
  1. 第二是现代项目管理组织的现代化。

    Second , the modernization of project management organization .

  2. 管理组织的现代化是企业管理现代化的基础,模具制造已逐步从传统的制造观念和方法向现代化的制造观念和方法转变,管理组织也应作相应的变革和创新。

    Modernization of management and organization is the base of modernization of enterprise management . Mould manufacturing is transforming from traditional manufacturing conception and method to modernized manufacturing conception and method . The management and organization should be transformed and innovated correspondingly .

  3. 在高科技产业迅速发展的今天,平衡计分卡(balancedscorecard)己被广泛应用于处理众多的各种各样的一次性任务,成为社会管理和组织管理现代化的重要内容。

    In the rapid development of high-tech industry today , the Balanced Scorecard has been widely used to deal with a large number of one-time task and plays an very important role in modern management and social organization .

  4. 文章认为,要实现高校思想政治工作现代化,就必须实现思想政治工作的观念现代化、内容现代化、方法现代化、队伍建设现代化和管理机制、组织机构现代化。

    The article holds that we must realize the idea modernization , content modernization , method modernization , modernization of building contingent and the management mechanism , organization 's modernization of the ideological and political work before realizing modernization of university 's ideological and political work .

  5. 本文论述了期刊编辑部现代化管理的职能、内容及方法。指出期刊编辑部现代化管理的内容主要指编辑主体的现代化、管理组织的现代化和管理手段的现代化;

    The paper discusses the function , content and method of the modern management of the journal editorial department and poits out that the content of the modern management of the journal editorial department chiefly means the modernization of the editorial body , the management organization and management means .