
ɡuǎn xián yuè tuán
  • orchestra
  1. 那个管弦乐团现在更有纪律性了,却丧失了灵魂。

    The orchestra has more discipline now , but at the expense of spirit .

  2. 威廉姆斯参与的八分钟动力民谣,一段搭配65人管弦乐团的合唱,以及一些沉郁的合成民谣(像一台安非他酮抗抑郁药吃完了的GPS导航仪在演奏一)。

    an eight-minute power-ballad featuring Paul Williams , a choir and a 65-person orchestra ; and a handful of downer synth ballads that sound like they 're being performed by a GPS device that 's gone off its Wellbutrin .

  3. 奥德伯格世界交响乐团的时任经理MarieBennell去了墨西哥,观看美洲青年管弦乐团的排练,因为这个乐团集结了很多当地音乐人才。

    Then Marie Bennell , the AWO 's orchestra manager , travelled to Mexico to watch a rehearsal of the Youth Orchestra of the Americas , an important recruiter of regional talent .

  4. 人们普遍认为精英管弦乐团是存在的。

    It is widely accepted that an elite of orchestras exists .

  5. 管弦乐团的首席演奏者通常都是第一小提琴手。

    The concertmaster of an orchestra is usually the first-chair violinist .

  6. 管弦乐团正为了音乐会在排练。

    The orchestra is [ are ] preparing for a concert .

  7. 这张上周三翻摄的照片,是费城管弦乐团的网站。

    A screenshot taken at the Philadelphia Orchestra Web site last Wednesday .

  8. 甚至管弦乐团,可以满足想要体验文化的游客。

    And even an orchestra for those who want to experience culture .

  9. 大学管弦乐团更需要大提琴手

    The cello is more in demand in university orchestras .

  10. 该管弦乐团目前正在德国巡回演出。

    The orchestra is currently on tour in Germany .

  11. 她最大的梦想是站在指挥台上指挥一个管弦乐团。

    Her biggest dream is to stand on the podium and conduct an orchestra .

  12. 在盛世的旅程中成长&香港管弦乐团上海音乐厅音乐会

    Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in Shanghai Concert Hall

  13. 管弦乐团作了一场非常引人入胜的演出。

    The orchestra gave a lively performance .

  14. 在大学管弦乐团的女生

    Girls who play in university orchestras .

  15. 当我预备好了要加入学校的管弦乐团,我兴奋得发抖。

    When I was ready to join the school orchestra , I trembled with excitement .

  16. 1958年担任华南电影工作者联合会民族管弦乐团指挥。

    In1958 , he was appointed conductor of South China Film Industry Workers Union Chinese Orchestra .

  17. 这个管弦乐团的演奏棒极了。

    The orchestral playing is superb .

  18. 昨日,明尼苏达管弦乐团的音乐家与管理层进行的合同谈判宣告破裂,他们可能面临失业风险。

    Minnesota Orchestra musicians are facing a lockout possibly after their contract talks with management collapsed yesterday .

  19. 若您没有听过音契合唱管弦乐团的圣诞音乐会,这回绝对不能再错过!

    If you have never attended a Yinqi Christmas concert , you must not miss it again .

  20. 她的愿望是希望有一天能成为伊拉克第一位指挥一流管弦乐团的女指挥家。

    Her ambition is to one day be the first Iraqi female conductor of a leading orchestra .

  21. 去年八月,管弦乐团的成员与国外的音乐家们首次见面。

    Members of the orchestra and the musicians from abroad met for the first time last August .

  22. 我不得不说,现在他们当中的很多人遍布于世界各地的专业管弦乐团。

    And I have to say , many of them now in the professional orchestras throughout the world .

  23. 巴松管往往被视为管弦乐团的小丑,巴松管莎拉亚伯拉罕肯定会同意。

    Bassoon is often regarded as the clown of the orchestra , and bassoonist Sarah Abraham would certainly agree .

  24. 二十岁不到,她就在一个饱受战争蹂躏、政局动荡的国家里组建了这么一个朝气蓬勃的管弦乐团。

    Still a teenager , she has created a flourishing orchestra in a politically unstable country devastated by war .

  25. (指乐队、管弦乐团等)开始演奏(某乐曲)

    ( of a band , an orchestra , etc ) begin to play ( a piece of music )

  26. 芝加哥交响乐团以演奏古典音乐著称。管弦乐团正为了音乐会在排练。

    Chicago orchestra is known for their classical music . The orchestra is [ are ] preparing for a concert .

  27. 你与两个不同组织的开发部主管交谈其中一个来自青年管弦乐团,另一个来自一家艺术画廊并安排好现场考察的时间。

    You talk with the development directors for two different organizations-a youth orchestra and an art galleryand schedule site visits .

  28. 对于管弦乐团,他也有一些自己的看法,所以我强烈认为他应该担任此职。

    He had a few ideas for it , too , so I felt very strongly he should get the job .

  29. 波士顿通俗管弦乐团的演出也为轻音乐树立了国际水准。

    The activities of the Boston Pops Orchestra have established an international standard for the performance of lighter kinds of music .

  30. 禁居时期的最后四年里桑德林同时站上了德累斯顿国家管弦乐团的指挥台。

    He stayed for17 years , the last four of which also saw him at the helm of the Staatskapelle Dresden .