
zuì zhōnɡ yònɡ hù
  • end user;ultimate consumer
  1. WEBService不是面向最终用户,而是面向开发人员的,需要开发人员进行二次开发。

    Web Service can 't be used by end user without further development of developer .

  2. 透视3G市场最终用户需求&移动信息传递

    3G Market Research Mobile Messaging : An End User Perspective

  3. 灯、固定装置和房间,三者必须协同工作,才能真正造福最终用户。

    The lamp , the fixture , and the room , all three must work in concert for the true benefits of end-users .

  4. Pulse为企业和最终用户解决了所有这些问题。

    Pulse solves all of these concerns for the enterprise and end-user .

  5. 目前IBM已开始着手于将最终用户语言环境定义放在SOAP头中的工作。

    Now IBM has started to work towards putting end-user locale definitions on SOAP headers .

  6. 第四章介绍了企业如何开办网上汽车商店,建立面向最终用户的BToC电子商务平台;

    The chapter 4 recommends how to launch a network auto store and build the B to C electronic commercial platform facing the final users .

  7. 要安装adam,您必须接受此最终用户许可协议。

    To install adam , you must accept the end-user license agreement .

  8. 从这个页面中,最终用户可以根据标题或者艺术家对CD清单进行排序。

    From the listing page , the end user can sort the CD listing by title or by artist .

  9. 运行时UI的改善:自动完成提示框,更好的键盘导航(keyboardnavigation),并对长时间运行操作的最终用户体验做出了改善。

    Runtime UI improvements : Auto-complete box , better keyboard navigation , and improved end-user experience for long-running operations .

  10. 为私有云创建Linux和Windows映像对最终用户而言是一个耗时的工作&甚至对经验丰富的云操作人员也是如此。

    Both Linux and Windows image creation for a private cloud is time-consuming work for end users & even for experienced cloud operators .

  11. 例如,Swing桌面客户端在需要时可以参与相同的Web应用会话中-如果最终用户同时使用这两种应用,这样的功能会很有用。

    For example , a Swing desktop client can participate in the same web application session if desired-useful if the end-user is using both simultaneously .

  12. 解析器使用Messenger来向最终用户报告错误。

    Messenger is used by the parser to report errors to the end user .

  13. 这种方法有一个缺点,每个最终用户必须向他或她的PATH环境变量中添加许多bin目录。

    A disadvantage of this approach is that each end user must add many bin directories to his or her PATH environment variable .

  14. 最终用户报告的作者可以将一些RationalInsight客户端软件包分别安装到他们的桌面,以设计、生成和调度报告。

    End-user report authors can separately install a few Rational Insight client packages onto their desktops to design , generate , and schedule reports .

  15. IBMSoftwareDevelopmentPlatform中支持Linux的Rational产品可以帮助团队利用最少的资源得到最大的输出,并且开发高质量的软件产品,满足最终用户的需求。

    Rational products in the IBM Software Development Platform that support Linux can help teams maximize output with fewer resources and develop high-quality software that meets the needs of end users .

  16. 最终用户公司在其启用电子交易的应用程序中集成UPS在线工具以改进其业务过程。

    An end user incorporates the UPS OnLine Tools into their company ′ se-commerce-enabled applications to improve their business processes .

  17. 最终用户普遍抱怨,已交付的BI系统的功能跟不上迅速变化的业务需求,BI开发团队无法有效的参与到用户社区。

    Pace with rapidly evolving business requirements and that the BI development team does not engage effectively with the user community .

  18. TivoliServiceAutomationManager使得广泛基于云的服务的交付和管理成为可能,包括操作系统、应用程序平台和最终用户应用程序。

    Tivoli Service Automation Manager enables the provisioning and management of a wide array of cloud-based services including operating systems , application platforms , and end-user applications .

  19. 对于应用程序的最终用户来说,不会在Eclipse内部或是基于COM的开发工具内部运行应用程序。

    For an application 's end user , it is unlikely that the application would run inside Eclipse or the COM-based development tool .

  20. 这是因为P科技G是1号PSA标签最终用户在中国,而且还因为已知其质量要求非常苛刻。

    This is because P & G is the No.1 PSA label end-user in China , but also because their quality requirements are known to be very demanding .

  21. 在LNG项目实践中照付不议合同的签订缺乏两个制度的支撑,最终用户信用保障制度缺失也使照付不议合同的签订面临困境。

    The author believes that LNG contracts are short of two systems and terminal users ' credit guarantee in contracting practice .

  22. 其次,业务层的服务实现必须使用订阅者ID来向服务订阅者和各个最终用户提供可变性。

    Second , the implementation of the services at the business layer must use the subscriber ID to provide variability for service subscribers and individual end-users .

  23. 最终用户现在可以添加/usr/local/perl/bin到他或她的PATH变量以运行perl命令。

    An end user can now add / usr / local / perl / bin to his or her PATH variable to run the perl command .

  24. LotusApproach3.0是真正意义上的面向最终用户的关系型数据库,其最大长处是易学易用性。

    Lotus Approach 3.0 is a really and truly oriented end-user relational database , its predominant merit is easy to learn and easy to use .

  25. CloudStandardsCustomerCouncil(CSCC)是一个OMG®最终用户倡议组,专门致力于加快云的成功采用过程。

    The Cloud Standards Customer Council ( CSCC ) is an OMG ® end user advocacy group dedicated to accelerating cloud 's successful adoption .

  26. 在删除此函数并编写您自己的函数之前,有必要注意,此原型index()函数很好地满足了为应用程序的最终用户显示信息的最低要求。

    Before you delete that function and write your own , it 's important to note that this prototype index () function does pretty much the minimum required to display information to the application 's end user .

  27. 从最终用户的角度来看,当出现Notes客户机超时,无法成功地连接Domino服务器时,就说明这个值设置得太高了。

    From an end-user perspective , the value is set too high when the Notes clients are timing out and not successfully connecting to the Domino server .

  28. 但是,fuser命令的默认输出不便于最终用户使用,即使按Linux标准来看也是如此。

    Unfortunately , the default output of the fuser command isn 't end-user friendly , even by Linux standards .

  29. 一些iWidget可能具有许多最终用户可以自定义的配置值。

    Some iWidgets might have a lot of configuration values that end users can customize .

  30. Pulse为最终用户提供了便利的方法来定位、管理和维护他们基于Eclipse的工具,以及使整个团队保持更新一个或多个软件栈。

    Pulse provides the end-user with a convenient way to locate , manage and maintain their Eclipse-based tooling and keep entire teams up to date on one or multiple software stacks .