
  • 网络Technical Value
  1. 第三章:论科学的技术价值。

    The third chapter : on technical value of science .

  2. 论技术价值的实现

    Ideas on the Realization of Technical Value

  3. 澳大利亚病人满意度监测的政策和技术价值

    Values of Australian patient satisfaction monitoring on political and technical perspectives

  4. 基于粗糙集理论的专有技术价值评估模型研究

    A Study on the Know-How Value Assessment Model Based on Rough Set Theory

  5. 技术价值评价的系统研究

    The Systematic Research on the Evaluation of Technological Value

  6. 信息技术价值评估

    Assessment of the Value of Information Technology

  7. 技术价值系统分析

    An Analysis on System of Technological Value

  8. 随后的技术价值评价基本过程是对评价的标准、原则等内容的应用与具体展现。

    Technological value evaluate micro course is the represent of standard , principle that evaluate application .

  9. 本文分析了基本的技术价值评价模型,为克服其问题和局限,提出多阶段评价方法,试图接近技术的实际价值。

    This paper first analyzes some basic evaluation models used to evaluate the value of technology .

  10. 技术价值中立论认为技术不涉及善恶问题,会导致对技术的无任何约束。

    According to value neutralism , technology does not involve the problem of virtue and evil .

  11. 哲学社会科学对于树立新的技术价值观具有非常重要的意义。

    Philosophical and social sciences have very important significance regarding the establishment of new technological values .

  12. 技术价值评估的讨论(上)

    Discussions on Techniques Valuation (ⅰ)

  13. 自然价值观与技术价值观的兼容&可持续发展价值观重建的一个视角

    The compatibility of nature value and technology value & a new perspective of reconstructing sustainable development value

  14. 试论技术价值的双螺旋结构&从技术价值的形成看技术的基本价值形态

    On the Double-Spiral Structure of Technical Values & To Survey Basic Value Forms of Technology from Its Development Course

  15. 但随着社会建构论研究的深入,技术价值论又显示出其技术自主论批判的新的生长点。

    With research on the social constructivism , it is presenting new insight in critique to autonomy of technology .

  16. 在技术价值观问题上,马克思并非如一些传统马克思主义者所认为的,是技术中性论的典型代表人物。

    On technological value , Karl Marx is not the representative of Technological Neutrality as some traditional Marxists considered .

  17. 通常,相对接地的技术价值,我们不提供接地技术的重要性信息。

    In general , we don not give importance to the science of earthing when compares to what it deserves .

  18. 创新是提高竞技健美操成套动作技术价值和水平的重要依据。

    And innovation is the important basis of improving the technical value and level of the set movement of competitive aerobics .

  19. 本文提出了技术价值系统概念,探讨了技术价值系统的内部结构及其系统特征。

    This paper tries to give a description of the concept and a structure and characters of system of technological value .

  20. 展望未来,我们将继续努力,创造新的技术价值,为用户提供更好、更优质的产品。

    Looking into to future , we will work hard continuously to create new value , providing clients with better and superior products .

  21. 产品造型设计是通过采用新材料、新工艺、新技术价值链,提高产品的附加价值和促进产品设计优化。

    Design of Product form aims at adopting new materials craftwork and technology to optimize quality of products and improve additive value of products .

  22. 论现代科学技术价值观中人的主体性原则&关于科学技术是双刃剑的哲学思考

    On Man as the Subject in the Values of Modern Science and Technology & Philosophical Reflections on Science and Technology as a Double-Edged Sword

  23. 技术价值存在并生成于技术价值活动的五维系统之中,有赖于一定的物质基础和主客观条件。

    Technological values exist and develop in the five-dimension-relative-system of technological values , depending on some certain material foundation and subjective , objective conditions .

  24. 难度是一套动作的主干,是决定成套动作技术价值评分高低的唯一因素。

    Difficulty is the backbone of a set of movement and the only factor to decide technical value score for a whole set of movement .

  25. 技术价值观作为规约技术不确定性的内在推动力,能够规约技术的不确定性;技术价值观从技术价值目标、技术价值评估、技术价值选择三方面规约技术不确定性。

    Technological values , as intrinsic impetus of stipulating technological uncertainty , can stipulate technological uncertainty through aim , evaluation and choice of technological value .

  26. 提出了几种现代的社会发展现,如:伦理的自然现、理性的物质观、科学的技术价值观及人的全面发展现等。

    Here are several types of social development outlook , such as ethical nature outlook , rational material outlook , scientific technology-value outlook , human full-development outlook .

  27. 人类的目的是要实现技术价值最大化。

    In order to realize the purpose of maximization of the value of technology , man should overcome his own selfish desire and make full use of rationality .

  28. 机动边缘显示技术价值观的反作用;次级工具化为技术价值观提供运行的空间。

    The margin of maneuver indicates the reaction of technological values , and the secondary instrumentalization is defined as a space where the technological values can activate themselves .

  29. 本文主要通过中西方科技伦理思想的演变,探讨其对科学技术价值向度的影响。

    Probing into the degree of value of science and technology from the development of ethical thoughts of science and technology between China and west countries in this article .

  30. 分析我国建筑业的现状后,介绍价值链与核心竞争力,提出利用价值链(包括技术价值链、组织价值链和信息价值链)提高建筑业核心竞争力的措施。

    This paper analyzes at present our country construction industry , introducing value chain and core competence , put forwarding measure of using value chain improving construction industry core competence .