
  • Dose response relationship;【昆】dosage response relationship
  1. 本文对轻便脉冲给药泵的使用方法,以及LHRH剂量与反应的关系进行了讨论。

    The methodology of pulsatile administration of LHRH by portable pump and the relationship between the doses tested and their responses were discussed .

  2. 石棉粉尘接触剂量与肺功能反应关系

    A Study on Dose-response Relationship between Asbestos Exposure Level and Lung Function in Asbestos Workers

  3. 氯氮平的日剂量与流涎副反应的关系

    Relationship between the daily dosage and salivation of clozapine

  4. 吸入药物使用方法、剂量与发生不良反应的关系及药学服务效果

    The Relationship of Usage and Dosage of Inhalations with Adverse Drug Reactions and Effect of Pharmaceutical Care