
  • Management Layer;MBO
  1. 现在,我们必须设法说服管理层采纳这个意见。

    Now we have to try and sell the idea to management .

  2. 新任管理层打算实行一些改革。

    The new management intends to institute a number of changes .

  3. 她位居管理层要职。

    She 's quite high up in the management hierarchy .

  4. 他卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中。

    He became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management .

  5. CompuServe在线服务公司的管理层正在处理这个问题,看样子,要不了多久,一切就能恢复正常。

    The CompuServe management is on the case now , and it looks as if things will return to normal soon .

  6. 管理层必须确保没有向员工支付过高工资。

    Management has to make sure it does not overpay its staff

  7. 他禁止董事与管理层绕开他私下进行任何联系。

    He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence .

  8. 管理层收购被认为是一种选择。

    It is thought that a management buyout is one option .

  9. 在大约1/3不雇用工会会员的工作场所明显可见仇视管理层的现象。

    Management hostility is apparent in about a third of non-union workplaces .

  10. 雇员已经就裁员一事与管理层发生了争执。

    Employees already are in conflict with management over job cuts

  11. 管理层的决定仍让他丈二和尚摸不着头脑。

    The management group 's decision still boggled his mind .

  12. 管理层对业务发展的态势充满信心。

    Management is confident about the way business is progressing .

  13. 管理层想知道我在那里做什么。

    The management wanted to know what I was doing there

  14. 在最高管理层,收入与工作表现并不总是相关的。

    At the highest executive levels earnings and performance aren 't always correlated .

  15. 这表明管理层对此完全不了解。

    It shows a complete lack of understanding by management

  16. 包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。

    Each unit including the parent company has its own , local management .

  17. 据了解,管理层很不乐意答应这项要求。

    The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request

  18. 工会和管理层都担心争端会恶化。

    Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate

  19. 该协议鼓励工人参与管理层的决策。

    The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions .

  20. 在将来的某天,经理们将受邀进行管理层收购。

    At a future date , managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out

  21. 管理层方面的变化会有帮助。

    A change of management would help .

  22. 如果该公司被卖掉,管理层会获得几百万美元。

    The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold

  23. 倾听顾客意见现在已成了公共事业机构每一届新管理层都会奉行的准则之一。

    Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services .

  24. 我的同事,甚至包括管理层都不想让我离开。

    My workmates , and , even more , the management , didn 't want me to leave .

  25. 岛上居民发起一场运动,要求废除岛上三级市政管理层中的一级。

    Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island .

  26. 我和别人一样雄心勃勃,想进入最高管理层。

    I 'm as ambitious as the next man . I 'd like to manage at the very highest level .

  27. 需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。

    Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain .

  28. 头三项特许权中有两项给予了由英国铁路公司前管理层负责的管理层收购项目。

    Of the first three franchises to be awarded , two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives .

  29. 正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。

    Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte 's extraordinary working life .

  30. 她冲破了职场上那道无形的障碍升至现在的职位,成为公司里第一个升至高级管理层的女性。

    In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company