
  • 网络ship finance;shipping finance
  1. 船舶融资对于船舶业的发展至关重要。

    Ship finance plays a crucial important role in the development of ship industry .

  2. 正文分四章:第一章为船舶融资概述。

    The mainbody is divided into four parts : The first part summarizes the ship finance .

  3. 在第4章中,本文通过较为成熟的BP神经网络风险评价模型建立船舶融资租赁项目风险评价模型。

    In Chapter 4 , the risk assessment model of shipping finance leasing project is set up through the BP neural network which has been used maturely .

  4. 关于在我国推行船舶融资租赁的研究

    The Research on the Implementation of China 's Shipping Financial Lease

  5. 船舶融资租购合同中若干问题探讨

    A Study on Some Questions of Bareboat Charter with Financial Hire Purchase

  6. 发展船舶融资租赁引领航运事业振兴

    Developing ship financing charter party and promoting the shipping industry

  7. 船舶融资租赁风险及保障机制

    The Risks and the Protection System of Ship Financing Lease

  8. 船舶融资租赁的法律研究

    Abstract of The Study on Application of Law of Shipping Finance Lease Contract

  9. 船舶融资租凭中银行风险规避的法律问题研究

    A Legal Study on Avoidance of Banks ' Risks in Financial Lease of Ships

  10. 关于船舶融资租凭合同若干问题的法律研究

    Legal Study on Shipping Financing Lease Contract

  11. 船舶融资具有资金需求量大投资回收期长、融资风险高、融资方式多样,决策难度大等特点。

    Shipping financing is one kind of great investment and the recycling time is long .

  12. 浅谈船舶融资租赁

    A discussion on ship financing and leasing

  13. 在国际金融市场发展船舶融资业务。

    Shipping financing in international finance market .

  14. 无论是订造新船还是购买二手船,船舶融资都是所需资金的主要来源。

    Shipping finance is the main resource for purchasing vessels , both new buildings and second-hand acquisitions .

  15. 因此本人尝试建立国际船舶融资租赁登记制度的架构。

    Hence , the writer tries to build the frame of international ship financing lease . 2 .

  16. 论国内的船舶融资环境(英文)中国资本市场特点及发展趋势

    Shipping Finance Environment In China

  17. 第三章简单介绍了国外税收政策对发展其船舶融资租赁业的扶持。

    The third chapter briefly introduces how the foreign tax policies to support their ship financial leasing development .

  18. 船舶融资即指航运业中的经济主体融通和筹措船舶投资资金的行为和活动。

    Shipping financing is the action of the ship - owner who raising money to invest into the ship .

  19. 目前我国的船舶融资实践中存在融资主体提供担保能力不足的问题,影响了造船业发展,而海商法确立的在建船舶抵押制度由于开展过程中面临诸多复杂问题,效果甚微。

    The development of China 's shipbuilding industry is currently plagued by insufficiency of security in marine finance practice .

  20. 随着船舶融资业的发展,银行越来越重视对融资风险的控制。

    With the development of shipping finance business , banks are paying more attention to controlling the risks of financing .

  21. 船舶融资租赁合同纠纷案件的审判和实体法律适用存在误区。

    Case of shipping finance lease contract can not avoid certain misinterpretations in the process of trial and application of law .

  22. 国际船舶融资租赁当中各方当事人的权利与义务,以及权益遭到损害时的救济手段。

    Parties ' rights and duties in international ship financing lease , and the measures when their legal rights are harmed .

  23. 船舶融资租赁是境内外船东购买船舶的主要手段之一。

    Ship financial leasing is one of the main means which the domestic and foreign ship owners used for purchasing ships .

  24. 其次介绍了船舶融资租赁的形式与特点,并针对其特点探讨了其在我国应用的前景。

    Secondly , this essay introduced the form and features of the shipping financial lease and discussed its prospect of implementation .

  25. 作为一种新的船舶融资方式,船舶融资租赁在我国起步较晚,发展还不成熟。

    The shipping financial leasing , as a new way of shipping financing , develop relatively late and immature in our country .

  26. 在结论部分,阐述了本文尚存在的不足以及对于船舶融资租赁项目风险研究的展望。

    In the part of conclusion , shortcomings existing and outlook of shipping finance leasing project research in this paper are elaborated .

  27. 在我国,目前也已经有部分企业开展了船舶融资租赁业务,然而还很少。

    In China , some of the enterprises began to start the business of shipping financing lease , but the number is limited .

  28. 我国《海商法》对船舶融资缺乏系统的规定,仅对船舶抵押作出了一些原则性的规定。

    The Maritime Code of China does not character what the shipping financial leasing is except some principled stipulation to the ship mortgage .

  29. 最后,本文提出我国发展国际船舶融资租赁业的若干对策,以期对实务界能有所裨益。

    Lastly , it puts forward several advisable measures for China to develop such international transaction and expects to give helps in practice thereby .

  30. 首先,本文从集装箱航运企业船舶融资的现状入手,在论文的前面部分介绍了船舶融资各阶段的发展史,船舶融资的各种方法、特点以及详细分析。

    In the foregoing part , the various stages of development history , various methods , characteristics and detailed analysis of shipping financing are given .