
zuì ɡāo rónɡ xǔ nónɡ dù
  • maximum allowable concentration
  1. 结论建议氰氨化钙的最高容许浓度为3mg/m,8h时间加权平均浓度也是3mg/m。

    Conclusion The recommended maximum allowable concentration is 3mg / m , the TWA is 3mg / m 8h .

  2. 环丁砜在地面水中最高容许浓度的研究

    An investigation of maximum allowable concentration of sulfolane in surface water

  3. 目的估算铁路隧道作业现场的最高容许浓度(MAC)。

    Objective To assess the maximun allowable concentraion ( MAC ) of dust in field of railway tunnelling work .

  4. 结果显示大部分土样中的Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn都超过了土壤中植物正常生长的最高容许浓度。

    The results show that the concentration of Pb , Cd , Cu and Zn in the most of soil samples exceed the maximum tolerable concentration for plants to normally grow .

  5. 但我国是采用最高容许浓度,因此,ACGIH提出的卫生标准可作为我国卫生标准。

    But in our country , the hygienic standard of copper dust adopted is based on MAC . Therefore we suggest that the hygienic standard recommended by ACGIH may be taken as our standard .

  6. 水源水中四氯化碳最高容许浓度的研究

    Studies of Maximum Allowable Concentration of Carbon Tetrachloride in Source of Drinking-water

  7. 生活饮用水黄磷最高容许浓度研究

    Study on the MAC of Yellow Phosphorous in Drinking Water

  8. 车间空气中乙苯最高容许浓度的研究

    Studies on MAC of ethylbenzene in the air of workplaces

  9. 褐煤尘最高容许浓度的研究

    A Study on Maximum Allowable Concentration of Lignite Dust

  10. 煤港煤粉尘最高容许浓度研究

    The Highest Allowable Coal Dust Concentration at Coal Harbors

  11. 车间空气中镉最高容许浓度的修改意见

    About the revision of maximum allowable concentration of cadmium in air of the workshop

  12. 铁路隧道工现场粉尘最高容许浓度的估算

    Assessment of maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) of dust in field of railway tunnelling

  13. 灌溉污水中苯并(a)芘最高容许浓度的探讨

    Discussion of highest permitted concentration of B ( a ) P in the irrigation waste water

  14. 日平均最高容许浓度

    Daily average maximum allowable concentration

  15. 作者建议吸入性石英粉尘的最高容许浓度以0.35mg/m~3为宜。

    The authers suggest that 0.35 mg / m ~ 3 suitable for the establishment of MAC of inhalable quartz dust .

  16. 结果发现,空气中铅尘、铅烟低于最高容许浓度;

    It was found that both of the lead dust and smoke concentrations were below the maximal allowable concentrations in the workplace .

  17. 车间空气中硒浓度在0.1mg/~3以下,工人无明显的刺激症状,故提出车间空气中硒的最高容许浓度为0.1mg/m~3。

    No irritant symptom was obviously observed when selenium concentration in air was under 0.1mg/m3 . Therefore , 0.1mg/m3 was recommended as the MAC .

  18. 结果认为,仍以10mg/m~3作为我国煤尘最高容许浓度标准是合适的。用三种方法在各煤矿所得的结果不同,讨论了产生这种差异的原因。

    The results show that 10mg / m3 is still feasible , to be used as the maximum allowable concentration of coal dust in our country .

  19. [结论]建议车间空气中尿素的最高容许浓度为10mg/m3,其时间加权平均容许浓度为5mg/m3。

    [ Concentration ] The maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) and the time weighted average allowable concentration ( TWA AC ) have been recommended 10 mg / m 3 , respectively .

  20. 结论石油沥青(烟)最高容许浓度为8mg/m3,时间加权平均容许浓度为5mg/m3。

    Conclusion The maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) for petroleum asphalt fume is 8 mg / m ~ 3 and the time-weight average ( TWA ) is 5 mg / m ~ 3 .

  21. 结论提出我国车间空气中奥克托今最高容许浓度建议值为4mg/m3,时间加权平均容许浓度为2mg/m3。

    Conclusions It is proposed that MAC for octogen in the air of workplaces in this country may be set as 4 mg / m 3 , and its TWA 2 mg / m 3 .

  22. 结论参照国外对二氯苯的容许限值及有关标准、法规、建议及室内外环境数据等相关资料进行综合分析研究,提出室内空气中对二氯苯日平均最高容许浓度为1.0mg/m3。

    Conclusion Refered to the foreign data related allowable limited values , associational statutes , suggestion concentration and environmental monitoring reports , we suggest that the maximum allowable average ( per day ) concentration of p-dichlorobenzene in indoor air should be 1.0 mg / m3 .

  23. 结果表明,有8户住宅超过了我国室内空气质量标准GB/T18883-2002规定的甲醛最高容许质量浓度0.10mg/m3。

    The results show that the contents in 8 houses exceed the maximum allowable concentration of the formaldehyde ( 0.10 mg / m ~ 3 ), which is prescribed in the quality criterion of indoor air GB / T18883-2002 .