息可以在本网站的如何报道科学政策一文中找到。

    More information about building relationships can be found in SciDev . Net 's guide How to report on science policy .

  26. 本杰明琼斯指出,科研机构和科学政策尚未赶上科学变化的潮流。

    Benjamin Jones points out that scientific institutions and science policy have yet to catch up with changing trends in science .

  27. 政策研究者认为,这一举动会鼓励更多科学家参与中国科学政策的决策过程。

    The move could encourage more scientists to get involved in the science policymaking process in China , say policy researchers .

  28. 越来越多的西方国家把文献计量指标作为一种科学政策分析的辅助工具。

    The computation index of literature has been increasingly used as a secondary tool for analyzing science policy in western countries .

  29. 科学政策应该延伸到媒体,从而让公众可以在科学知识的基础上做出知情的决策。

    Science policies should extend to the media so that the general public can start making informed decisions based on science know-how .

  30. 例如,我们正在研究是否能够利用虚拟校园项目提供更多关于科学政策的培训。

    For example , we are looking at whether we can use our virtual campus programmes to deliver more training on science policy .