
  1. 大学管理思想现代化研究

    Issues on the modernization of university administrative ideas

  2. 通过对不同教育价值观的分析,我们可以提出市场经济条件下高校管理思想现代化所应该具有的价值取向。

    Through analysing different values of education , we can put forward the value tendency the higher learning institutions should have in modernization of managing thought .

  3. 本文指出高等教育管理思想的现代化,是为形成符合高等教育系统内在属性的管理价值观念和科学的管理理论而不断变革和发展的过程。

    This paper points out that the modernization of ideas concerning higher education administration is an ever changing and developing course for rendering of both the concept of managerial value and the theory of scientific management to comply with the inherent attributes of higher education system .

  4. ERP是基于西方现代管理思想发展起来的现代化管理模式,在财务上强调对企业内部活动的控制和处理。

    ERP , a modern management mode based on development of western management idea , emphasizes control and management of enterprise internal activities from an viewpoint of finance .

  5. 面向21世纪如何加强高校技术物资管理,本文从思想现代化、队伍自身建设、加强改革三方面进行阐释,力求提高高校技术物资管理质量和水平。

    This paper aims at finding ways to strengthen management of technical materials in universities on the basis of thinking modernization , personnel construction and necessary reform in the 21st century .

  6. 从四个方面阐述了学籍档案管理现代化,即管理思想现代化、管理手段现代化、管理方法的现代化和管理人员的现代化。

    The modernization of the students ' files management includes four aspects : they are the modernization of the management ideas , management means , methods and management stuff .

  7. 现代项目管理包含的内容极其广泛:第一是管理思想的现代化。

    Modern project management includes wide range of contents : First , the modernization of management thinking .

  8. 接着从组织的特殊性、管理价值观念和现代管理理论的运用三个方面探讨了高等教育管理思想现代化的主要内容。

    The paper goes on to deal with the main contents of the modernization of ideas concerning higher education administration in three aspects , namely , the speciality of organization , the concept of managerial value , and the theory of scientific management .

  9. 此外,要强调管理现代化,不仅要设备配置现代化,还要管理标准规范化,管理技术及管理思想现代化。

    In addition , the equipment of management is not only modernized , but also technology and ideology of management are modernized .