
ɡuǎn lǐ tǐ xì
  • management system
  1. 要完善重大疫情防控体制机制,健全公共卫生应急管理体系,深入开展爱国卫生运动。

    Efforts should be made to improve both the mechanism and the public health emergency response and management system , and to carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns .

  2. GECapital完善的投资业务的风险管理体系;

    GE Capital has perfect risk management system ;

  3. 案例正文真实地记录了埃美公司的人力资源管理体系和合并过程中出现的问题

    The body text veraciously recorded EM company ? s HR management systemand problems raised from the merger .

  4. MW公司绩效管理体系的建立与实施

    The Establishment and Implementation of Performance Management System for MW Corporation

  5. 面向ERP系统实施的知识管理体系研究

    Research on KMS for the Implementation of ERP

  6. 集成PYRAMID激励机制的P2P节点管理体系架构研究

    Research on Pyramid Incentive Embedded Peer Management Architecture for P2P Network

  7. Linux进程管理体系的研究与分析

    Research of Process Management of Linux

  8. 食品企业ISO综合管理体系构建的研究

    The Application of the ISO Synthetical Management System on Food Enterprise

  9. HG化工工程公司的薪酬管理体系设计

    HG Chemistry Engineering Company Compensation Management System Design

  10. 论ISO9000质量管理体系与职业学校管理

    Discuss ISO 9000 Quality and Management System and Vocational School Management

  11. 煤矿企业建立ISO9000质量管理体系的思考

    Consideration to Establishment of ISO9000 Quality Management System in Coal Enterprise

  12. HACCP系统是一个食品质量和安全管理体系。

    HACCP system is a safety system of quality control .

  13. ERP与ISO9000质量管理体系

    ERP and ISO9000 Quality Management System

  14. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)作为知识管理体系的基础支撑软件,成为企业信息化建设的关键。

    Office Automation ( OA ) as a basic software for knowledge management system is a key of information building for enterprises .

  15. 推行HSE管理体系提高车间安全管理水平

    Pursuing HSE management system to increase safety management level for workshop

  16. 引入ISO9000质量管理体系实施图书馆规范化服务

    Importing ISO9000 Quality Control System and Implementing Library Standardization Service

  17. 并已通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证及欧洲CE认证。

    And has passed ISO9001 quality management system certification and European CE certification .

  18. XX公司营销管理体系的建立

    Foundation of the Marketing Management System of XX Company

  19. 运用HSE管理体系加强隐患治理

    Apply the HSE Management System , Strengthen Hidden Hazards Control

  20. ISO9000质量管理体系在医院护理质量管理中的实践研究

    Application of ISO 9000 Standardized Quality Control System in Hospital Nursing Quality Management

  21. 护理部在医院建立ISO9000质量管理体系中的职能作用

    The function of nursing department in the establishing ISO9000 system of quality control

  22. 实施HSE管理体系加强安全精细管理

    Implementing HSE Management System and Strengthening Safety Painstaking Management

  23. HSE管理体系在国际化清洗工程中的应用

    Application of HSE MS in international chemical cleaning project

  24. HSE管理体系在大庆油田联合泵站的应用

    The Application of HSE Management System in Daqing Oilfield

  25. HSE管理体系在采油单位的实践

    Practice of HSE Management System in Oil Extraction Enterprise

  26. HSE管理体系在石化装置的应用

    Application of HSE management system in the petrochemical plant

  27. ISO质量管理体系在园林工程中的实践&PDCA循环在园林工程施工阶段的运用

    Apply ISO quality management system in the landscape project & apply PDCA circle into the landscape project construct control

  28. ISO9000质量管理体系、HSE管理体系与标准化工作是密不可分的。

    ISO9000 Quality Management System , HSE Management System and standardized work are inseparable .

  29. ISO9000提出的质量管理体系方法是建立在系统论的基础上的。

    The quality control system measure put foward by ISO9000 is based on system theory .

  30. ISO9001质量管理体系与现行急诊管理体制

    ISO 9001 quality management system and current emergency medicine administration system